BNI Chapters That Demand Results

Living the Life We Want . . .

“More Referrals, Quicker Sales.”

Ivan Misner, Founder, BNI

"Is our goal to make a living or create a life; for the best way to predict the future is to invent it."

Tom Fleming, Executive Director, BNI

"Living the life we want requires us to create a vision for our life & to build into that

vision activities and relationships that are important to us."

Abby Donnelly, President Strategic-Choices.com


YOUR NAME: ______

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VISION – Think long term. What is your 2 year Vision for your chapter?

MISSION – Think short term. What Mission will guide your chapter towards this Vision?

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Vision from Bluewater BNI in Port Huron, Michigan

We are a harmonious group of professionals that are extremely positive and productive. We are a team that continues to evolve, constantly becoming more efficient and referral driven.

Vision Idea #1:

To be a well-known and respected team of professionals who are gate-keepers to businesses that provide amazing service and follow-up. We maintain our chapters size of 50+ to keep our group vibrant and strong!

Vision Idea #2:

To be a BNI chapter that is focused on two ultimate goals: 1) Members Making More Money and 2) Having FUN. We know visitors come in two sizes: 1) Visitors (or prospective members) and 2) Guests (who are buyers who add to closed business and also spread the word about our chapter). We thrive on education and we focus on the BNI system to maintain a strong healthy chapter that is always over 50 members.

Vision Idea #3

We are a business group that passes over $2,000,000 of closed business per year and we have FUN doing it. We are well known for being gracious and welcoming to those who visit. We are optimistic and we support each other; we engage in givers gain in all our interactions.

Mission Statement Ideas

·  Flying to 40 by December 1.

·  Thundering to 30 by January 30!

·  Thrive at 45 by January 15th.

·  30 by 5/30!

·  Leaping to 20 Strong by 2-29-2012.

Note: When you attain your Mission, quickly establish a new one.

POSSIBLE MECHANISMS for each Success Driver


Have members set and monitor their own individual goals along the 8 success drivers on a weekly basis

Attendance –

EC - “importance of" Attendance and impact on Referrals and TYFCB

Acknowledge people for perfect attendance monthly

BNI Game

EC - How/where to find a sub

Handout Monthly PALMS report to members (continue monthly)

"Bring Your Sub Day"

Appoint Open Networking Champion to take charge for implementing Open Networking Exercise weekly

Dir10 – Value of a substitute

EC or Dir10 – Who makes a good substitute

EC – Chapter Leader roles and importance for chapter and impact on agenda

EC – Assign Podcast # ___ for members to listen and come prepared to discuss during following week EC spot

P – Introduce meeting stimulant for following week to keep meetings fun: Radio Spot, etc.

Chapter prepares and delivers ex: Radio Spot 60 second presentation for meeting stimulant

ON – Business Card exchange for 1:1s, do each others 60 second presentation following week

Queen of Hearts 50/50 raffle to encourage early arrival (draw 3 when 100% attendance)

Hold Chapter Vision contest for members to recite Chapter Vision


EC - Education on "Importance of" - Why & How (GAINS)

EC - Relationship between Referrals & 1:1's

Presidents – Stress value of 1:1’s in NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION

Acknowledge people for MOST 1:1's monthly

Promote Advanced Training Module on 1:1's

BNI Game

ON - "Business Card Swap" - Execute 1:1, then deliver each others’ presentation the following week

Use of BNIConnect to exchange profile info

ON Exercise - To schedule 1:1’s for the month

Weekly VP Report – Reference 1:1 Goal of the chapter on a per member per week basis

EC – Assign Podcast # ___ for members to listen and come prepared to discuss during following week EC spot

Create CD with 5 podcasts about building strong relationships – make 5 copies for chapter library

Hold 1:1 contest – assign a champion to the contest

Recognize winning team of 1:1 contest and have a few of the winners give testimonial to the value

EC – (or 1:1 Coordinator) choose 3 members to report on referrals generated from 1:1s in past month

EC – members update 1:1 sheets and turn in or email to EC for tracking/accountability

Select 1:1 Coordinator to promote 1:1 activity during weekly meeting

Hold Lazer/Speed 1:1 activity following a meeting to encourage full 1:1s


Promote availability of training (When & Where) via email, flyers/registration forms, announcements & testimonials

Attend Member Success Program within 30 days of Membership

Sponsor or Sponsor with a Sister Chapter a Chapter Sponsored Advanced Training Session

Encourage existing members to attend Member Success Program, especially HOSTING a member they sponsored

Use Testimonials from former attendees with regards to “What they got from the training?”

Education around the “value or training” by EC's and MC's

Create a chapter library with educational Books and CD's & distribute items to the members

BNI Game

Acknowledge members attending trainings through monthly recognition

Acknowledge monthly leaders (Visitors, Referrals, 1:1's etc) with "Scholarships" to trainings (Paid by chapter kitty)

Encourage ALL members to attend Leadership Team Training and Spring Summit Sessions

Set-up monthly Podcast party to review and discuss 5 podcasts (can be themed for inviting, referrals, etc.)

EC makes upcoming Member Success and other trainings part of announcements each week

CEU's (continued)

EC – Assign Podcast # ___ for members to listen and come prepared to discuss during following week EC spot

EC – select 2-4 members to do testimonial about what they learned at Member Success Program

Chapter field trip to Member Success Program – Champion brings computer to assist registrations at meeting

Chapter field trip to Advanced Training __ module – Champion brings computer to assist registrations at meeting

Chapter host Chapter Sponsored Advanced Training

Fast Track Program

Visitors per Month (many mechanisms for Visitors also apply to New Memberships & # of Members)

Treating "every week as visitors day" with members bringing visitors weekly

Encourage members to attend "non BNI networking" events to expand their networks

Education around the importance of visitors and 100% participation from members in inviting visitors

EC and/or MC - Education around Identifying and Inviting (I-Squared) Visitors

Education around Power Teams and Power Team Implementation (Advanced Training - Referral Session)

EC assign last month’s winner of the “Most Visitors” Award for EC spot on “How did you do it?”

Visitors Day (April & May)

Stack Days

Post Card Program (Involve with Director)

"Bring your Sub” day

"Bring your Best Vendor” day

"Bring your Best Client” day

Double your Chapter Day

Use BNIConnect to request specific Visitors your Chapter is looking for

Dir10 – Value of a substitute

EC – Who to use as a substitute

EC – Assign Podcast # ___ for members to listen and come prepared to discuss during following week EC spot

Create "Profession" tent cards for Chapter Meeting and leave empty seats

Create CD with 5 podcasts about inviting – make 5 copies for chapter library

Acknowledge members that bring the most Visitors monthly

BNI Game

Handout PALMS to members monthly

Handout CD's regarding "Inviting Visitors" to members

Meeting announcement to local newspapers promoting chapter

EC – Help members to create chapter Top 10 Most Wanted Profession List

Post Most Wanted Profession list on Chapter Website

Post Card Program (Involve with Director)

Members target 2 professions to invite from their contact sphere

EC – Have members practice “Language of Inviting” scripts

New Memberships per Month (many mechanisms for Visitors also apply to New Memberships)

Run an exceptional meeting each week with LT members executing their roles flawlessly

VH - run a PROPER Visitor Orientation after meeting

Execute at least 2 Invitations during the meeting for Visitors to participate in a Visitor Orientation immediately following the meeting

VH - arrive early to meeting to greet and welcome Visitors, set-up welcome table

President, VP or Director to sit in on Visitor Orientation

VH call Visitors after meeting ("What did you like best? Any questions? Come back next week for a 2nd visit")

VH Fax Visitor Sign In Sheet weekly to Director Consultant

MC – educate what is/how to attract HIGH LEVEL PLAYERS as new members into the chapter

Review Applications Flow Procedure with Visitor Hosts, MC and S/T to assure 7 Day Process

MC – report on 3-5 open professions during MC report – “Call to Action”

Post Most Wanted Profession list on Chapter Website

Hold Podcast party to listen and discuss 5 podcasts on inviting & growing the chapter

Schedule a chapter social to promote and foster relationships

EC – Review “Good Networking Questions to Engage Visitors”

Recognize members who brought the most visitors that became members

# of Members (many mechanisms for Visitors & New Memberships also apply to # of Members)

Execute effectively on "Visitors per month" and "Memberships per Month" above and it will all take care of itself.

Flawless execution of Pre/Post Meeting Visitor Host roles

MC – education on roles of Membership Committee

MC – education series, how to read the PALMS report and How members can use to increase their performance

Hold Podcast party to listen and discuss 5 podcasts on inviting & growing the chapter

Schedule a chapter social to promote and foster relationships

Chapter put in place Mentoring Coordinator

P – selects team to conduct thorough New Member Orientation, including chapter goals

EC or MC – Review/Educate on 8 Steps to Networking Success (Success Drivers)

# of Referrals

Driven by amount of members in chapter (Double Chapter Size - Triple Referrals) – 1.5 Referrals / Member / Week is our Regional Goal

EC - “importance of" Attendance and impact on Referrals and TYFCB

Education by EC, MC on Relationship Building Skills and PROACTIVE Referral Generation

EC - "Importance of" - Why & How (GAINS) from EC and MC (Relationship between Referrals & 1:1's)

Promote Advanced Training Sessions (10 Minute Presentations, Referrals, One-to-Ones, & 60 Second Presentations)

Implement Power Teams

Acknowledge members that bring the most referrals monthly

Have the members that pass the most referrals do an educational moment on “How they do it”

BNI Game

Schedule a chapter social to promote and foster relationships

Create a "Preferred Provider" List

Handout VP Reports to Members Monthly

Handout educational CD's regarding "Referral Generation" to members from the chapter library

Promote/Educate on the value of 100% Attendance, Good 60 Second Presentations,10 Minute Presentations, 1:1's etc

Hold Podcast party to listen and discuss 5 podcasts on referrals

EC – Assign Podcast # ___ for members to listen and come prepared to discuss during following week EC spot

"Bring your Best Client” day

ON – Business Card exchange for 1:1s, do each others 60 second presentation following week

Business Card Thingy challenge (Podcast #135) – select champion to facilitate

Thank You for Closed Business

Present an overview of the “Thank You for Closed Business” Program to the Membership quarterly

VP comment on “Revenues per Seat” figures weekly

BNI Game

Acknowledge members passing most $'s monthly

Have members that pass the most TYFCB monthly do an educational moment on “How they do it?”

EC - “importance of" Attendance and impact on Referrals and TYFCB

Hold Podcast party to listen and discuss 5 podcasts on inviting & growing the chapter

EC or MC – Education on how different professions track TYFCB

EC or MC – Education on why to track TYFCB

EC – Education on tracking TYFCB for multi-generational referrals

Dedicate one EC spot for members to recall TYFCB that needs to be turned in and fill out slips

EC – Educate on methods for tracking and reporting TYFCB

Business Card Thingy challenge (Podcast #135) – select champion to facilitate

Have members set and monitor their own individual goals along the 8 success drivers on a weekly basis

EC – Educate how to use Referral Request sheet to generate referrals and closed Business

Members schedule 1 hour each week to review Referral Request sheet and look for referrals

EC – Importance of tracking referrals received to make sure members are thanked for closed business passed.

EC – How to help remind members to turn in TYFCB on your behalf – members helping members


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