Aaron J. McKim

Curriculum Vitae

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Department of Agricultural Education and Agricultural Sciences

Oregon State University

112 Strand Agriculture Hall

Corvallis, OR 97331

Phone: (812) 599-0400


Doctoral Student, Science Education Anticipated June, 2016

Minor & Focus Area: Agricultural Education

Oregon State University – Corvallis, Oregon

Master of Science in Agricultural Education Completed June, 2013

Oregon State University – Corvallis, Oregon

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education Completed May, 2010

Purdue University – West Lafayette, Indiana

Professional Experience

Oregon State University, Graduate Teaching Assistant – August, 2012 to present

University Supervisor: Dr. Jonathan J. Velez

¨  Planned and developed course content and curriculum in agricultural education and leadership courses

¨  Facilitated and assisted with course lectures in agricultural education and leadership courses

¨  Mentored and advised students in the College of Agricultural Science Leadership Academy & Oregon State University’s Leadership Minor

¨  Monitored student progress and collected feedback from quantitative and qualitative assessments

¨  Developed and conducted research in coordination with departmental faculty

Switzerland County High School, Agricultural Science Instructor – 2010 to 2012

Vevay, Indiana

¨  Designed curriculum and taught a variety of courses (Introduction to Agriculture 7, Advanced Life Sciences: Food Science, Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and Agricultural Mechanics)

¨  Piloted Curriculum for Agricultural Sciences Education (CASE): Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at both Middle and High School level

¨  Co-Advised Gold emblem award winning chapter in the National Chapter Award program, ranked in the top ten agricultural education programs in the state of Indiana.

¨  Chaired Switzerland County High School Long Term Planning Committee

¨  Co-Chaired of Switzerland County High School Committee for School Improvement

Collegiate Teaching Experience

Agriculture 407, Leadership Minor Internship

Teaching Assistant, Summer 2014

This course served as the experiential learning component of the Oregon State University Leadership Minor. My roles in this course included developing questions for reflection and grading students’ written reflections.

Agriculture 444, Leadership Minor Capstone

Instructor, Spring, 2014; Co-Developer, Summer 2013

This course served as the final academic course for students completing the Oregon State University Leadership Minor. My roles in this course included developing the course proposal materials for the university curriculum council, creating curriculum, and serving as the lead instructor.

Agriculture 442, Leadership Skills for Career Success

Teaching Assistant, Spring, 2014; Co-Developer, Summer 2013

This course was developed, based on student feedback, with a focus on providing students an opportunity to apply leadership skills they had learned in previous leadership courses. My roles in this course included co-developing proposal materials for the university curriculum council and assisting the course instructor in the development of curriculum materials.

Agriculture 443, Leading through Conversations

Course Developer, Summer 2013

This course was designed to build students’ leadership skills through a focus on communication strategies. My role in this course was to develop the course proposal materials for the university curriculum council.

Agriculture 242, Personal Leadership Development

Co-Instructor, Winter, 2013; Teaching Assistant, Winter, 2013

This course was a required component of the Oregon State University Leadership Minor. The role of this foundational course was to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of relevant theories in leadership. My roles in this course included developing course curriculum, facilitating student communication and grading, and facilitating half of the course meetings.

Agriculture 407, College of Agricultural Science Leadership Academy

Co-Instructor, 2012, 2013, 2014

This year-long course combined seminars, mentoring, and an applied leadership component in a comprehensive program focused on the leadership development of undergraduate students in the College of Agriculture and College of Forestry. My roles in this program included the development of curriculum for seminars, being on a panel to select students, advising students in the program, co-facilitating weekly seminars, and meeting with an industry advising board.

Agriculture 421/521, Networking and Professionalism

Co-Instructor, Fall, 2013; Teaching Assistant, Fall, 2012

This course served as the capstone course for students pursuing a degree in Agricultural Sciences. Additionally, this course met the criteria for a writing intensive course. The goal of this course is to develop students’ professional preparedness through a focus on networking and communication skills. My roles in this course included developing course content, communicating with students, grading students’ work, and facilitating half of the class meetings.


2014 Sorensen, T. S., McKim, A. J., Velez, J. J., Lambert, M. D. 2014 Precollege Programs (PCP) Grant. Oregon State University (1,000, Funded; Assistant Coordinator)

2013 Velez, J. J., Jones, M., McKim, A. J., Sorensen, T. J. Ecampus Leadership Minor Development Grant. Oregon State University (52,132.56, Funded; Co-Writer)

Refereed Journal Articles

Velez, J. J., McKim, A. J., Moore, L. L., & Stephens, C. A. (in review). A nationwide assessment of the scope and impact of agricultural leadership education. Journal of Agricultural Education.

McKim, A. J., Velez, J. J. (in review). Exploring the relationship between self-efficacy and career commitment among early career agriculture teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education.

Sorensen, T. J., Lambert, M. D., & McKim, A. J. (in press). Examining Oregon agriculture teachers’ professional development needs by career phase. Journal of Agricultural Education.

Sorensen, T. J., & McKim, A. J. (in press). Perceived work-life balance ability, job satisfaction, and professional commitment among agriculture teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education.

Velez, J. J., Cano, J., Sorensen, T. J., & McKim, A. J. (2014). Self-efficacy and task value of students based on classroom, instructor, and student variables. North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 57(4), 65-71.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Strawn, K., McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2014). Exploring leadership development through the voices of students. Proceedings of the International Leadership Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA

McKim, A. J., Velez, J. J., Strawn, K., Sorensen, T. J. (2014) Exploring leadership development in an interdisciplinary leadership minor. Proceedings of the International Leadership Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA

McKim, A. J., Lambert, M. D., Sorensen, T. J., & Velez, J. J. (2014). Exploring Oregon agriculture teachers’ perceptions and integration of common core standards. Proceedings of the Western Region Agricultural Education Research Conference, Kailua-Kona, HI

Sorensen, T. J., Lambert, M. D., & McKim, A. J. (2014). An analysis of the professional development needs of induction and non-induction phase agriculture teachers in Oregon. Proceedings of the Western Region Agricultural Education Research Conference, Kailua-Kona, HI

McKim, A. J., Strawn, K., & Velez, J. J. (2014). Exploring leadership outcomes through a yearlong agricultural leadership development program. Proceedings of the Western Region Agricultural Education Research Conference, Kailua-Kona, HI

Strawn, K., McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2014). Students’ voices: Exploring outcomes of a yearlong leadership development program. Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Research Conference, San Antonio, TX.

McKim, A. J., Velez, J. J., Moore, L. L., & Stephens, C. A. (2014). Examining the scope of agricultural leadership education. Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Research Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Runner-Up Outstanding Research Paper Presentation

Sorensen, T. J., McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2014). The development of leadership identity through an interdisciplinary leadership minor. Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Research Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Sorensen, T. J., McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2014). An examination of leadership development through an interdisciplinary leadership minor. Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Research Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Velez, J. J., McKim, A. J., Moore, L. L., Stephens, C. A., & Simonsen, J. C. (2014). Where are we now? A nationwide look at agricultural leadership education. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 41, 1-12.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2014). Examining new relationships: Agriculture teachers’ self-efficacy and career commitment. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 41, 826-839.

Distinguished Manuscript Award

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2014). Identifying influential factors to agriculture teachers’ self-efficacy. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 41, 840–853.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2014). Analyzing the relationship between teacher development experiences and agriculture teachers’ self-efficacy. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 41, 854-868.

Sorensen, T. J., & McKim, A. J. (2014). An examination of professional commitment, job satisfaction, and perceived ability to achieve work-life balance among Oregon agriculture teachers. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 41, 544–561.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). Exploring influential factors to early career agriculture teachers’ sense of efficacy. Proceedings of the Western Region Agricultural Education Research Conference, Lubbock, TX, 32, 140-153.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). The impact of agriculture teacher preparation, student teaching and professional development experiences on agriculture teachers’ sense of efficacy. Proceedings of the Western Region Agricultural Education Research Conference, Lubbock, TX, 32, 17-31.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). Examining a piece of the teacher retention puzzle: A synthesis of research related to agriculture teachers’ sense of efficacy. Proceedings of the Western Region Agricultural Education Research Conference, Lubbock, TX, 32, 32-47.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). Exploring the relationship between early career agriculture teachers’ sense of efficacy and career commitment. Proceedings of the Western Region Agricultural Education Research Conference, Lubbock, TX, 32, 154-167.

Simonsen, J. C., Velez, J. J., Birkenholz, R. J., & McKim, A. J. (2013). How do you roll? Innovative practice for using the individual factors leadership inventory wheel. Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 411-414.

Published Abstracts in Refereed Journals

McKim, A. J., Velez, J. J., & Simonsen, J. C. (2013). Identifying the needs in a leadership development program. Abstract of Oral Presentation for the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, 57(1), 33, Blacksburg, VA.

McKim, A. J., Field, K., Crannell, W., Curtis, L., Stone, D. & Velez, J. J. (2013). Assessment of the multicultural scholars program at Oregon State University. Abstract of Oral Presentation for the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, 57(1), 36, Blacksburg, VA.

McKim, A. J., Sorensen, T. J., Velez, J. J., Simonsen, J. C., & Birkenholz, R. J. (2013). ILFI-Wheel: An innovative leadership assessment. Abstract of Oral Presentation for the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, 57(1), 33, Blacksburg, VA.

Sorensen, T. J., Strawn, K., McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). Leadership academy: A model for meeting the leadership needs of college of agriculture students. Abstract of Oral Presentation for the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, 57(1), 33-34, Blacksburg, VA.

Refereed Poster Proceedings

McKim, A. J., Velez, J. J., Sorensen, T. J., & Stewart, J. (2014). Is leadership the missing link? Exploring agriculture teachers’ self-efficacy in leadership. Poster Proceedings of the Western AAAE Research Conference, Kailua-Kona.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2014). Exploring leadership skill development and the related curricular experiences in a yearlong leadership development program. Poster Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Marx, A. A., Sharpless, J., Simonsen, J. C., McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). The needs of students enrolled in an intensive leadership scholars program. Poster Proceedings of the North Central AAAE Research Conference, 77-80, Platteville, WI.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). Quantifying the impact of a leadership development

program. Poster Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference, 358-360, New Orleans, LA.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). The role of leadership efficacy in agricultural education. Poster Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference, 697-699, New Orleans, LA.

Velez, J. J., McKim, A. J., & Simonsen, J. C. (2013). Importance versus competence: Identifying the needs of leadership students. Poster Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference, 618-620, New Orleans, LA.

Sorensen, T. J., Strawn, K., McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). Agriculture faculty mentoring: Serving the leadership needs of undergraduate students. Poster Proceedings of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, 85, Blacksburg, VA.

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). New areas of agriculture teacher efficacy research. Poster Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, 255-258, Columbus, OH.

Simonsen, J. C., Velez, J. J., Birkenholz, R. J., & McKim A. J. (2013). Rolling with leadership. Poster Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, 128-131, Columbus, OH.

Sorensen, T. J., Strawn, K., McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (2013). Engaging agriculture faculty in a college undergraduate leadership mentoring role. Poster Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, 66-69, Columbus, OH.

Sorensen, T. J., Strawn, K., McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. V. (2013). Developing essential skills by focusing on leadership. Poster Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, 46-49, Columbus, OH.

McKim, A. J., Sorensen, T. J., Velez, J. J., Simonsen, J. C., & Birkenholz, R. J. (2012). ILFI- Wheel: An innovative dual assessment providing both personal and programmatic feedback. 2012 Oregon State Assessment Academy. Corvallis, OR.

First Runner-Up Outstanding Poster Award

Invited Presentations

McKim, A. J., & Velez, J. J. (February, 2014). Classroom management solutions for student teachers. Oregon State University Agricultural Education Cohort, Corvallis, OR.

Velez, J. J., & McKim, A. J. (February, 2014). How do you roll? Exploring your personal leadership wheel. Art of Leadership Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

McKim, A. J., & Bair, Z. (September, 2013). Oregon State University teaching policies and procedures. College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Graduate Teaching Assistant Training, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

Bair, Z., & McKim, A. J. (September, 2013). Getting started in the classroom: Tips techniques and resources. College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Graduate Teaching Assistant Training, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.