First Nine Weeks Project

QUIZ grade

Due October 30th/31st

Choose ONE of the options below for your project. The projects must be creative and neat. You will be graded on requirements of the project, visual attractiveness, and content.

Option One: Create a timeline using the dates of the following events:

Start of the Renaissance; Creation of the Gutenberg Press; Signing of the Peace of Augsburg; Year Henry VIII became king; Year Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn; Formation of the Council of Trent; Start of the Black Plague; Start of the Hundred Year’s War; End of the Hundred Years War; End of the Renaissance; Start of the Northern Renaissance; Start of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; Start of the Aztec Empire; Start of the Incan Empire; End of the Mughal Empire; End of the Ottoman Empire; End of the Songhai Empire; Start of the Ming Empire; End of the Holy Roman Empire; Start of the English Empire

·  15 of the 20 events must include visual representations that must be a minimum 1.5” x 1.5”

·  Each event must contain a minimum three sentence description

·  Timeline must be visually appealing

Option Two: Create a flipbook using the following people:

Jesus Christ, Siddhartha Guatama, Muhammad, John Wycliffe, Henry VIII, Martin Luther, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Mary I, John Calvin, John Knox, Ignatius Loyola, Joan of Arc, The Medici Family, Machiavelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Jan van Eyck, Sir Thomas More, Pieter Bruegel, Catherine Parr

·  Flipbook must include picture representations for each person, not just portraits of their faces. Any portraits without representations will receive no credit.

·  Each person must have a minimum three sentence description

·  Pictures must be at least 1.5” x 1.5”

·  Flipbooks can be made any way as long as they are in BOOK form

Option Three: Create a mobile highlighting FOUR events from EACH of the following topics:

The Renaissance, the World Religions, the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Reformation, and the World Empires

·  Each event will be placed on it’s own card

·  Pictures must be included

·  There must be a minimum three sentence description on the back of each card

·  You are free to create the mobile in any way that you would like as long as it meets the requirements

The rubric must be attached to the project when you turn it in to Ms. Hatfield.