PRESENT :- Mal Brown; Annette Dickinson-Flint; Chris Flint; Mark Fone;Graham Jackson;Howard Jones; Cyril Nolan; Lorna Rogers;Guy Scott; Jacky Turner; Don Wallington.
APOLOGIES:- Paul Mathieson.
The Chairman opened the meeting and reported on the following topics:-
a]Team Shirts have been issued to Captains; the Chairman holds a small stock of shirts for new team players.
b] The additional Honours Board is STILL with Paperwrite for lettering etc.
c] Maintenance: Fire Escape door further repairs complete; Dave Bailey is working on next phase of decorating etc; Courtcarehave repaired the “hole” in front playing wall on Court 3.
d] The triple Racket challenge was won by Paul Mathieson in a final squash match against Guy Scott.
e] The Trios were very enjoyable and the winning team of Mervyn Davies, Alex Whitehouse, Max and Nick Lloyd eventually won by a clear margin in excess of 30 points.
f] The issue of the informal feedback forms met with very little response however those responses and suggestions received have been acted upon. Members should have noticed a much less cluttered gallery etc and other items have been incorporated into a draft development plan discussion document which has been issued to all Committee members to assist in deciding upon the way ahead.
Both the Current and Savings accounts remain strong, currently reflecting income from Subscription renewals.
Lorna has discussed our “physical security conditions” with our Insurers who are content with current arrangements.
The Kingsland Club is yet to respond in respect of gift repayment.
Current membership renewals figure stand at 122 but a broadcast email is to be issuedadvising of impending de-activation of fobs of members in arrears with their subscriptions.
Guy confirmed that after a slow start teams were all playingtheir matches in the County winter league matches.
Guy was asked to “chivvy up” Captains in order to get team photographs on the website.
a] 4th December : Christmas Social Squash Night.
Chris and Annette Flint would welcome help with creating the buffet and would be contributing some French wine for the evening. Howard Jones will produce a poster for the event. [The Chairman’s suggestion for “Fancy Dress” was received with more scorn than enthusiasm !!!]
a] Don Wallington reported that the website had received 13000 hits but thought the number suspiciously high; he will look into it. The Chairman promised to provide updated jpgs for the Sponsors page.
b] Howard Jones has obtained a signed Nick Matthews poster which he will put up in the entrance hallway.
C] The Chairman inadequately referred to the changing England Squash funding arrangements; the County believe that there will be grants available particularly for player recruitment. The Chairman would like to examine the possibility that this could underwrite our own Junior recruitment.
[Gary Nolan has previously expressed his wish to “re-invigorate” juniorrecruitment].
Date of next Meeting :: MONDAY14thDECEMBER2015 at 1940 hours