SEPTEMBER 19, 2012
Board Members Present:
Mary Currier, MD, MPH, MS State Department of Health – Chairman
Appointed by: MS State Department of Health
Craig Orgeron, PhD, MS Department of Information Technology Services
Appointed by: MS Department of Information Technology Services
Carl Cloer, Singing River Health System
Appointed by: Information and Quality Healthcare – MSCHIE
T. C. Washington, MS Primary Healthcare Association
Appointed by: MS Primary Healthcare Association
John Lucas, MD, Greenwood Leflore Hospital
Appointed by: MS State Department of Health
Scott Stringer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MS
Appointed by: Office of the Governor
Board Members Absent:
James Dunaway, MS Department of Mental Health
Appointed by: MS Department of Mental Health
Rita Rutland, MS Division of Medicaid
Appointed by: MS Division of Medicaid
Billy Crowder, MD, Medical Associates of Vicksburg
Appointed by: MS State Medical Association
Mary Currier, MD, MPH, Chairman called the meeting to order.
Dr. Currier stated there was not a quorum for the MS-HIN Board Meeting with only five Board Members participating; therefore, the Minutes for the July 18, 2012 Meeting could not be voted on. Ms. Candice Whitfield said she would email the May 16, 2012 and July 18, 2012 Minutes to the Board for their approval. This will constitute an electronic quorum.
Dr. Currier called for the Board to go into Executive Session to discuss a personal issue. Carl Cloer made the motion to enter into Executive Session and Craig Orgeron seconded the motion.
At 3:30, the Board returned from
Payer Functionality- Candice Whitfield introduced Michelle Suitor and Derek Shoup from Medicity to discuss payer functionality (see attached slides). After the presentation, the Board had various questions regarding the functionality. Ms. Suitor discussed the current functionality offered by Medicity which requires providers to enter certain information into the IN1 fields. The Board wanted to understand further how these edits worked, what happened if all the information was not available for entry and was all the fields required to provide information to payers. In addition, the Board wanted to understand better the
Patient Consent Management Consent Tool – Michelle Suitor also provided a presentation on the Patient Management Consent Tool (see attached slides). Mr. Carl Cloer explained Singing River’s how they current handle to opt-out policy and that the hospital includes the MS-HIN information in their Notice of Privacy. He stated the admissions staff at Singing River would not want the additional duty of opting individuals out of the MS-HIN. Mr. Craig Orgeron asked how many individuals have opted-out of the MS-HIN. Ms. Whitfield stated that only one individual has opted out of MS-HIN. Ms. Whitfield also stated that one hospital did inquire about the ability to opt-out patients at the user level. Ms. Whitfield also reviewed the current opt-out policy. The Board agreed at the time, the Patient Consent Management Tool would not be activated.
Health IT Summit- Ms. Whitfield announced that in conjunction with the Mississippi Hospital Association, MS-HIN is hosting a Health IT Summit. The Summit will be held on Thursday, September 27th at the Hospital Association and 34 hospitals had registered for the Summit. Speakers at the Summit include representatives: Department of Health, Medicaid, Medicity various hospitals and UMC’s Office of TeleHealth.
MS-HIN Status Report- Ms. Whitfield presented the Board with the September Status Report (see attached).
Ms. Whitfield will send to the Board the May 16, 2012 Minutes, July 18, 2012 Minutes and Dispute Resolution Procedure for their perusal and vote.
Date(s) for Next Meeting(s) – Ms. Whitfield stated the next meeting is Wednesday, November 14th, 2012, at 3 pm.
There being no further business, upon motion by Craig Orgeron, PhD to adjourn and second by T. C. Washington, the meeting was adjourned.
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.
Mary Currier, MD, MPHCandice Whitfield
ChairmanHIT Coordinator