AMIDILA – Academic Mobility and Inclusive Development In Latina America


(Undergraduate Exchange, Master Exchange, Sandwich PhD, Post doc)

Guidelines to fill it out

The objective of this document is to receive a confirmation of the recognition approved at the Home University of the activities you have carried out at the Host University, being the recognition of them the core objective of the AMIDILA project and the main aim of your Learning Agreement and Research Plan Agreement.

This Confirmation of recognition must be filled out and signed by the Supervisor/Office at your Home University who can confirm the recognition approved at your Home University of the activities done at your Host University. Undergraduate and Master student shall refer to the office in charge to approve and transfer the activities carried out abroad in the domestic study plan of the student.Sandwich PhD and Post doc grantees shall refer to the professor supervising their work at the Home University.

If you have doubts about who is responsible to fill out and sign this document, TG1 grantees can ask the relevant AMIDILA contact person at their Home University, TG2 and TG3 grantees can ask the AMIDILA Coordinator.

Grantee details:

Name and Surname
Target group / □TG1 □TG2 □TG3
Mobility Level / □ Undergraduate □ Master
□ Sandwich PhD □ Post doc
Country of Residence and Nationality
Mobility period / From [dd/mm/yyyy] to [dd/mm/yyyy]
Home institution
Host institution

Details of the Supervisor/Office filling out this Confirmation of Recognition:

Name and Surname
Contact e-mail

Please provide us details for each of the following 2 sections:

1.Confirmation of recognition:

Fill out the section applicable to the case of the Grantee and delete the other

Undergraduate and Master Exchange– Fill out the table according to the Transcript of records and the Recognition approved:

Code / Name of the subjects done and passed at the Host University / ECTS or local credits or hours / Code / Name of the activities substituted in the domestic study plan / ECTS or local credits or hours

In the case no recognition has been done please specify the reasons why:


Sandwich PhD and Post doc - Please describe how the activities carried out, the results and objectives achieved by the grantee at the host university have been recognized in your Institution and in the framework of the research activities the grantee carries out at your Institution under your supervision:


2.Mobility Impact’s evaluation:

Please tell us the benefits your Institution got from sending the Grantee and tell us how the mobility of the Grantee did reinforce or create the cooperation between your Institution and the Host Institution of the Grantee. Please tell us about any future cooperation plan with the Host University of the Grantee.


Place and date______Signature______

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