External CPD Courses - Application Process and Forms

Guidelines for Applicants

CSD commitment to CPD

Hampshire Children’s Services Department is a Learning Organisation, committed to supporting Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This commitment is enshrined in the CSDMT-endorsed Workforce Development principles which recognise that enhanced skills lead to improved services for our users; we therefore believe passionately in helping individuals to develop themselves, but always in the context of business need (i.e. we will not support you in doing a course in recreational diving). Such support will be offered in two forms, time given for study, and financial sponsorship. The first is arranged by Line Managers, the second through a department-wide budget managed by the Workforce Development Team (WDT).

Applicability of these instructions

With the exception of the Employee Based Social Work Degree (EBSWD) (for which separate instructions are issued) these guidelines apply to applications for all courses not provided through internal HCC course directories or by specially arranged, bespoke, development packages. For the purpose of the application process all other developmental activities ranging from Masters’ or Bachelors’ degrees, to diplomas or one day specific courses, whether residential or distance learning,are divided into either short or long coursesand are subject to the following procedures. “Short Courses” are those of one or two days duration; any course lasting over two days is thus defined as a “Long Course”

What the funding will cover

  • Course and tuition fees (retrospective funding for courses already commenced and paid for will not be considered, although second and subsequent years can be applied for in accordance with these instructions)
  • Student union fees (but only where membership is obligatory)
  • Examination fees for the first attempt at the exam (reimbursement of the cost of subsequent attempts will only be considered in exceptional circumstances)
  • A contribution towards travel costs beyond a stipulated round-trip mileage.
  • Reimbursement of reasonable accommodation costs for courses involving a residential stay of up to four nights
  • Only in exceptional circumstances will reimbursement of reasonable accommodation costs for longer periods be considered. Any such request will need to be approved by the Director of Children’s Services.

Courses covering more than one Financial Year

Some courses for which staff wish to apply will be for periods of study covering more than one financial year. Whilst it is CSD policy that funding should continue into a second or third year to allow a member of staff to complete their studies, there can be no absolute guarantee that such funding will be available in subsequent years. However, should there be a funding shortfall staff already enrolled on a course running into a new financial year will have priority over those who are making new applications.

Application Process

A common set of eligibility criteria and application form caters for the full range of CPD courses and activities, and for a variety of routes to authorisation. Allcourses require the recommendation of a Line Manager and budgetary approval by the WDT; Long Courses (generally degree courses and diplomas)are also subject to a formal selection procedure against enhanced eligibility criteria. The application form therefore necessarily comprises a number of parts, not all of which are required for every course.


Eligibility Criteria

In order to be considered for sponsorship for any external CPD course, applicants must:

  • Demonstrate that the course has been identified through the IPP and IDP process as being of benefit to the individual and that the learning outcomes will meet a business need in the organisation.
  • Gain the approval of their Line Manager and Team Manager to absent themselves from the workplace in order to attend the course. Where appropriate, managers must also certify that sufficient support can be provided within the team for the applicant to receive work-based learning support.
  • Demonstrate a personal commitment to set aside the time required to undertake and complete the course, and the ability to manage the course requirements alongside operational duties.

In addition, in order to be considered for sponsorship on a Long Course (more than 2 days) applicants must:

  • Have at least 1 year’s service in Hampshire Children’s Services Department at the time of making the application.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to Hampshire County Council by signing the Undertaking at Section 6 of the CPD Application Form. (You may also be required to physically sign a further copy of this form of undertaking if you are successful in your application).

Application Forms

Please complete the relevant sections of the Application Form electronically in the expandable boxes making sure you have addressed all the questions so that your application can be assessed against the criteria. Your Line Manager can assist you in this process and guidance may also be sought from the Workforce Development Team.

Once you have completed your sections of the Form pass it to your Line Manager who, having conferred with your “grandparent” manager, should send it in an email titled “External CPD Course Application” to . Your Line Manager’s signature is not required in support for your application – receipt of the email from his/her email address will suffice.


Long Courses: Application Forms for Long Courses must be received by the Workforce Development Team by the last working day of May for all courses starting in that financial year. All applications will be considered by a panel and applicants will be informed of the result by the end of June.

Short Courses: Application Forms for short courses must be received by the Workforce Development Team at least two months before the course starts. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis and will be subject to the availability of funding. Early applications are therefore encouraged.

Children’s Services Department


Section 1 - Personal Details (All Courses)
Name of Applicant
Post Held
Work base Address
Telephone number
Email address
Date employment with HampshireCounty Council commenced
Section 2 - Course Details (All Courses)
Name of course: / Graduate Certificate in Practice Assessment
Course provider: / BournemouthUniversity with Hampshire County Council
Start date: / 11 July 2012
Length of course: / Approximately one year
If course lasts over 1 year, state the year for which this application is being made? (ie 2nd? 3rd?) / n/a
Course Fee (ex. VAT)
(if the full course lasts over 1 year just give fees for first year) / £ 795
Mileage from home to place of learning and anticipated number of visits required. / Mileage (one way):
Anticipated number of visits:
Is residential accommodation required for this course? If so, for how many nights? / No
Will there be any exam fees for this course? If so, please state the total exam fees for the year. / No
Section 3 – Why should CSD support your application? (All Courses)
How will this course help you to deliver the requirements of your role?
How does this course fit in with your aspirations for your future
Section 4 – Additional Selection Criteria (Long Courses Only)
Please list any academic and vocational qualifications you hold (e.g. GCSEs, A Levels, NVQs, BTECs, City and Guilds, Access)
Has HampshireCounty Council supported you through any previous CPD? / If yes, state course and qualification gained (if appropriate):
How will you demonstrate your own personal commitment to this course? eg. time, activities, own financial investment.
How will you balance your work commitments with those of the course?
Section 5 – Applicant’s Statement (All Courses)
Applicant’s Statement: / “I confirm that the details given on this form are correct”
Please type your name and date below:
Section 6 – Applicant’s Undertaking (Long Courses Only)
Declaration: /
  • I have read the section of the Employment Guide entitled Time off and Reimbursement of Course Fees. See:
  • I am aware of the estimated costs that Hampshire County Council will meet on my behalf during the course or development/training
Undertaking / In the event that I fail to complete the course of study detailed above, or give notice to terminate my employment with the County Council within two years of completing the course or obtaining the qualification, I undertake to repay to the County Council all costs (listed below) incurred by the County Council in respect of my taking part in the above course or training:
  1. Course and tuition fees
  2. Student union fees (where membership is obligatory)
  3. Examination fees for the first attempt at the exam*
  4. Contributions made towards travel costs
  5. Reimbursement of reasonable accommodation costs for courses involving a residential stay of up to four nights
  • If repayment of any sum is required, my manager will discuss repayment arrangements with me. Repayment will be at the following rates:
  • Failure to complete course of study – 100% of costs
  • Giving notice to leave HCC within 18 months of obtaining the qualification – 100% of costs
  • Giving notice to leave HCC within 24 months of obtaining the qualification. – 50% of costs
  • If I am retired on health grounds or made redundant there will be no recovery of the financial assistance given to me. In other exceptional circumstances, I understand that consideration will be given to waiving in part or in total the requirement to repay the financial assistance given.
Section 7 –- Endorsement by Managers (All Courses)
Line Manager’s Approval and Comments: / “I approve the applicant’s absence to attend this course and confirm that s/he understands the financial implications of the undertaking signed above. I support his / her application for the following reasons:”
Team (or “Grandparent”) Manager’s endorsement: / “I confirm my support for the above-named employee to undertake the course detailed.”

For Long Courses you must also submit the following additional supporting evidence:

  • Current IPP and IDP Targets
  • Course outline