Directorate F: Social and Information Society Statistics
SASU manual


1. Purpose of the document 3


1. Ethics 4

2. Age limits 5

3. Interview training 5

4. Translation 6

5. Legal act/s 7

6. Precision requirements and sample size 7

7. Fieldwork 10


1. Selection of respondents 11

2. List of variables (including the rationale, definition and guidance for the interview) 13

3. Priorities within victimisations 215

4. SASU model questionnaire 216


1. Code book 217

2. Classifications used 217

3. Checking rules (applied to the data set delivered to Eurostat) 230

3.1 data level checking rules 230

3.2 record level checking rules 230

3.3 file level checking rules 230

3.4 update history 230


1. Results of some cognitive tests and pilots 230

2. Content of quality report 230

3. Pre-defined tables 230



VICTIMISATION SCREENERS for thelast 5 years (optional)

Therecall period needs to (a) allow less serious incidents to be remembered; (b) prevent more serious incidents being ’telescoped in’; and (c) provide enough incidents for victims to describe. An initial 5-year recall period is recommended as thebest compromise for (b) and (c). However, victimisation over aone-year period is themain measure of comparative risks. Countries which cannot implement thescreeners for thevictimisation in thelast 5 years should assure that at thevery least thetelescoping effect can be checked, by asking for thedetailed dates of thevictimisation details or/and applying another recall period (minimum two years). Information on thetype of method used at thenational level will be coded in thevariable TELESCOP- Method of checking for telescoping effect used during an interview.

All the variables in the victimisation screeners module for the last 5 years should provide areference point and be an introduction for later questions. In addition, the fact that the respondent is allowed to report an event which took place up to 5 years ago will enable the telescoping effect (which would occur if events which happened earlier than 12 months ago were included as if within the reference period) to be reduced.

Therespondent might have experienced acrime type victimisation that is not covered by thesurvey (e.g. vandalism). Theinterviewer is asked to acknowledge that one is aware of the importance of the crime the respondent is trying to report, but that due to the constraint of the interview length only some crimes in their country shall be covered.

SCBURMAIN: Burglary in main home in thelast 5 years (optional)
Codes / Labels
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer

·  Classification used: Not applicable

·  Filter: no filter


This variable aims to assess whether there was unlawful entry of aresidence, with or without force. Theuse of force generally involves damage to doors, windows or fences. This crime is generally motivated by theintention of stealing something.

Buildings that are not a part of the ‘main’ premises such as second homes, freestanding garages, sheds etc. are excluded on theassumption that surveillance at such premises cannot be as high as at the‘main’ premises, so that breaking into them may be easier, resulting in an inflated number of incidents. Only themain residence is covered here.


Burglary is defined here as gaining illegal access to (part of) adwelling, with or without theuse of force, with the purpose of stealing goods. If the thief was allowed in the home and something personal has been stolen it is considered to be theft of personal property. Theft of vehicles in freestanding garages, second homes etc. should only be reported in the corresponding theft of vehicle-category.

Details and instructions:

This variable should also cover burglary in rooms that are part of the main home (cellars, attics, lofts). Thefts from gardens, from buildings or rooms that are not a part of the main home (freestanding garages, sheds, lock-ups), or from second homes should not be included as well as attempted burglary.

Thequestion used to obtain thevariable SCBURMAIN can be formulated as follows:

Over thepast five years, did anyone actually get into your main home without permission and steal or try to steal something? I am not including here thefts from thegarden, from a freestanding garage, shed or lock-up or from asecond home.

1 Yes

2 No

3 [Don’t know / cannot remember]

SCCARTHEF: Car theft in thelast 5 years (optional)
Codes / Labels
1 / Yes
2 / No
3 / No car
-1 / No answer

·  Classification used: Not applicable

·  Filter: no filter (combination of questions B1 and C1 in model questionnaire)


It should be noted that this type of crime is among those where the‘dark figure’ is smallest. Most victims report to thepolice for vehicle registration and insurance reasons. This makes it relatively easy to compare statistics from surveys and police records on this type of crime.


For thepurpose of this variable theterm ‘car’ also covers avan (a medium-sized road vehicle used especially for carrying goods or persons and which often has no windows in the sides of the back half) or pick-up truck (a small vehicle with an open part at the back in which goods can be carried) for (at least partly) private use. Leased cars and company cars are included. Rental cars are excluded.‘Car theft’ means any such vehicle stolen or driven away without permission. Theevent should be recorded even if thevehicle was later found and returned.

Details and instructions:

This variable concerns not only therespondent but also theother household members. It should not include cases when avehicle was taken by afamily member without permission, unless theowner considers this to be theft.

In case car theft takes place simultaneously with other types of crime (e.g. burglary, robbery) all crime types should be recorded separately, regardless of multiple victimisation.

Thevariable SCCARTHEF can be constructed based on theanswers to thefollowing questions:

At first aquestion on possession of acar is recommended to be asked in aseparate module covering all thequestions to establish vehicle ownership and use of ‘cards’ and online banking. This set of questions should be asked at thebeginning of interview.

I will be asking you some questions about crimes that you or other household members might have experienced. Before that, though, I need to ask you about some things that might have been targeted by offenders.

First, in the last five years, has anyone in your household owned, or had the private use of a car, van or pick-up truck?

1 Yes

2 No

3 [Don’t know / cannot remember]

I would now like to ask some questions about crimes that you or other members of your household may have experienced.

In thelast five years have you or anyone else in your household had acar, van or pick-up truck for private use, stolen or driven away without permission?

1 Yes

2 No

3 [Don’t know / cannot remember]

SCFROMCAR Theft from car in thelast 5 years (optional)
Codes / Labels
1 / Yes
2 / No
3 / No car
-1 / No answer

·  Classification used: Not applicable

·  Filter: no filter (combination of questions B1 and C2 in model questionnaire)


This is among themost frequent types of crime experienced by citizens. Irrespective of thecountry in which surveys may be carried out, this form of victimization affects large portions of thepopulation and is agood example of atype of crime that frequently goes unreported.


For thepurpose of this variable theterm ‘car’ also covers avan or pick-up truck for private use. Theft of vehicle parts (such as number plates or spare tyre, but also of items attached to a vehicle at the time of the incident, such as trailer, caravan, roof rack, or bicycle carrier) or of items from inside avehicle (such as radio, fuel, or luggage) should also be included here.

Details and instructions:

This variable concerns not only therespondent but also theother household members and their goods. Thethefts of goods that were in, or attached to a car, while thewhole car was stolen (SCCARTHEF=1) should not be reported here.

In case theft from car takes place simultaneously with other types of crime (e.g. robbery) all crime types should be recorded separately, regardless of multiple victimisation.

Thevariable SCFROMCAR can be constructed based on theanswer to thefollowing question:

Respondents who reported owning or having private use of acar van or pick-up truck in thehousehold in thelast 5 years.

In thelast five years have you or anyone else in your household had anything stolen from acar, van or pick-up truck, which you owned or had in private use? This includes parts of thevehicle, possessions in thecar, or other things.

1 Yes

2 No

3 [Don’t know / cannot remember]

SCMOTTHEF: Motorcycle theft in thelast 5 years (optional)
Codes / Labels
1 / Yes
2 / No
3 / No motorcycle
-1 / No answer

·  Classification used: Not applicable

·  Filter: no filter (combination of questions B2 and C3 in model questionnaire)


As for car theft, motorcycle theft is among those crimes for which the‘dark figure’ is smallest. Most victims report to thepolice for vehicle registration and insurance reasons. This makes it relatively easy to compare statistics from surveys and police records on this type of crime.


Motorcycle also includes scooter, moped, mobility scooter, similar electrical vehicles, etc. as long as they have a licence plate. Electric bicycles or toys are excluded. For thepurpose of this variable a‘scooter’ means alight motor cycle with asmall engine. Leased motorcycles and company motorcycles are included. Rental motorcycles are excluded.

Details and instructions:

This variable concerns not only therespondent but also theother household members. It should not include cases when amotorcycle, scooter or moped, was taken by afamily member without permission, unless theowner considers this to be theft.

In case motorcycle theft takes place simultaneously with other types of crime (e.g. burglary, robbery) all crime types should be recorded separately, regardless of multiple victimisation.

Thevariable SCMOTTHEF can be constructed based on theanswer to thefollowing questions:

In thelast five years, has anyone in your household owned, or had the private use of amotorcycle, scooter or moped?

1 Yes

2 No

3 [Don’t know / cannot remember]

In thelast five years, did you or anyone else in your household have amotorcycle, scooter or moped stolen or driven away without permission?

1 Yes

2 No

3 [Don’t know / cannot remember]

SCBICTHEF: Bicycle theft in thelast 5 years (optional)
Codes / Labels
1 / Yes
2 / No
3 / No bicycle
-1 / No answer

·  Classification used: Not applicable

·  Filter: no filter (combination of questions B3 and C4 in model questionnaire)


Different societies experience crime in different ways, thus thetheft of abicycle may represent amore or less serious crime in different contexts. Bicycles may be used for transportation to theworkplace or school, or for sports and leisure. Some bicycles may have very high value to therespondent, for example as aworking tool or as highly sophisticated sports equipment. Thetheft of abicycle may affect different victims in different ways.

Details and instructions:

This variable concerns not only therespondent but also theother household members. It should not include cases when abicycle was taken by afamily member without permission, unless theowner considers this to be theft.

Children’s bicycles, if they are two-wheelers, should be included. Leased bicycles and company bicycles are included. Rental bicycles are excluded.

In case bicycle theft takes place simultaneously with other types of crime (e.g. burglary, robbery) all crime types should be recorded separately, regardless of multiple victimisation.

Thevariable SCBICTHEF can be constructed based on theanswer to thefollowing questions:

In thelast five years, has anyone in your household had abicycle?

In thelast five years, has anyone in your household owned, or had the private use of abicycle?

1 Yes

2 No

3 [Don’t know / cannot remember]

In thelast five years have you or anyone else in your household had abicycle stolen?

1 Yes

2 No

3 [Don’t know / cannot remember]


SCROBB: Robbery in thelast 5 years (optional)
Codes / Labels
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer

·  Classification used: Not applicable

·  Filter: no filter


Robbery offences known to thepublic may be divided into two broad categories, namely robberies against institutions such as banks or post offices, and ‘street-robberies’, that is robberies against persons. TheSASU collects information only on ‘street-robberies’.

Although theterm ‘street robbery’ is used, such robberies may, in fact, occur in avariety of locations, including parks, on buses or trains, or in cars, in commercial locations, but also at work, at school or at home, as long as it was theperson who was thevictim of therobbery.

Many surveys have found that robbery was among thetypes of offences that victims tended to report to thepolice less frequently.


Robbery in this variable is completed or attempted theft, directly from aperson, of property or cash by force or threat of force, with or without aweapon and with or without injury.

Details and instructions:

This variable concerns theincidents experienced by arespondent personally. Pick-pocketing, extortion and blackmailing are excluded. Attempted robbery should be reported here.

In case robbery takes place simultaneously with other types of crime (e.g. burglary, car theft) all crime types should be recorded separately, regardless of multiple victimisation.

Next I would like to ask you some questions about what may have happened to you personally. Things that happened to other members of your household should not be mentioned here.

Please include anything that happened to you in thelast five years. These incidents could have taken place in thestreet, for instance, in apub, in apark, on public transpor or in a car, but also at work, at school or at home.

Thequestion used to obtain variable SCROBB can be formulated as follows:

In thelast five years, has anyone stolen, or tried to steal something from you by using force or threatening you with force?

1 Yes

2 No

3 [Don’t know / cannot remember]

SCRPPTH: Theft of personal property in thelast 5 years (optional)
Codes / Labels
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer

·  Classification used: Not applicable