The Handmaid’s Tale Chapter Presentation / 2016 /

All three below are required for each presentation~

  1. Summarizeeach chapter’s main plot points in 3-5 sentences, maximum. (5 pts)
  2. Select and quote a short, significant passage from one of your chapter, and analyze its diction for the tone and mood. What is the mood of the passage? (The feelings/emotions evoked) What is the tone of the passage? (The author’s attitude toward his/her subject matter) (10 pts)
  3. In 3-5 sentences, explain how the theme you find most important in the novel as a whole is manifested in each of the chapters you’re presenting (5 pts)

Next, pick one of the following~ In 3-5 sentences …(10 pts)

a)Analyze the effect of adominant literary convention you notice occurring more than once in your chapters (irony, simile, metaphor, personification, motifs, symbolism, etc). Provide the quote and explain how they contribute to the story.

b)Describe the most impactful imagerypatterns you notice in the chapters, and provide the quotes containing that imagery. Why does each instance of the imagery stand out?

c)Explain how your chapters—or the novel—has a particular structure or unique organization that contributes to its significance.

Finally, pick one of the following ~ In 3-5 sentences …(5 pts)

a)Historical and authorial context and fun facts: anything about the world or the author your audience needs to know to understand your deep analysis or to make the novel itself more interesting

b)Explore significant connections to We, BNW, “12 Monkeys,” “Harrison Bergeron,” or “Children of Men.”

c)Create an artistic expression of the story. This can be a drawing, an image from a photograph, clip art, etc. Explain your art – why did you select or create the image?


You may present your work using some sort of visual medium: an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper (typed or handwritten), a PowerPoint, a Prezi, or a Word Document are good choices.

You will need to bring a hard copy of your work to turn in on the day you are scheduled to present.

You must be in class on your presentation day or make arrangements well in advance to switch to a day you can present. There will be a severe academic penalty for failure to present on your assigned day.

You will have a maximum of eight minutes to present your work to the class. You must present for at least five minutes.

RUBRIC: 45 culminating points

Summary(5 pts)

Tone and mood(10 pts)

Theme (5 pts)

In 3-5 sentences … lit conventions, imagery, or structure(10 pts)

In 3-5 sentences … context, connections, or art (5 pts)

Presentation Eloquence: Poise, Confidence, & Charisma: (10 pts)