St Mary’s School Long Term Planning Overview Autumn Term 2017Year Group: 3
English / Maths / Science / Computing / RE / PSHE / History /Geography / Art / Design Technology / Music / PE / French / WholeSchool focus weeks
First half term Topic headings:Romans
Grammar focus – use and recognise nouns, adjectives and adjectival phrases.
Myths and legends
Subheadings and paragraphs / 2, 5 & 10 times tables.
Number: place value for 3 digits .Writing numbers in words & digits. Comparing and ordering numbers.
Mental addition and subtraction
Problem solving : missing number problems Time – days in a month/seconds in a minute. / Rocks
Rock detectives
Under our feet / We are programmers!
Design, write and debug an animation in the ‘Scratch’ programme. / Inspirational people: How does believing Jesus is their saviour inspire Christians to save and serve others?
Harvest / Rules.
Developing a sense of responsibility – Bullying and rules. Being me,
Choices / Roman villas and cities.
Roman numerals, how did Romans count?
Pompeii – Mt Vesuvius / Exploring drawing, painting and 3D clay work linked to our topic work.
Looking at Roman pottery including oil lamps. / Roman chariots: wheels, axles, different joining techniques / Exploring descriptive sounds and composing
Exploring and creating rhythms / Dance: creative
Gymnastics / Bonjour! - Greetings
Saying your name/ how you are Numbers/ musical instruments
Second half term Topic headings:Romans
Information texts
Humorous poems
Creating images: diary entries
Grammar focus – sentence conjunction. Stories with familiar settings/ same / 3 , 4 and 8 times tables.
Mental multiplication and division.
Problem solving using multiplication and division facts / Rocks
Properties of soil / We are bug fixers! Finding and correcting bugs in programs / Inspirational people: Islam - prophethood Christmas / Thinking for ourselves
Taking risks Keeping safe / Become part of the ‘Roman Army’ and experience life as a Roman soldier- practicing drill and learning about Boudicca’s revolt. / Mosaics
Roman shield designs.
Decoration in the style of Wassily Kandinsky. / Rhythm
Exploring timbre, tempo and dynamics Chains of sound / Invasion games Dance: traditional / En Classe - Classroom objects Colours
Classroom instructions Christmas greetings/vocabulary
St Mary’s School Long Term Planning Overview Spring Term 2018Year Group: 3
English / Maths / Science / Computing / RE / PSHE / History/Geography / Art / Design Technology / Music / PE / French / Whole School focus weeks
First half term Vive La France!
Grammar focus – Use powerful verbs.
Language play, riddles and jokes Persuasive Text / Doubling and halving.
Multiplication & division of x3, x4 & x 8 facts cont.
Measurement: m/cm/mm. Perimeter of 2 d shapes.
Fractions: count up & down in tenths recognose and find fractions of a set of objects. / Forces and Magnets
Pushes and pulls
Natural magnets and compasses
Magnetic materials
Attract and repel / We are presenters!
Videoing performance. / Inspirational people: Conversion- St Paul
Easter / Community
Working together
Looking around us
A Fair society / France the country
French places
Paris / Printmaking
Artist - Picasso / Structures and buildings / Movement
Moving together and to a beat. / Dodgeball
Gymnastics / Mon Corps - Parts of the body
Descriptions of hair/eyes/character Days of the week
Second half term Topic headings:VIVE LA FRANCE!
Grammar focus – Past and present tense verbs.
Fables, traditional tales
Performing poems / Money: add subtract amounts of money to give change. Formal written methods for addition & subtraction.
Fractions: count up & down in tenths recognise and find fractions of a set of objects.3D shapes.
Measurement: weight: KG & g.
Statistics: handling data using bar charts, pictograms and tables. / Plants
Structure and function
Soil nutrients
Water transportation
Plant life cycle
Seed dispersal / We are network engineers! Exploring computer networks, including the internet. / Sikhism / Differences
Other places, respecting others.
Resolving differences. / Life in France / Clay
Artist – Kathy Pallie / Not this half term. / Pitch
The pentatonic scale
Playing chords and singing / Invasion games Dance / Les Animaux - Animals and Pets Numbers 11-20 Giving someone’s name and describing them
St Mary’s School Long Term Planning Overview Summer Term 2018Year Group: 3
English / Maths / Science / Computing / RE / PSHE / History /Geography / Art / Design Technology / Music / PE / French / WholeSchool focus weeks
First half term Sports and healthy bodies
Grammar focus – Use dialogue in narrative or drama
Performance and favourite poets.
Information texts. / Fractions: equivalent fractions with small denominators. Compare and order fractions with same denominators.
Add & subtract fractions with the same denominator.
Measuremant: capacity: l and ml / Light
Shadow investigation.
Sun effects
Solar energy / We are opinion pollsters!
Collecting and analysing data / Christianity: Why do Christians believe they are people on a mission? / Relationships
Family feelings
Family values
Healthy Eating
Being a friend / Locate the world's countries/ focus on Europe and countries of particular interest to pupils.
Look at sporting venues and their locations. / Collage
Artist – Matisse
Newspaper, magazines – collage of Europe. / Design and make a sporting trophy: joining tecniques / Sounds and invention
Exploring sounds using our bodies, plucking, striking and blowing / Swimming
Athletics / La Famille - members of the family Alphabet/household items Prepositions ‘sur’ and ‘dans’ / Optional SATs/assessment week:
Second half term Topic headings:Sporting Heroes
Grammar focus – Subordinate clauses, extension of sentences.
Dialogue and plays
Adventure and mystery. / Review of addition, subtraction, multiplication & division calculations.
Problem solving using different calculation types.
Geometry: properties of shapes: abgles, horizontal & vertical lines, perpendicular & parallel lines. 2D and 3 D shapes. / Animals including humans.
Food groups, balanced diet
Muscles and joints / We are communicators!
Communicating safely on the internet. / Christianity: body of Christ / Relationships
World friendship
Looking back
Looking forward / Where do our sporting heroes come from?
What are National sports?
What international sports events are taking place? What is it like there? / Textiles
Research own artist – ’62 group’.
Be inspired by an artist and design a textile in that style/ topic. / Not this term. / National anthems: create a class anthem. / Swimming
Athletics / Bon Anniversaire - months/food Numbers 21-31 Ask for snacks/Give opinions about food / KS2 performance week: