Oakwood School Curriculum

Year 3 (classes 7 & 8)

Subject area / Skills
Literacy / v  Instructions – For Mr Fox to find the hen house
v  Discussion
v  Narrative writing – writing own stories inspired by Fantastic Mr Fox and the style of Roald Dahl
v  Playscripts – based on narrative writing and to be used alongside Shadow Puppet theatres.
v  Punctuation – full stops, capital letters, inverted commas, commas in a list, apostrophes
v  Spellings – prefixes and suffixes, silent letters, homophones
v  Handwriting
Maths / v  Place Value and mental calculation
v  2D Shape- including length and perimeter
v  Statistics - including bar charts, tables and Pictograms
v  Addition & Subtraction – developing written column methods
v  Counting- number sequences counting on and back in different steps
v  Multiplication and Division - developing written and mental methods
v  Time – to the nearest minute
v  3D Shape
v  Multiplication facts – x4
Topic - Science / Lights Camera Action
How can the farmers catch the foxes?

v  To recognise the four points of a compass
v  To understand and use electrical systems in product
v  To improve control and techniques in my use of art materials (watercolours)
How is music used in Roald Dahl films?
v  To explain how music is important in films.
v  To analyse and comment how sounds are used to create different moods.
v  To identify descriptive features in art and music.
v  To recognise how musical elements are used and combined to describe different animals.
v  To perform with others keeping a steady beat.
v  To create a class song
v  To compose music in pairs and make improvements to their own work.
How can Fantastic Mr Fox avoid the farmers?
Light and dark
v  To review existing knowledge of light and shadows.
v  To understand what a light source is.
v  Recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
Reflectionsv  Notice that light is reflected from surfaces.
v  Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses.
v  Recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by a solid object.
v  Find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change
Geography / v  To recognise the four points of a compass
Art/DT / Art
v  Music - I can identify descriptive features in art and music.
v  To improve control and techniques in my use of art materials (watercolours)
Making a shadow puppet theatre
v  Children understand how a shadow puppet theatre works.
v  Children can think about properties of light & shadow when designing theatre.
Food Technology / Food groups and making a healthy meal
v  I can understand a healthy and varied diet
v  I can prepare a healthy and varied snack
PE / Dance
v  Select travelling actions to convey different characters, along varied pathways.
v  To create a group sequence conveying a group machine, using control of body actions and different levels.
v  To explore travelling actions linked to three different settings.
v  To combine all elements of the unit in order to tell a story.
v  Repeat, remember and perform phases in a dance
v  To send and receive a ball
v  To send a ball and move into space to receive a pass.
v  To send and receive a ball in a simple game.
v  To send and receive a ball in an invasion game.
v  To revise simple tactics in an invasion game.
v  To evaluate their own and others success.
French / v  Knowing how to ask someone’s name and respond appropriately with his or her own.
v  Numbers
v  Knowing how to ask someone’s age and respond appropriately with his or her own.
v  Colours
RE / Symbols and Religious Expression
v  To know about the meaning of everyday signs and symbols.
v  To recognise how memories are linked to particular objects.
v  To understand the meaning of some Christian symbols.
v  To know about some key symbols within a place of worship.
v  To recognise the meaning of the aum symbol and its significance for Hindus.
v  To know about some aspects of Hindu beliefs in Brahman.
v  To understand that shrines are special places in Hindu homes.
v  To know about some of the ways that Hindus show devotion to God
v  To understand that actions in worship often have symbolic meanings
ICT / Animation based upon Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox
v  I can use and combine a variety of software to design and create digital and printed media.
Using a digital camera
v  I can use and combine a variety of software to design and create digital and printed media.
PSHCE / Friendship and Difference
v  To be able to listen to, support their friends and manage friendship problems.
v  To recognise that friends may have both positive and negative influences.
v  To consider ways we are affected by our special people.
v  To understand why rules are needed at home and School.
v  To understand that rights come with responsibilities and how these affect their home and school life.