June 6, 2010

Solemnity of

the Most Holy Trinity

Proverbs 8:22-31; Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15 [166C]

Jesus said to his disciples, “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming… Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you.”

We remind ourselves that this instruction or prayer of Jesus was intended for His disciples of all time, including me as I read His words. I wonder what other things the Lord wanted to tell His friends, but they had to wait until the coming of the Spirit which we celebrated last week.

He didn’t have to tell them how much He loved them. He proved it by his death and resurrection. He taught them by words and deeds how they were to live. He asked of them to keep His commandment, ‘love one another as I have loved you.’ Jesus spoke in the form of a conversation, a dialogue.

Now I ask what more do I have to tell Jesus. I speak of my needs and those of my family, my world. I speak of my gratitude for the gift of health, life, for my faith, for my parish family. I speak of the great things He has shown me, His love and that of the Father. He told us He and the Father are one.

Some years ago a priest from Detroit wrote a book, using an incident in it for the title. It was simply ‘The Father is very fond of me’. Jesus constantly is telling of this fact. He is always asking us to respond.

Can you bear it now?

HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly

First Communion. May 16. 2010
Children receiving First Communion with their instructors.
(Center) Anna Ziemski and (left) Margaret Liol were the co-teachers of the First Communion class at St. Joseph’s Church this year.
(right) Annie Abate. Annie is a second grade teacher at the Academy of St. Joseph. Three boys from her class were among the children.
Ready for your best summer ever? Join us.

Come To Summer School at Academy Of St. Joseph!
June 28 to July 30; Ages 3 to 8
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM—morning program perfect for busy city kids.
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·  Book a week at a time or choose all 5 weeks.
·  Discounts for multiple weeks, siblings, referrals. * $375 per week.
Academy of St. Joseph, 111 Washington Place, NYC 10014
For more information, 212-243-5420; www.academyofsaintjoseph.org
Carmela De Lucia, mother of Fr. Vincent, passed away on Wednesday, May 26. Our condolences to Fr. Vincent; please pray for Carmela and Fr. Vincent.

At all Masses the Weekend of May 29

Fr. Bob Klein, C.S.B. will be here to speak at all the Masses about the work of the Priests of the Basilian Fathers Missions among the poor and needy they serve in their Latin American Apostolate. There will be a special collection to help them in their efforts to bring the Gospel of God’s love to the poor and needy. Please be generous in your prayers and sacrifices. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 @ 6:00 PM

The Yale Club 50 Vanderbilt Avenue

Facing the Challenges to Faith in Christ Today:

The Dominican Way with Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, O.P.

Archbishop DiNoia is Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments will explore the reasonableness of faith in the Creator.

Employing the “Dominican Way” (the Dominican intellectual tradition begun by St. Dominic and crowned by the achievements of St. Thomas Aquinas). Archbishop DiNoia will examine three specific challenges and the cultural assumptions that underlie them: what it means to call Christ the Savior, what it means to be authentically human, and what it means to be moral.

Tuesday, June 2 @ 7:00PM

Come Join Lay Spirits for an Evening with Kerry Kennedy author of Being Catholic Now: Prominent Americans Talk about Change in the Church and the Quest for Meaning" writing by Kerry Kennedy.

At St. Francis Xavier Church, 55 West 15th Street
Suggested donation: $15
For more information: 212.627.2100 x 216

The collection for May 23 was $6,400. Thank you.

The Dominican Annual Appeal is a sustained annual giving program to meet the ongoing needs of the Province.

Please pick up the newest issue of The Trumpet and read all about it. The newsletter is on the table in the Narthex.





2 Tm 4:1-8/Mk 12:38-44

12:10 PM

5:30 PM

SUNDAY, May 30 The Solmenity of the Most Holy Trinity

9:00 AM Catherine Doyle (living)

11:30 AM George Cannon

6:00 PM Catherine Doyle (living

MONDAY, May 31 Memorial Day: Rectory office is closed.

Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/Lk 1:39-56

12:10 PM Parishioners who died in the war

5:30 PM

TUESDAY, June 1 St. Justin, martyr

2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18/Mk 12:13-17

12:10 PM Albert Rezzo

5:30 PM

WEDNESDAY, June 2 St. Marcellinu & St. Peter, martyrs

2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12/Mk 12:18-27

12:10 PM John A. Burns

5:30 PM

THURSDAY, June 3 St. Charles Lwanga & his companions, martyrs

2 Tm 2:8-15/Mk 12:28-34

12:10 PM Carl & Angelo Conetta

5:30 PM

FRIDAY, June 4

2 Tm 3:10-17/Mk 12:35-37

12:10 PM Successful Surgery (Dora Arcomano)

5:30 PM

SATURDAY, June 5 St. Boniface, bishop & martyr

2 Tm 4:1-8/Mk 12:38-44

12:10 PM

5:30 PM Anne Genega


10:00 AM / Children’s Religious Studies / Casserly
10:00 AM / Sunday Scripture Discussion / Library
2:30 PM / Roman Forum Lectures / Casserly
7:00 PM / Grad Law / Casserly/Rectory
6:30 PM / Centering Prayer / Church
7:00 PM / YACHT Club for Young Adults / Casserly/Library
7:00 PM / Aquinas Circle of Undergraduates / Casserly/Library
6:30 PM / Korean Catholic Students / Casserly/Library
7:00 PM 2nd /mo / Altar Rosary / Library
6:30 PM 1st /mo / Pax Christi Bd Mtg / PCMNY
7:00 PM / Newman Club / Casserly/Library
6:00 PM 1st/mo / Novena/ Sacred Heart / Church
6:15 PM / St. Egidio Prayer / Church
10:00-3:00 PM / Soup Kitchen / Casserly
12:30 PM 1st/mo / Blessing of the Sick / Church
6:00 PM / Alcoholics Anonymous / Casserly