The story…

The ‘Magic Chinese’ journey starts when Melissa and her family go to a flea market and buy what they thinkis a compass.It is old and rusty, with many dials and buttons that seem more like decorations than anything else.Beautiful designs are carved into the lid. Even though the compass doesn’t seem to work very well, Melissa still loves it. What she doesn’t realize is that the compass is going to change her life and that of her friends.

On the day after she buys the compass, Melissa, as always, gets together with her four good friends in Peter’s garage. Excitedly, Melissa shows everyone the compass. Peter immediately declares that he knows how to make it work,but Tom barges his way in, snatching the compass and wildly pressing all of the buttons and turning all of the dials.Suddenly, strange, glowing words appear as if by magic in the air. Tom drops the compass out of surprise, but the words remain. Everyone is astonished by them.

They ask Peter at once what these words mean. Peter explains that they are times and dates in Chinese, but he doesn’t know why they are there or how they have appeared. Melissa exclaims that it doesn’t matter. She thinks that everything that has occurred so far is extremely exciting and just like what is told in fantasy stories. Maybe the compass will take them to a magical world! However, something strange happens.When Reggie pushes the upper left key, the compass screen promptly displays English on what looks like a computer screen. It seems to have turned into a translator.

I.故事發展 (Narration)

Melissa is showing this curious-looking compass to her friends. While everyone is watching intently, Peter declares that he knows how to use it. Tom barges in immediately and begins to press all the buttons and dials. Suddenly, strange, glowing words appears as if by magic in the air. Tom drops the compass out of surprise, but the words remain. Everyone is astonished by them.

II. 課文對話 (Dialogue)

Tom / Look! What’s this? Hey, there are some amazing symbols. I wonder what language this is.
Peter / I know. I know. That’s Chinese. They are numbers 1-10. “一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九十.”
Linda / What? (mimicking)….yi, er, san, si, wu, ………..
Wow! That’s really cool. I want to learn it.
Peter / Look! Here is the date. “二零零七年十月二十六日.”
Melissa / (Looking at the time machine) What about this?
Peter / That’s the time. “下午三點二十六 分.”
Tom / Look at this! I think this button gives the sound. Listen!
Time Machine (pronouncing :) / 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九十.

III. 詞彙 Vocabulary /Words

IV. 語法與句型 Grammar Points, Sentence Patterns

今天 (是)幾月幾號?
你的生日 / 今天 星期幾? / 上午 九點 十 分下午 三點 二十分 / 一年 有 365天.
一個月 30
二月 28

補充詞彙Words to help.

今天 / 有 / 星期
今 年 / 電 話 / 點
生日 / 是 / 個
快樂 / 零 / 幾
你 / 的

VI. 動腦活動 Performing Tasks

A. 唱歌: 用 One little, two little, three little Indian 曲調


一個, 兩個, 三個小孩; 四個, 五個, 六個 小孩; 七個,八個, 九個 小孩 十個小孩通通來.

B. 連連看 Dot to Dot (做一個連接點到點的圖畫,讓學生從一連到一百.)

C. 畫一隻長長的蜈蚣,讓學生猜猜看一共有多少隻腳?


VII. 文化知識 Culture Notes

A. (What significance do numbers have in Chinese culture.) Chinese believe that some numbers are more auspicious than others, such as 6 and 8 represent good fortune, while 4 is an unlucky number. The number 4 is consideredan unlucky number in the same way that Westerners believe13 is an unlucky number. The number 4 is homophonic (sounding the same) as the word for“death”, and is therefore often avoided.

B. 在這裡畫出中國人如何用手語來表達數字 1-10.