Newsletter - Winter 2017/18

FLU Vaccine.

If you haven’t had your flu jab yet, we do still have some available. Please make sure you make an appointment soon. You are eligible for a FREE vaccine if you are over age 65 or have diabetes, asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, have had a stroke or have lowered immunity, if you are a carer for someone else or if you are currently pregnant. Please make an appointment whilst we have vaccine in stock.

Receptionist Training.

Our reception and admin teams are taking part in some training sessions with staff from all of the other local practices. The training will assist the staff in directing patients to the most appropriate clinician or service. Sometimes the GP will not the best or right person to help you. The training is being provided by a national training company in conjunction with Lincolnshire East Clinical Commissioning Group (LECCG) and NHS England as part of the commitment to neighbourhood working and the General Practice Forward View (GPFV) 5 year plan for the NHS. Our GPs fully support the training as it will enable practices to make more effective use of the appointments that are available and ensure that patients receive the right care and the right treatment from the right service – first time round! Don’t be surprised if the receptionist asks you a few questions when you are booking an appointment, these will have been agreed between the local GPs and Practice Managers and are designed to point you in the right direction as efficiently as possible. The receptionists will not try to diagnose, they will not decide treatment plans and they are not trying to stop you from seeing a GP if that’s what you need; they simply want to help you get the best out of the services that we are able to provide. If you don’t want to tell the receptionists why you’re calling that’s fine too, but please appreciate that the GP may not be able to help and possibly direct you elsewhere. Please help us to get this right. It’s a new way of working in order to preserve GP service (and the whole NHS) for the future.

DNAs – Patients that Did Not Attend appointments.

1st Jan 2016 – 31st Dec 2016–228 Hours & 18 Minutes (12 Months)

1st Jan 2017 – 30th Nov 2017 – 220 Hours & 15 Minutes (11 Months)

This is quite clearly unacceptable and putting a massive impact on our service.We urge patients to make sure they turn up for their appointment on time and that if they no longer need the appointment then let us know so that we can cancel the appointment in good time allowing other patients the opportunity to get in that day.

Other Agencies` Contacts.

The Out of Hours Service: Can be contacted by calling 111 when the surgery is closed from 6.30pm to 8.00am on weekdays, at weekends and on Bank Holidays.

NHS 111:NHS 111 is a service which makes it easier for you to access NHS services.

NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is free when you telephone 111. You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency.

Minor Injury Units: Johnson Community Hospital SpaldingWalk-in service for cuts, strains and sprains etc. Open 8.00 am to 6.00 pm, 7 days a week. Telephone 01775 652000

Sleaford Medical Group: 47 Boston Road Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 7HD

Open 8.00am – 8.00pm weekdays and 8.00am – 6.00pm weekendsTelephone 01529 419100


Monday to Friday 9.00am to 6.30pm.

We dispense medication to patients who live more than 1 mile (1.6 Km) from a community pharmacy. Please allow 48 hours (2 working days) from ordering before coming to collect medication.

You can order repeat prescriptions by telephoning 01205 722437 (option 2) this is a 24hr service or online if you are registered for this service.

If you run out of medications when the surgery is closed you can obtain a 3 day ‘emergency’ supply form a community pharmacy on production of your repeat medication slip: there is a charge for this service.

Local Pharmacy.

Your local pharmacist can provide confidential, expert advice and treatment for a range of common illnesses and complaints, without you having to go to your GP or other healthcare setting.

Coughs, colds and sore throats: adults can mostly be self-treated at home and don’t need to see a GP. These illnesses are caused by a virus and are not helped by taking antibiotics. The most important thing is to relieve pain and reduce temperature, try to keep cool, drink plenty of fluids and take paracetamol at the recommended dose. Be careful not to overdose on cough and cold remedies which also contain paracetamol. If your symptoms have not improved after 7 – 10 days then you need to speak to a GP or nurse. Remember to wrap up well if you need to go out. And please remember to keep an eye on any elderly neighbours or relative during the winter months.

On-line services.

You can still register for on line services – order your prescriptions via the internet! You can also book or cancel appointments on line. Patients registered for on line services will also be able to view a summary of their medical record and request access to more detailed records. Please ask at reception for a password and login details, a valid e-mail address is required for this service and you may be asked to provide proof of identity. You can also sign up at reception for our free text appointment reminder service.

Friends Family Test.

Please fill in a response form at the F & F Booth (Table and Chair) in the downstairs waiting area or go onto our website at give us your feedback. No personal details needed. We have to submit a monthly report to NHS England so your contributions will be very much appreciated.

Practice Closure.

The practice will be closed for Christmas holidays:

Saturday 23 December 2017

Sunday 24 December 2017

Monday 25 December 2017

Tuesday 26 December 2017

Saturday 30 December 2017

Sunday 31 December 2017

Monday 1 January 2018

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