Unit 7: Equilibrium IB Topics 7 & 17 AP Chapters (Zumdahl): 13(all); 10.8 & 10.9 AP Chapters 1-5

NOTES - Unit 7: Equilibrium (Mostly Review)

Dynamic Equilibrium

REVERSIBLE REACTIONS do not go to completion & can occur in either direction:

Chemical equilibrium exists when the forward & reverse rxns./processes occur at exactly the same rate


At equilibrium:

o  If there are more products than reactants, the products are said to be favored.

o  If there are more reactants than products, the reactants are said to be favored.

Table 7.1: Characteristics of the equilibrium state

Feature of equilibrium state / Explanation
The rxn has not stopped; the forward and backward rxns are still occurring (same rate).
Prevents exchange of matter with surroundings, so equilibrium is achieved where both reactants and products can react and recombine with each other.
They are being produced and destroyed at an equal rate.
This refers to observable properties such as color and density; these do not change as they depend on the concentrations of the components in the mixture.
The same equilibrium mixture will result under the same conditions, no matter whether the rxn is started with all reactants, all products, or a mixture of both.

The Equilibrium Law (Law of Mass Action)
For the reaction: aA + bB « cC + dD at equilibrium, the constant, Kc:

Kc is a measure to extent to which a reaction occurs; it varies with temperature (and only with temp) and is UNITLESS.

Ex: Write the K expression for:

a) PCl5 « PCl3 + Cl2

b) 4NH3 + 5O2 « 4NO + 6H2O

·  [ ] denotes concentration. Gases can be entered as molar volumes (n/V), or moles of gas per liter of mixture.

·  The units of k are determined by units of concentration and the various powers; thus, they depend on the reaction.

Ex: One liter of the equilibrium mixture from example (a) was found to contain 0.172 mol PCl3, 0.086 mol Cl2, and 0.028 mol PCl5. Calculate K.

When Kc > 1, most reactants will be converted to products.

When Kc < 1, most reactants remain unreacted.

Reaction Quotient (Q) is calculated the same as Kc, but concentrations are not necessarily equilibrium concentrations.

Comparing Q with Kc enables us to predict the direction in which a rxn will occur to a greater extent when a rxn is NOT at equilibrium.

When: Q < K:

Q = K:

Q > K:

Ex: H2(g) + I2(g) « 2HI(g)

Kc for this reaction at 450°C is 49. If 0.22 mol I2, 0.22 mol H2, and 0.66 mol HI are put into a 1.00 L container, would the system be at equilibrium? If not, what must occur to establish equilibrium?

Ex: PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) « PCl5(g) Kc = 1.9

In a system at equilibrium in a 1.00 L container, we find 0.25 mol PCl5, and 0.16 mol PCl3. What equilibrium concentration of Cl2 must be present?

The Initial – Change – Equilibrium method of solving equilibrium problems (where the equilibrium concentration in unknown) is affectionately referred to as the ICE method.

Example: 4 moles of H2 gas and 6 moles of Cl2 gas are pumped into a 2 liter tank at 30°C. At some time later, it is found that there are 2 moles of HCl gas in the tank. Calculate the Equilibrium Constant.

When equilibrium is disrupted

When a system is at equilibrium, it will stay that way until something changes this condition.

Le Chatelier’s Principle: When a change (“stress”) is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system will shift its equilibrium position to counteract the effect of the disturbance.

Factors affecting equil. include changes in:

-concentrations (of reactants or products)


-pressure (of gases if rxn involves a change in the number of gas molecules)

Changes in Concentration: consider this reaction at equilibrium: H2(g) + I2(g) « 2HI(g)

What will happen to the equilibrium if we:

-add some H2?

-remove some H2?

**when a substance is added, the stress is relieved by shifting the equil. in the direction that consumes some of the added substance.

**when a substance is removed, the rxn that produces that substance occurs to a greater extent

Changes in Temperature – consider this rxn at equilibrium: 2SO2(g) + O2(g) « 2SO3(g) + 198 kJ

What will happen to the equilibrium if we:

-increase the temperature?

-decrease the temperature?

**increasing the temp. always favors the rxn that consumes heat, and vice versa.

Changes in Pressure- consider this rxn at equilibrium: 2NO2(g) « N2O4(g)

What will happen to the equilibrium if we:

-increase the pressure?

-decrease the pressure?

**increasing the pressure favors the rxn that produces fewer moles of gas, and vice-versa.

Example: How will an increase in pressure affect the equilibrium in :

a) 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) « 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g) b) 2H2(g) + O2(g) « 2H2O(g)

Example: How will an increase in temperature affect the equilibrium in:

a) 2NO2(g) « N2O4(g) + heat b) H2(g) + Cl2(g) « 2HCl(g) + 92 kJ c) H2(g) + I2(g) « 2HI(g) DH = +25 kJ

Applications of the Equilibrium Law

1)  The Haber process: production of ammonia, NH3

o  120 million tons produced worldwide each year (1/3 from China)

o  80% of ammonia produced today is used to make fertilizers (such as ammonium nitrate)

o  Also used in production of plastics (such as nylon), refrigerants and powerful explosives

Ammonia synthesis rxn:

How would the equilibrium be influenced by:

a) increasing the temp.:

b) decreasing the temp:

c) increasing the pressure by decreasing volume:

d) decreasing the pressure by increasing volume:

e) increasing pressure by adding an inert gas:

f) adding more H2:

f) removing some NH3:

g) adding a catalyst:

Optimum conditions for Haber process: (should know general conditions and, more importantly, reasons for each)





2) The Contact process: production of sulfuric acid, H2SO4

o  Highest production of any chemical in the world (150 million tons per year globally)

o  Used in production of fertilizers, detergents, dyes, explosives, drugs, plastics and in many other chemical industries

The production of sulfuric acid, known as the Contact process, involves a series of three rxns:

1)  Combustion of sulfur: S(s) + O2(g) « SO2(g)

2)  Oxidation of sulfur dioxide: 2SO2(g) + O2(g) « 2SO3(g)

3)  Combination of sulfur trioxide with water (violent rxn. if SO3 placed directly in H2O, so instead SO3 is first absorbed in flowing solution of sulfuric acid and the product of this rxn is allowed to react with H2O)

SO3(g) + H2SO4(l) ® H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) ® H2SO4(aq)

The overall rate of the process depends on the second reaction above, so Le Chatlier’s principle is applied to this step to determine optimum conditions:

2SO2(g) + O2(g) « 2SO3(g) ∆H = -196 kJ mol-1

Optimum conditions for Haber process: (should know general conditions and, more importantly, reasons for each) Pressure:



Phase Equilibrium

o  Dynamic equilibrium between a liquid and its vapor occurs when the rate of vaporization is equal to the rate of condensation.

o  Vaporization is endothermic as energy must be absorbed to overcome intermolecular forces of attraction.

o  Enthaply of vaporization: energy required at 298K to convert one mole of a substance in its liquid state into one mole of gas (the enthalpy change required to overcome intermolecular forces).

o  Vapor pressure is the pressure exerted by the particles in the vapor phase on it’s liquid at equilibrium.

Vap. press. is independent of:

o  Surface area of liquid

o  Size of container (although it may take longer for equilibrium to be established in larger container)

Vap. press. is dependent on:

o  Temperature

o  Nature of the substance (strength of intermolecular forces)

Water has a low molar mass, but strong hydrogen bonding between molecules; thus it has a relatively low vapor pressure and a relatively high enthalpy of vaporization.

Which liquid has stronger intermolecular forces?

What is the normal boiling point of liquid A?

What is the normal boiling point of liquid B?

At what temp. would liquid A boil at an atmospheric pressure of
225 mmHg? (approx. air pressure on top of Mt. Everest)

Fig. 7.1: Vapor Pressure Curves


Stronger intermolecular forces ®______enthalpy of vaporization

®______vapor pressure

®______boiling point

Thus, weaker intermolecular forces ®______enthalpy of vaporization

®______vapor pressure

®______boiling point

Calculating equilibrium concentrations with Kc is very small…

Example: Kc = 7.3E-18 for the reaction @ 1000°C 2H2O(g) « 2H2(g) + O2(g)
The initial concentration of water is 0.10 M. Calculate the equilibrium concentration of hydrogen gas.

Solubility Product Constant: a special case of equilibrium involving dissolving.

Solid Û Positive Ion + Negative Ion

Example: Mg(NO3)2(s) Û Mg2+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) Kc = Ksp =

Because the constant is a product of solubility, we call it the solubility product constant, Ksp

Types of solubility product problems:


Unit 7: Equilibrium IB Topics 7 & 17 AP Chapters (Zumdahl): 13(all); 10.8 & 10.9 AP Chapters 1-5

•  Given Ksp, find solubility

•  Given solubility, find Ksp

•  Find solubility in a solution with a common ion

•  Predicting precipitation


Unit 7: Equilibrium IB Topics 7 & 17 AP Chapters (Zumdahl): 13(all); 10.8 & 10.9 AP Chapters 1-5

Example: BaF2(S) Û Ba+2(aq) + 2F-(aq)

Write out the equilibrium law expression…

Some solubility generalizations:

·  All ______are soluble

·  All compounds of the ______are soluble (Li, Na, K, etc.)

·  All compounds of the ammonium (______) are soluble

Example: Given Ksp, Find Solubility - What is the solubility of Silver Bromide (Ksp = 5.2 x 10-13)

Another Example: Given Ksp, Find Solubility - What is the solubility of PbI2 (Ksp = 7.1 x 10-9)

Example: Find Ksp Given Solubility - What is the Ksp of Boric Acid, given its solubility of 2.15 x 10-3 Moles/liter?

Example: Solubility with a Common Ion - What is the solubility of lead iodide (PbI2) in a .15M solution of KI ?

Example: Predicting Precipitation - A student mixes 0.010 mole Ca(NO3)2 in 2 liters of 0.10M Na2CO3 solution. Will a precipitate form?

Step 1: Write out the dissolving equations Step 2: Determine the most likely precipitate & write out it’s equation.

Step 3: Determine the molar concentrations & calculate the reaction quotient (Q).

In this case, reaction quotient (Q) is the product of the Ksp equation using the ion concentration before any reaction interaction. If Q > Ksp Then a precipitate will form.

Example: Predicting Precipitation

0.015 moles of AgNO3 is mixed with 5 liters of .02M NaCl solution. What is the most likely precipitate and will it form.