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30 Essays Why I Deserve to Win. Сase; Canada

Monday, March 07, 2011

2:37 PM

Why I Deserve to Win Essay # 1

Meet new people, new Culture are so interesting that God give it to us. We can learn how unique the

culture is created., How to respect their culture and enjoying all changes that God gives to us.

Life is a book that should we fill each sheet with various activities useful every day. Book can be read

people in order to give them knowledge, give benefit to them. God always give us new sheet to fill.

What would we fill?

Peoples with long life journey have thick book, but not means older peoples have more thick, because

it’s possible that young peoples that have various experience can add thickness of their book even

thicker than older people.

Of course ,I want to be “ the young People”….

My friend ever told to me if you have a chance to go abroad so go to Montreal, Canada, because at

there you will find how unique the culture that American mixed with European Culture. You will not find

this unique culture in the world except in Montreal.

I’m so interest to follow Summer School Program. I want to realize my dream to study in Concordia

University, Montreal, Canada because I know that a lot of people from difference cultural around the

world are studying there. I can learn various culture that they brought and I would share it to my

Country.Besidesthat,I can promote Indonesian Cultural and share with my friends there that we have a

lot of traditions and the other unique traditions that can interesting them, like Batik fashion that can you

see at my profile because I wear it.Indonesia have unique food such as Baso and Sate that Mr. President

Obama has eated in Indonesia.

Indonesia has motto” Bhineka Tunggal Ika” , that means “although difference but we united” . I have a

big ambition to share this philosophy to my friends there that difference should not make us divorce but

it must motivate us to keep united and fill up one another to reach peace life. So there’s not cold war

and battle inter brotherhood again.Because Iam sure that human plurality is the basic of the Modern


I am Tuti purwaningsih , fourth years student of Bogor Agricultural University. My major is Statistics and

minor is Economics Development. Now I follow active as staff of profession Association GAMMA SIGMA

BETA , department of Statistics , Mathematics and Science faculty. Here, I am as division’s treasurer of

Database Center. Here, the Activity like updating all related or relevant data which important for all

student of statistics especially and students of Bogor Agricultural University generally. We always

coordinate with the other division that have relation with data to be neat in order to be able used easily

and quickly. I‘m also have involved myself active in Senate and committee like Leader of Fund and Effort

division in Statistika Ria, as Leader of consume division in event Workshop PKM, as staff of Special

division in National Festival Science , etc.

Besides active in organization, I am also non-stopped to motivate myself in order to non-stopped have

achievement in academics, thanks to God that some month ago I have given opportunity to win :

1. National Masterpiece Creation of students Contest

2. Recycle Garbage contest at Gebyar of Student Care Environment in Agricultural Bogor University

3. Masterpiece Write of research about "Bakso Daging Kelinci Dengan Penambahan Tepung Kulit Pisang

sebagai Biofortifikasi Mineral” (“Meat Ball of Flesh of Hare With Addition Flour of Husk of Banana as

Saltpetre Biofortification ") which finally fund by Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia

I am also happy follow training and seminar for improve my knowledge like Training of

Entrepreneuurship workshop, ESQ Leadership Training, Writing of Proposal and scientific Report ,

Workshop And Seminar PKM, National Scientific Seminar, Seminar of Islam Science, National

Competition of Statistika Ria , Welcome Ceremony Statistics, Statistics National Seminar, Printing

Champion of Muri Rampak Traditional Refine of Sunda(one of many Cultral West Java, Indonesia).

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I like public speaking, I am lecture assistant in Study of Statistics Methods and taught about 165 students

from two major, Bio Chemical Departements and Computer science Departements. Beside it, I spend my

spare time to work in Statistics Centre, Bogor, West Java ,Indonesia.

I feel,I need a lot of guidance yet, to be someone who has a Leadership Soul, in order to manage and

understand what peoples around me need. I hope can make my environment to be better. I want to

combine my Education with pleasure by learning something that matters to me.

Hopefully I can follow Summer School Contest

I request the support and your pray …because I can’t without your support…

So, please Vote me guys!

Warm Regards,

Tuti Purwaningsih

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Why I Deserve to Win Essay # 2

"Everyone deserves to win, but the best one deserves to win at most . Losing is certainty, but winning is

a possibility. It's called win-win solution!", said my father.

In such globalization era where education and technology have dynamically changed and given many

global impacts to the world, I think as a good nation (especially from developing country) who conducts

as a student, this becomes the opportunity to learn and share with another people from many countries

around the world, particularly the developed ones in order to know how they (developed nations) can

sustain and take a part in controlling the world and mostly to know how their cultures really are.

Why I am eligible:

1. I believe there's a certain spiritual power that controls us in this world, that is God. The reason why

God creates human is, God wants to know how well he/she uses his/her mind and heart which have

been blessed by God in order to admit that everything belongs to him. That's the way how a winner

thinks, and I do so.

2. Because I'm born as the champion. See, yes indeed my father is the first best father of the world, and

my mother is exactly the first best mother of the world. When they considered to make a baby, you

know my father's sperm (which is composed by millions substances of sperm) had to contest themselves

to reach the only one special ovum of my mother to be a zygote and grew to be baby which was

acknowledged as BEST OF THE BEST. You know, the baby is ME!

3. I don't need to know why they (another nations) are totally different with my one, but I really need to

know what makes my nation is totally different with them because at the end of the day that's the way a

good nation contributes to his country through his mind and tell the world that we're different. I bet the

committee will only choose a good nation and I think I'm on progress to be it.

4. Another quotes my father told me, "Don't die before you give a meaning!" At least there's a certain

part who really expects me to win this and I want to give them that meaning. The meaning isn't only

about the pride but it is how you bring the positive changes. The one who puts that expectation is

absolutely my country itself because it knows that I'm (as a part of society) an asset. So, what should be

doubted anymore?

5. I know nobody could make the same reasons why they deserve to win, and nobody could make the

same thoughts of mine. That's why I'm different. And a different is the one who should win! :)

I do not know how, about I always dream for someday I can go to USA, Canada, Japan, England, French,

Germany, and so forth because I do love making friends, especially from other countries. So far, I’ve got

two opportunities lost for going abroad in term of student exchanges. When I was in first grade of senior

high school, I knew for some information about student exchange program to USA, called AFS (American

Field Service), but unfortunately my parents didn’t permit me to join such contest. The reason merely

coming from them was because I needed to waste one year for study as a compliance of joining AFS,

thus I would finish my high school for about four years. I lost the first chance. Then, when I was second

grader, again I got information about JENESYS, one of student exchange program to Japan. I joined the

contest under the permission of my parents. But at that time, I just got the 3rd position while they

would only send two students. That was making me so disappointed. Well, by this contest, I think I have

one more chance to reach my dream for going abroad.

Thank you!

Let's be friend, here!

Monday, March 07, 2011

2:37 PM

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Why I Deserve to WinEssay # 3

Hey, Guys..!!

My name's Angga Febri, from Indonesia.

This is one of my dream to get scholarship in abroad. I have a big passion to learning in the other

country but i don't have enough money to make my dream comes true. So scholarship is the solution to

get them all.

I deserve to win the scholarship summer school in Montreal, Canada because:

1. I am proud to be an Indonesian and I want to share the culture and values to the world.

2. I love to meet new faces from different walks of life and from different places around the world.

3. I like to explore the world and get a good and educative experience.

A little something about me, I am 19 years old and a student of Indonesian Literature from the

Padjadjaran University, Bandung -West Java. I love everything about writing activities.

As a student of Indonesian Literature, of course I struggled with many issues surrounding the language,

writing, art, literature, folklore, and culture.

With the ability I have, namely language and literature, I wish I could give a real contribution to my

beloved homeland. I would like to introduce my country, Nusantara, to the world through writing.

I think, writing is one of the most effective media to propagate something, including everything about

my country.

I’m sure I can give maximum contibution and I believe that my partisipation in Concordia University’s

International Summer School program will be useful for me, my country as well and also for the activity


Finally, hopefully with my election as one of the International Summer School Student Contest, I can

bring my country to be a better and dignified Indonesia. And obtain the goodness and blessings of God.

Through the Lord, I know He has good plans lined up for me.


Thank you so much for you who have voted me. Also for you who have not, vote me soon.

Canada ...

Wait for me there!

I'm coming ...!

Monday, March 07, 2011

2:38 PM

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Why I Deserve to WinEssay # 4

Its every young citizen's responsibility today to ensure that they give something back to the society that

they have been taking everything from. Pakistan as a society and as a State has given me a lot, it has

given me Faith, Discipline, Strength, Education and the Confidence to go to any part of the world and

represent Pakistan with Dignity and thus I believe there is no better chance than this one to go to a

Developed country like Canada and represent Pakistan at a massive forum and help people know about

the aspects of Pakistan as a State which not much people really know. And also the prospect of getting

to know people of my age from different cultures, knowing what they think about the world and how

they see the current Socio Economic conditions shaping up in the future is probably the most interesting

and mouth watering prospect which I am really looking forward to.

Monday, March 07, 2011

2:41 PM

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Why I Deserve to Win Essay # 5

Hi, hola, halo, hello, hallo, hej, bonjour, ni hao, ciao, konnichiwa, annyeonghaseyo, selam...

What makes me deserve to win?

I have some things that make me deserve to win but the main reason is I am a hard willing girl who will

do everything in positive ways to reach a victory. I love to win. The other reasons are I am open minded

and very interested in meeting new people who has a totally different background with me. I love

cultures. It will be a very exciting challenge to interact with them and do cultural exchange. I also need

cultural exchange since I am learning nursing. Nurse needs cultural approaching skill to give a holistic

care for patients so this chance will helps me to get that skill, moreover i have a willing to work abroad.

Study abroad is always my dream since i was in junior high school. This summer school would be a very

great chance for me to receive that dream. I also think that Montreal is an unique city where people use

French in the middle of country that has English as its first language and also a diversity of many

cultures. Spending summer studying everything i could learn there at Concordia University would be so

fun and full of new experiences.



Monday, March 07, 2011

2:42 PM

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Why I Deserve to WinEssay # 6

hi everyone, I'm muna from Aceh, one of famous region in indonesia. Why i deserve to win? it's because

I love going abroad, having new experience, new friend, and new culture.

Aceh, as you know was distroyed by the great wave (Tsunami) and earthquake. so many foreigners came

to help us. Cultures and languages were exchanging around us. That's why I was so obsessed to spread

our cultures and languages even further through the whole world.

Let me tell you one of my experience, I went to United States on 2008 as an exchange student, I got new

families, friends, self abilities, and knowledges. Too many unforgetable memories of the whole year

living there. It was like building new bridge between us, Indonesia and United States. I was addicted to

it. So I went to China on 2010 to get more experiences. I speak four languages and have been learning

French. Thanks for God, adaptation is not my problem anymore.

I am so obsessed to win the contest, because I really love to visit places in world, open my mind wider,

learn so many new things, improve my foreign language ability, knowledge, experience, and build next

bridge. I just love doing it.

I will be really happy if I can win the contest and really appriciate the votes. Thank you so much


Monday, March 07, 2011

2:43 PM

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Why I Deserve to Win Essay # 7

"Why I Feel I Need/Deserve This Scholarship" My family is considered large by today's standards. Being

the oldest of four brothers, I have had to mature quickly and learned at a young age what responsibility

means.Besides that,I feel I deserve this scholarship because I have overcome many obstacles in my life

to come out on top. The activities that I have been involved with have helped me grow as a person and

have allowed me to reach out a helping hand to the community.

I feel I deserve this scholarship because I have high motivation considering the challenges ahead is much

tougher to get into the world of work and develop business and consider the role of communication in

the life of the world of work then I intend to improve the knowledge I had understood better and

deepen their knowledge of communication, especially in the English language. I really appreciate to all

parties, especially the organizers if I supported and given the opportunity to participate in this golden


Monday, March 07, 2011

2:44 PM

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Why I Deserve to Win Essay # 8

Visiting Canada is my dream vacation which has a potential of coming true by winning summer school

scholarship at Concordia University. This will be a great chance for me to learn intensive English. In

addition to that, I will be able to learn fundamentals of Human Resources Practices. These two courses

will be a great help for future endeavors.

I am very out going and fun loving individual. I have been hearing about living in multicultural

environment from my sister living in Ottawa. After entering this contest, I am excited to experience it. I

would like to explore different cultures and introduce mine to them. This scholarship will give me a great

chance to study and explore.

Monday, March 07, 2011

2:45 PM

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Why I Deserve to WinEssay # 9

I Want deserve to win a Summer School Scholarship at Concordia University because I feel has more

potential that I can give to other friends.

To be elected me in the Summer School Scholarship at the University otonashi Concordia also enrich my

knowledge about other countries besides Indonesia alone.

I currently lecture in the faculty of psychology University of Malang and here I learn about human

Characteristics. if I am allowed to participate in this scholarship I can apply the knowledge I have gained

with direct knowledge of human characteristics that are human first Canadian city.

Monday, March 07, 2011

2:46 PM

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Why I Deserve to WinEssay #10

i deserve to win because i am someone who is willing to try new ways and methods of learning

something new. Travelling and learning something new especially in another country has always been

encouraging and exciting.

This is an opportunity that i was eagerly waiting for. Just learning is not my goal but imparting that

knowledge to others is something that i consider worthy of doing. Canada is a place where there are

people of different cultures and observing thoses cultures and traditional practices is marvelous.

Studying in canada would give me an opportunity to enhace my academic and social capabilities and by

taking the courses that i have opted for will further increase my knowledge that i would gladly part on

for the betterment of society

i have done two courses in french and this program would help me to learn it even better.Making new

friends and meeting people from across the globe would help us share ideas and see things from a new

light and perspective

By voting for me you will increase my chances of achieving my goals and that would help me avail this


Your vote means a lot... keep voting and keep smiling

Zehra :)

Monday, March 07, 2011

2:47 PM