Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: / K.1
Nina Koroteeva / / DEADLINE
October24, 2011
+7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 / 14, Krasnopresnenskaya
fax:+7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 / nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia
APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us beforeOctober24, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96, Е-mail: , .
In accordance with the General Terms of Participation in International Exhibitions staged by Expocentre, each registered participant of the exhibition has to present the following data to be published in the Official Catalogue: company name (in Cyrillic and Latin script), address, telephone, fax, E-mail, web address, and brief information on the company’s activity up to 3 lines long (each line contains 50 symbols including blanks and punctuation marks). Only generally accepted abbreviations are allowed. More comprehensive information, logos, advertisements and publication in the Index of products and services are published at extra charge.
Please indicate your COLLECTIVE ORGANIZER
To be entered under letter Country of company for list as to countriesCompany
(Russian letters)
Telephone / Fax
E-mail / Internet
Pavilion / Hall / Stand
BRIEF INFORMATION ABOUT ACTIVITY (150 characters) Information should be preferable in Russian. Otherwise, the editors do not bear the responsibility for the incorrect translation.
Additional information about company875,00 rub. per line
(50 characters per line)
NOTE:Pleasesendyour large texton a separate sheet.
* Logosmustbesentin vector formats: AdobeIllustrator, CDR, and BMP, TIFF (full size with resolution not fewer than 300 pixels/inch).Logos sent by fax are not accepted.
100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Bankingchargesshallbepaidbyexhibitors.CANCELLATIONoftheapplicationor changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Contact Person:TEL.: / FAX: / E-mail:
Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: / K.2
Nina Koroteeva / / DEADLINE
October24, 2011
+7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 / 14, Krasnopresnenskaya
fax:+7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 / nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia
APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us beforeOctober 24, 2011.Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96,
Е-mail: , .
(Russian letters)
Telephone / Fax
E-mail / Internet
Pavilion / Hall / Stand
Free of charge we publish short information under two headings (the company’s name, country, pavilion, hall, stand)
← Please indicate TWO numbers of headings (see supplement)
# / Type of service / Price / Check in
1 / completeinformationonthecompanyunder each heading (the company’s name in Russian and original (Latin) letters, address, telephone/fax, e-mail, internet, pavilion, hall, stand). / 1750,00 rub.
2 / shortinformationonthecompanyunder each heading (the company’s name in Russian and original (Latin) letters, country, pavilion, hall, stand) / 875,00 rub.
3 / Logo under each heading* / 2500,00 rub.
4 / Additionalinformationonthecompany’sactivityunder each heading
(1 line — 50 spaces) / 875,00 rub.
# / Type of service / Price / Check in
Package1 / Short information on the company under 4-5 headings in the Index of Products and Services + logo in the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors / 5000,00 rub.
Package2 / Complete information on the company under 4-5 headings in the Index of Products and Services + logo in the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors / 9000,00 rub.
Package3 / Short information on the company and logos under 4-5 headings in the Index of Products and Services / 12 500,00 rub.
Package4 / Complete information on the company and logos under 4-5 headings in the Index of Products and Services / 15500,00 rub.
INDICATENUMBERSOFHEADINGS (seesupplement)in the Index of Products and Services.
Additional information on the company
NOTE:Pleasesendyour large texton a separate sheet.
100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT.Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Bankingchargesshallbepaidbyexhibitors.CANCELLATIONoftheapplicationor changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Contact Person:TEL.: / FAX: / E-mail:
Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: / K.3
Nina Koroteeva / / DEADLINE
October24, 2011
+7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 / 14, Krasnopresnenskaya
fax:+7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 / nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia
APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us beforeOctober 24, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96,
Е-mail: , .
Catalogueconsistsoftwoparts: Alphabetical List of Exhibitors and Index of Products and Services.
Circulation:2,500copies. Coatedoffsetpaper. Number of pages: 288-320.Format: 210х260 мм (widthхheight). Four-color printing.
(Russian letters)
Telephone / Fax
E-mail / Internet
Pavilion / Hall / Stand
# / Parts of Catalogue / Type of advertisement / Format ofadvertisement
(widthхheight) / Price / Check in
1 / Covers / 1st page / 210х175 mm / 175000,00 rub.
2 / 2nd page / 210х260 mm / 150 500,00 rub.
3 / 3rd page / 210х260 mm / 140 000,00 rub.
4 / 4th page / 210 х 260 mm / 157 500,00 rub.
5 / *1st dividing page / Right side / 210 х 175 mm / 63000,00 rub.
6 / Left side / 210 х 260 mm / 70000,00 rub.
7 / **2nd dividing page / Right side / 210 х 175 mm / 63000,00 rub.
8 / Left side / 210 х 260 mm / 70000,00 rub.
9 / Top running title / Advertisement on the top running title of a page / Maximum margin
175 х 13 mm / 140000,00 rub.
10 / Bottom running title / Advertisement on the bottom running title of a page / Maximum margin
175 х 13 mm / 140000,00 rub.
11 / Other kinds of advertisements / Prices shall be fixed separately
* 1st dividing pageseparates the official information about ZAO Expocentr from the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors.
** 2nddividingpageseparates the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors from the Index of Products and Services.
Bookmarks and enclosures are provided by the client.
Allmaterialsforadvertisementsareacceptedpreparedforpublicationonelectronic carriers (CD-ROM, ZIP) for programs:
AdobeIllustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and in TIFF, EPS.The formatofadvertisement is trimmed; please add 5 mm bleed off on all edges.
Priceforanadvertisementdummyshall be fixed separately.
100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Bankingchargesshallbepaidbyexhibitors.
CANCELLATIONoftheapplicationor changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Contact Person:TEL.: / FAX: / E-mail:
Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: / K.4
Nina Koroteeva / / DEADLINE
October24, 2011
+7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 / 14, Krasnopresnenskaya
fax:+7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 / nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia
APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us beforeOctober 24, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96,
Е-mail: , .
Catalogueconsistsoftwoparts: Alphabetical List of Exhibitors and Index of Products and Services.
Circulation: 2,500 copies.Number of pages: 288-320. Format: 210х260 мм (widthхheight). Four-color printing.
(Russian letters)
Telephone / Fax
E-mail / Internet
Pavilion / Hall / Stand
# / Parts of Catalogue / Type of advertisement / Format ofadvertisement
(widthхheight) / Price / Check in
1 / On the client’s request / Two facing pages / 420 х 260 mm / 98000,00 rub.
2 / 1 page, color / 210 х 260 mm / 52500,00 rub.
3 / 1/ 2 page, color / 85 х 213 mm
175 х 105 mm / 28000,00 rub.
4 / 1/ 4 page, color / 85 х 105 mm / 15750,00 rub.
5 / Alphabetical List / Color advertisement next to the obligatory information / 84 х 75 mm / 8750,00 rub.
6 / Alphabetical List / Advertising article
1page / 210 х 260 mm / 24500,00 rub.
7 / Index of Products and Services / Color advertisement next to the information in the Index (under one heading) / 84 х 53 mm / 7000,00 rub.
8 / Twocoloradvertisementsnext to the information in the Index (under one heading) / 84 х 53 mm / 12600,00 rub.
9 / Threecoloradvertisementsnext to the information in the Index (under one heading) / 84 х 53 mm / 18900,00 rub.
Allmaterialsforadvertisementsareacceptedpreparedforpublicationonelectronic carriers (CD-ROM, ZIP) for programs:
AdobeIllustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and in TIFF, EPS.The formatofadvertisement is trimmed; please add 5 mm bleed off on all edges.
Priceforanadvertisementdummyshall be fixed separately.
100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Bankingchargesshallbepaidbyexhibitors.
CANCELLATIONoftheapplicationor changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Contact Person:TEL.: / FAX: / E-mail:
Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: / K.5
Nina Koroteeva / / DEADLINE
October24, 2011
+7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 / 14, Krasnopresnenskaya
fax:+7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 / nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia
APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue and Exhibition Guide
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us beforeOctober 24, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96,
Е-mail: , .
TheOfficialGuideconsists of the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors by pavilions and lay-outs of pavilions. Circulation: 20,000 copies. Format: 210х260 мм (widthхheight). Number of pages – 48-56. Four-color printing.
(Russian letters)
Telephone / Fax
E-mail / Internet
Pavilion / Hall / Stand
# / Type of advertisement / Format ofadvertisement
(widthхheight) / Price / Check in
1 / 1st cover page / 210 х 175 mm / 210 000,00 rub.
2 / 2nd cover page / 210 х 260 mm / 147000,00 rub
3 / 3rd cover page / 210 х 260 mm / 140000,00 rub.
4 / 4th cover page / 210 х 260 mm / 157500,00 rub.
5 / 1 page, color / 210 х 260 mm / 52 500,00 rub.
6 / 1/ 2 page, color / 85 х 213 mm
175 х 105 mm / 28000,00 rub.
7 / 1/ 4 page, color / 85 х 105 mm / 15750,00 rub.
# / Type of service / Price / Check inPackage 1 / AdvertisementpageintheCatalogue + advertisement page in the Guide (page format: 210х260 мм) / 87 500,00 rub.
Package 2 / Banner on a Guide page (42х35 мм), logo on a lay-out + color highlight in the list of exhibitors in the Guide / 17500,00 rub.
Package 3 / Running title in the Catalogue +running title in the Guide (format 175 х13 мм) / 175 000,00 rub.
Package 4 / logo on a lay-out + color highlight in the list of exhibitors in the Guide / 12 500,00 rub.
Other kinds of packages advertisements
Allmaterialsforadvertisementsareacceptedpreparedforpublicationonelectronic carriers (CD-ROM, ZIP) for programs:
AdobeIllustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and in TIFF, EPS.
The formatofadvertisement is trimmed; please add 5 mm bleed off on all edges. Priceforanadvertisementdummyshall be fixed separately.
100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Bankingchargesshallbepaidbyexhibitors.
CANCELLATIONoftheapplicationor changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Contact Person:TEL.: / FAX: / E-mail:
Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: / K.6
Nina Koroteeva / / DEADLINE
October24, 2011
+7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 / 14, Krasnopresnenskaya
fax:+7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 / nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia
APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Internet-catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us beforeOctober 24, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96,
Е-mail: , .
(Russian letters)
Telephone / Fax
E-mail / Internet
Pavilion / Hall / Stand
Internet-catalogueofexhibitorsis tobeplacedtoZAOExpocentr’swebsiteat InformationoftheInternet-catalogueisopen to every visitor of our site. Information on exhibitors is kept and maintained in the Catalogues section for the period of one year.
Information placed freeofchargein the Internet-catalogue:
- name of exhibiting company
- country
- pavilion, hall, stand
- 150 spaces of information about activity
The above-mentioned variant is obligatory.
Additionally you can place the following data (in Internet-catalogue):
address, telephone/fax, e-mail, web address, and information on company’s activity (the same information that was ordered by the client for publication in the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors).
Logos in the Internet-catalogue are extra charged.
*LOGO: / - 700 rub.* Participants who ordered a logo publication in both the Official Catalogue and Internet-catalogue don’t have to send the said logo for the Internet-catalogue. If the logo is ordered ONLY in the web catalogue, it shall be provided by the client in GIF or JPG (not fewer than 300 pixels wide).
Logos sent by fax are not accepted.
100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Banking charges shall be paid by exhibitors.
CANCELLATION of the application or changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Contact Person:TEL.: / FAX: / E-mail:
1 / Innovation medical technology2 / Hospital infection prevention and control
2.1 / Equipment and means to prevent and cure hospital infections
2.2 / Disinfection and sanitary units
2.3 / Means of chemical disinfection and sterilization
2.4 / Cleaning and laundry agents
3 / Medical engineering
3.1 / Diagnostic instruments and systems
3.1.1 / Diagnostic instruments
3.1.2 / Ultrasound diagnostics
3.1.3 / Routine diagnostics
3.1.4 / Functional diagnostics
3.1.5 / Doppler
3.1.6 / Measuring and recording systems for pharmacological and physiological research
3.1.7 / Facilities for dialysis / Consumables for hemodialysis
3.1.8 / Devices for aiding urological and operation diagnoses
3.2 / X-ray diagnostics and radiation therapy
3.2.1 / X-ray apparatus, mobile and stationary
3.2.2 / X-ray apparatus for mammography
3.2.3 / Computer tomographs
3.2.4 / Dosimeters
3.2.5 / Subtraction systems
3.2.6 / Cinefluorographic appliances
3.2.7 / Radiographic tables
3.2.8 / Protection against X-ray radiation
3.2.9 / X-ray film development units and systems
3.2.10 / Generators for radiation therapy
3.2.11 / Appliances for radiation therapy
3.3 / Nuclearmedical appliances and equipment
3.3.1 / Isotope laboratories
3.3.2 / Isotope tools and accessories
3.3.3 / Nuclear diagnostics
3.3.4 / Measuring units
3.3.5 / Gamma cameras
3.3.6 / Nuclear test stands
3.4 / Electromedical appliances and systems
3.4.1 / Electrosurgical units / Electrosurgical Accessories
3.4.2 / Electrocardiographs
3.4.3 / Ergometers and measuring positions
3.4.4 / Electroencephalographs
3.4.5 / Ultrasound diagnostic
3.4.6 / Thermography units
3.4.7 / Long-term ECG recording and evaluating units
3.4.8 / Lung-function measuring
3.4.9 / Catheter measuring positions
3.4.10 / Audiometers
3.4.11 / Monitoring instruments and apparatus
3.4.12 / Fetal monitoring
3.4.13 / Intensive care units
3.4.14 / Neonatal intensive care
3.4.15 / Newborn screening
3.4.16 / Respiration and oxygen equipment
3.4.17 / Imaging and oxygen systems
3.4.18 / Fibre optics for medical equipment
3.4.19 / Other electromedical appliances and systems
3.4.20 / Imaging equipment
3.4.21 / Electric cardiac pacemakers (implanted)
3.4.22 / Laser myography
3.4.23 / Nuclear medicine
3.4.24 / Patient monitoring stations
3.4.25 / Lithotripsy
3.5 / Endoscopic devices and accessories
3.5.1 / Endoscopes
3.5.2 / Ophthalmoscopes
3.5.3 / Otoscopes
3.5.4 / Bronchoscopes
3.5.5 / Rhinoscopes
3.5.6 / Laryngoscopes
3.5.7 / Arthroscopes
3.5.8 / Gastroscopes
3.5.9 / Colonoscopes
3.5.10 / Proctoscopes
3.5.11 / Sigmoidoscopes
3.5.12 / Cytoscopes
3.5.13 / Prostatic resectoscopes
3.5.14 / Colposcopes
3.5.15 / Laparoscopes
3.5.16 / Instruments for endoscopy
3.5.17 / Endoscopy accessories
3.6 / Mechanical equipment
3.6.1 / Anesthetic equipment
3.6.2 / Respirating units
3.6.3 / Heart-lung machines
3.6.4 / Respirators for intensive care
3.6.5 / Suction devices
3.6.6 / Units for blood pressure measurement
3.6.7 / Devices for blood flow measurement
3.6.8 / Perfusion machines
3.6.9 / Infusion apparatuses
3.6.10 / Cryosurgery
3.6.11 / Sterilizers
3.6.12 / Disinfectors
3.6.13 / Operation microscopes
3.7 / Therapy equipment
3.7.1 / Laser therapy
3.7.2 / Bio-feedback equipment
3.7.3 / Implantable pacemakers
3.7.4 / Cardiae therapy equipment incl. non-implantable pacemakers
3.7.5 / Lithotripsy equipment
3.7.6 / Trans-cutaneous therapy equipment
3.7.7 / UV- and IR-therapy equipment
3.7.8 / Equipment for treatment with gases
3.7.9 / Systems for electrotherapy
3.7.10 / Oxygen equipment
3.7.11 / High intensity focused ultrasound systems
3.8 / Infusion technology
3.8.1 / Medical instruments and devices for infusions
3.8.2 / Transfusion and infusion systems
3.8.3 / Infusion pumps
3.8.4 / Infusion filters
3.8.5 / Blood pumps
3.8.6 / Blood transfusion tubes
3.8.7 / Tube systems
3.8.8 / Pressure infusion manchettes
3.8.9 / Heating devices for stored blood
3.9 / Equipment for morbid Anatomy Departments
3.10 / Connectors for medical devices
3.11 / Interventional radiology products
3.12 / Dialysis equipment
3.13 / Surgical instruments
3.14 / Medical facilities, systems, devices and instruments for surgeries
3.15 / Surgical materials
3.16 / HF devices for cryosurgery and laser surgery
3.17 / Medical aids
4 / Laboratory engineering and medicine
4.1 / Laboratory technology
4.1.1 / Microscopes
4.1.2 / Analytical units
4.1.3 / Centrifuges
4.1.4 / Ultracentrifuges
4.1.5 / Spectrophotometers
4.1.6 / Chromatography
4.1.7 / Electron microscopes
4.1.8 / Incubators
4.1.9 / Counting chambers
4.1.10 / Sterilizers
4.1.11 / Pipettes and pipetting devices
4.1.12 / Automatic dying units
4.1.13 / Pumps
4.1.14 / Further laboratory equipment
4.1.15 / Evaluation units
4.1.16 / Laboratory equipment
4.1.17 / Computer technology
4.2 / Laboratory medicine
4.2.1 / Genetics and molecular genetics
4.2.2 / Oncology
4.2.3 / Endocrinology
4.2.4 / Hematology
4.2.5 / Cytochemistry
4.2.6 / Immunology / Allergy tests / Antisera (as single reagents) / Analysis of auto-immune antibodies / Analysis of hormones / Immunoglobulins / Control/Standards (not included in test kit configuration) / Complement components / Lipoproteins / Drugs monitoring systems / Other plasmaproteins / Transport proteins / Tumormarkers
4.2.7 / Biochemistry / Analyzers / Research reagents
4.2.8 / Clinical chemistry / Electrolyte analysis / Enzymes monitoring systems / Control serum and standards / Quick test, dry chemistry / Substrate analyses
4.2.9 / Coagulation laboratory
4.2.10 / Transfusion medicine
4.2.11 / Blood quarantinization, plasma shock frozening
4.3 / Laboratory furniture
5 / Dental medicine and laboratories
5.1 / Dental laboratory
5.1.1 / Plastic workplaces
5.1.2 / Metal workplaces
5.1.3 / Ceramic workplaces
5.1.4 / Prevention devices
5.1.5 / Laboratory fittings
5.1.6 / Dental laboratory accessories
5.1.7 / Materials
5.2 / Dental medicine
5.2.1 / Stomatological equipment
5.2.2 / Stomatological X-ray equipment
5.2.3 / Up-to-date diagnostic and X-ray systems
5.2.4 / Laser equipment in stomatology
5.2.5 / Dental anaesthesia
5.2.6 / Dental surgical instruments
5.2.7 / Systems and instruments for dental implantation
5.2.8 / Modelling materials, denture materials
5.2.9 / Modern orthodontic construction elements
5.2.10 / Maxillary surgery
5.2.11 / Plastic surgery
5.2.12 / Dental and oral hygiene
5.2.13 / Furniture for dental laboratories
6 / Visual aids, spectacles
6.1 / Magnifiers
6.2 / Eyes examination and refraction units
7 / Commodities and consumption products for practies and hospitals
7.1 / Doctor’s cases for emergency
7.2 / Surgical suture
7.3 / Disposable articles for hospitals
7.4 / Medical disposables
7.5 / Disposable articles for laboratories
7.6 / Incontinence and stoma aids
7.7 / Bandage materials
7.8 / Hospital hygiene products
7.9 / Hygiene ware for patients
7.10 / Medical packaging
7.11 / Working clothes and protective clothing
7.12 / Hospital linen
7.13 / Other medical products
8 / Equipment and facilities for practices, hospitals and health resorts
8.1 / Ward furniture
8.1.1 / Hospital beds / night tables
8.1.2 / Invalid wheelchairs
8.1.3 / Couches and reclining chairs
8.1.4 / Mattresses
8.1.5 / Portable toilets
8.2 / Medical lamps
8.3 / Examination lamps
8.4 / Lamps for operating rooms
8.5 / Lamps for medical equipment
8.6 / Operating theatre equipment
8.6.1 / Operating tables
8.6.2 / Selling-mounted support systems
8.7 / Cleanrooms
8.7.1 / Designs, manufactures, montage and validation of clean rooms and special care units for hospitals and medical use
8.7.2 / Health-friendly building and finishing materials
8.8 / Planning
8.9 / Turn-key projects
8.10 / Flooring
9 / ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat)
10 / Cardiac surgery
11 / Digestive surgery
12 / Emergency medical service
13 / Emergency equipment
13.1 / Emergency equipment and appliances
13.2 / Ambulances and air ambulances
14 / Pharmacology
14.1 / Blood substitutes
14.2 / Aminoacids
14.3 / Contrast substances
14.4 / Medicines for children
15 / Equipment for pharmacies and donor blood banks
16 / Up-to-date information technologies for healthcare
16.1 / Healthcare Internet portals
16.2 / Computer engineering and software
16.3 / Medical information systems
17 / Environment monitoring and conservation
18 / Medical educational aids, scientific and technical literature, training, services
18.1 / Medical research institutes, schools and departments
18.2 / Medical educational aids
18.3 / Specialized journals
18.4 / Medical books
18.5 / Archiving and documentation services
18.6 / Organization of individual medical care programs
18.7 / First-aid training
19 / Insurance medicine
19.1 / Patient care medical services
20 / Certification
Bank Details
Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: / K.7
Nina Koroteeva / / DEADLINE
October24, 2011
+7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 / 14, Krasnopresnenskaya
fax:+7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 / nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia
APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Internet-catalogue
If you want toorder additionalchargeable informationto be publishedin a Catalogue, Guide or Internet Catalogue, please fill in the form andfax it to +7 (499) 795-2900, 795-2896,
Е-mail: ,