Information about STAR Reading and Accelerated Reader

What is the STAR Reading Test?

This program allows us to get a quick assessment of your child’s reading level and monitor your child’s progress in reading. Last week they took the STAR Reading Test, which allows us to see their exact reading level (GE, or Grade Equivalent), as well as what range of book levels they should be able to read independently. Please see the attached form for information about your child’s reading level.

My child scored unexpectedly low. Why would that happen?

The STAR Reading test is very accurate; however, there could be a number of factors. Perhaps he/she was nervous taking one of the first tests of the school year. If your child is new to Tubman, this may have been the first time he/she has seen the program. Often times, students also score low at the beginning of the year simply because they didn’t read as much during the summer as they do during the school year. You can expect your child to reach higher levels as the school year continues. We will be retaking this test every few months to track your child’s progress.

What is Accelerated Reader?

This program is a motivational tool to encourage students to not only read many books, but to read them well. Each week, your child must take at least one comprehension quiz on a book that they have completed and must receive a 60% to pass this quiz. Once students pass, they will receive points to work up towards a six-week goal and can earn a special prize. I will be conferencing with students each week to review how many points they’ve earned and give them some tips. If I discover that your child is not reading at least one book a week, or if they are struggling to pass their quizzes, I will be contacting you to discuss their needs and come up with a plan to improve their reading skills.

How can I help my child?

Remember, students are required to read at least 30 minutes each eveningfor homework. This is a great time to start up some healthy reading habits at home, which means having designated family reading time that students follow routinely each day (i.e. right after dinner, right before bed, etc. – try to make it the same time each evening). Ask them questions to ensure they were actually reading and not just staring at the pages for 30 minutes. If they can’t recall any details from the book, ask them to read another 30 minutes.

Now that I know what my child’s reading range is, how can I tell if his/her book is the right level?

A: Most of the books from our classroom library are labeled and contain the level on the inside cover. For any other books (ones from home, the public library, Scholastic orders, etc.) you can type in the title in this convenient website to find the AR level.

Feel free to contact me with any questions about these programs!

Email: School Phone: 619-668-2480