CSI Awards 2017 Application/Nomination Form

Most Inspiring Tenant Board Member

Award categories:

The CSI Awards 2017 invites nominations to award categories, as follows:

CSI Awards 2017 – Most Inspiring Tenant Board Member – This award will go to the Tenant Board Members nominated by their Scrutiny Groups – recognising the commitment they have made to the Board or Housing Committee in transferring the lessons learned and knowledge they have brought back to the group. The Tenant Board Member will be able to demonstrate a dynamic input to the board activities which are both measurable and of value to the board – and ultimately in terms of service improvements. The judges will be looking for the quality of outcomes and tangible savings to the landlord and real improvements on behalf of the tenants. The winner and highly recommended recipients will be individuals who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to their role.

Nomination Form – CSI Awards 2017

Category Nomination for: / Most Inspiring Tenant Board Member

About you.....

Team or Panel name:
Individual’s name (for Most Inspiring Tenant Board Member)
Name of the person we can contact:
Contact number:
Email address:

Your submission.....

We really do want everyone to do as well as possible! Therefore, it is really important that you read the selection/shortlisting criteria carefully before you complete your submission and provide as much relevant information as possible. So for example, we do want to know all about your arrangements/set up, but most importantly we want to know what you have achieved so that we can help you to celebrate the fantastic work you do!

Most Inspiring Tenant Board Member

a) Please tell us about the nominee’s background, how they are involved, how long they have been involved

Maximum 1,000 words

b) What has been the main contribution made by the nominee? E.g. in terms of leadership, or carrying out activities, innovation, helping others, communication with the Board and Scrutiny Panel? Please provide as many examples as you can.

Maximum 2,000 words

c) What impact has the nominee had on a) other people, b) service improvement? Please provide commendations/comments from a range of people if possible.

Maximum 2,000 words

d) Any other information you would like to add in support of your submission.

Maximum 2000 words

Please return all completed nominations forms to:

CSI Awards 2017 Nomination Form