Glentworth Parish Council

Parish Clerk – Brian Brooks Glentworth Village Hall Stoney Lane Glentworth DN21 5DF

Email - Tel 07932330552

Minutes of the meeting of GlentworthParish Council held at 7.30pm on Monday 16thFebruary2015 at the Village Hall Glentworth.

Present:Cllrs CJ Reeve (Chair) WJ Annibal BG Lee BR Stevenson

Also present: BK Brooks Clerk/RFOWard Cllrs Howitt-Cowan & Patterson

Public participation- None

Cllr Reeve opened the meeting.

1502/1Apologies for absenceCllrs Ibiricu Montgomery

1502/2Declaration of Interest

  1. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. - NONE
  2. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.- NONE

1502/3Minutes of Previous meeting

The minutes of the Parish Council Meetingheld on Monday 5th January 2015were approved and signed as a true and correct record.

1502/4Clerk’s Report Items clarified and noted: -

Submitted response PL/0271

Booked LALC Training

FP 90 -Church Street to Coachroad HillAgenda 1502/8c

Researched BroadbandAgenda 1502/9a

Researched PA 128940Agenda 1502/9b

1502/5Delegate Reports

  1. The Chairman informed of the hedge work carried out at the Pocket Park and will discuss further with the contractor.
  2. Cllr Stevenson informed that the next Village Hall meeting will be held on 10th March to which Cllr Reeve will attend to identify/discuss joint projects.
  3. Play Area ROSPA InspectionAll items have been addressed.
  4. Play Area Weekly Safety Inspection Reports receivedNo Action required
  5. Pocket Park Weekly Safety Inspection Reports receivedNo Action required

1502/6Parish issues

Clerk to take up with the appropriate authority.

Notify LCC of overhanging tree branches encroaching on to Chapel Lane adjacent the Pocket Park

1502/7Planning NotificationsNONE

1502/8Correspondence For Discussion/Decision

  1. Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Consultation OpenNOTED
  2. Core Strategy & Development Management Policies 2015NOTED
  3. FP 90 -Church Street to Coachroad Hill

LCC have advised that the repaired damage was attributable to use of the route with motor vehicles and that this was passable with care in a saloon car before the works. If there is increased use / misuse of this with motor vehicles then they would act in an advisory capacity should the track's owner seek to restrict this. They don't however propose any barriers or bollards as a county council initiative to prevent misuse. NOTED

Resolved to request WLDC to restrict the use of this route by the Refuse Lorry.

  1. Residents request for FP & Street Lighting on Kexby Rd
  1. FPExtention

Cllr Reeve volunteered to ascertain the length of additional footwayrequired

Resolved to request LCC Highways to carry out this project.

  1. Street Lighting

LCC do not provide funding for additional street lights but where a local council are prepared to finance new lights then providing the installation has prior highway authority approval, is on maintained highway and installed to the County Council’s specification, the County Council, upon completion of the installation, will adopt the light and pay energy and maintenance charges. Resolved to obtain costs

  1. DefibrillatorCllr Annabel reported on various options and will continue to progress and report at the next meeting.
  2. Village PlantingDeferred
  3. LALC Annual Subscriptions 2015/16Resolved to approve @ £ 99.77
  4. LALC Training 2015/16Resolved to approve @ £ 45.00

1502/9Correspondence for InformationNOTED : -

  1. Broadband Installation- Programme progressing.
  2. Wind Farm Inquiry completed-Awaiting Inspectors decision.
  3. St Georges Hill Road Closure for Essential maintenance works by BT Openreach on 16th Jan
  4. Community Lincs News & Updates

1502/10Representative’s Reports

CllrsHowitt-Cowan & Pattersonthanked the PC and residents for their actions with the Wind Turbine Planning Application andreferred to the imminent end of the current term of the council together with grant system deadlines.


Financial report and monthly accounts for payment – Resolved to approve for signing and payment.

1502/12Minor Items

  1. To take any points from members.NONE
  2. Matters of correspondence for information which arrived after the agenda was posted.

1502/13Agenda Items for the next meetingNONE

1502/14To confirm the date and time of the next meeting as 7.30pm on Monday 16thMarch 2015 at the Village Hall.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm

Signed:Date 16thMarch 2015Page 1 of 2