Pastoral Activities and Services for people with AIDS Dar-es-salaam Archdiocese
PASADA – Its Services
After spending a few hours at PASADA and speaking with some of its staff, here is an overview of the services offered;
- Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) – PASADA provides testing for HIV. Once a client tests negative, they are given further information and support to remain negative. Those testing positive are registered and have access to all other PASADA services. Ongoing supportive counseling is available when needed, in groups or individually.
- Medical Assistance – Registered clients have access to all kinds of medical assistance when needed, such as drugs for the treatment of Opportunistic Infections, routine laboratory tests and ongoing medical counseling. Clients receive the following medical assistance:
-Pediatric Clinic – There are three Pediatric Clinic days per month (children are divided up into three age groups). Younger children have access to Play Therapy at the clinics. Currently, PASADA is looking after over 600+ HIV children.
-TB Diagnosis and Treatment – In February 2003, PASADA was recognized as a TB Diagnostic and Treatment Centre. It is now committed to establishing an Integrated Community based TB/HIV AIDS Program through the extension of services to the 16 Dispensaries under the care of the Archdiocese of Dar-es-salaam. The already established network of volunteers in the community and the trained Home Based Care nurses will be empowered and educated to facilitate this work.
-Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Program – This program operates in 8 of the 16 diocesan dispensaries in Dar-es-salaam and applies the PMTCT protocol approved by the Tanzanian government. VCT services are offered during antenatal visits in the dispensaries. At the onset of labour Niverapine (type of medication) is given orally to those pregnant women testing HIV+ and willing to participate in the program. Niverapine syrup is given to the newborn within 72 hours of birth. Follow up health care for these babies is provided at the dispensaries. The babies are tested for HIV at 18 months.
-ARV Therapy – Clients are assessed for eligibility of receiving this treatment on the basis of CD4 count, clinical profile, compliance status and family/social support. Clients in therapy are regularly monitored and counseled. The aim is to focus on compliance rather than numbers in order to guarantee quality care and sustainability. - Home Based Care and Palliative Care - PASADA’s Home based Care team visits sick clients in the home, providing medical treatment and counseling. Palliative care is given and oral morphine is used for pain control. This team works mainly through community volunteers (about 250) who are regularly supervised by staff. Their tasks include basic nursing and counseling skills to clients. Family members are also supported and the secondary aim is to build up support networks within the community. This team is currently looking after about 900 patients in their homes.
- Support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children – PASADA provides support and supervision to over 3,000 children who have lost one or both parents due to HIV infections. Instead of placing these children in institutions, they are cared for by extended family members through assistance offered by PASADA. Education and vocational training help to ensure a future where these young people can become self-sufficient. On-site visits to both home and schools by PASADA’s social work staff monitor the individual progress of each child. As well, informal group meetings and planned life skills development training does help the children address the loss, pain and stigma attached to HIV infection. Children and their foster/extended families are also provided with individual counseling services.
- Community Education Program – This program provides AIDS awareness and education seminars to all areas of the city of Dar-es-salaam with the aim of increasing community involvement, thereby reducing stigma and discrimination. PASADA carries out workshops to increase the number of community-based counselors who are able to provide local, neighborhood education and referrals. This program is designed to further community education regarding accurate prevention, transmission and treatment.
- Support to People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) groups – PASADA hosts “now that you know” meetings that allow new clients to share their feelings, fears and concerns related to their HIV status and to learn how to live positively with the virus. Monthly client meetings usually bring together larger groups of clients (normally from 250 to 450 participants) and provide a forum for willing clients to participate, share, learn, socialize and inform. As well, PASADA also supports the PASADA HIV+ Women’s Group. Many PLWHA have been trained in basic counseling skills.