The New England Royal Rangers’

Yukon Weekend

Winter Pow Wow

“Walking In The Light”

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV

FEBRUARY 23-25, 2018

Fair Haven Camps

Brooks, ME

Guest Speaker-David DiTrolio -Missionary to Paraguay

David DiTrolio grew up in the Northern New England District, where his father was a pastor and District Superintendent for many years. He enjoyed Royal Rangers while his church had an outpost. David loved mechanics, and after school became a bike mechanic, worked on VW’s, and ran a junk yard. He longed for the baptism in the Holy Spirit but felt frustrated. Even though he worked in the church, did everything he could to help his pastor, and prayed, the baptism never became his. Every time he prayed about it, God kept saying, “Give me your will.” Finally, David surrendered to the call to ministry at Long Lake Bible Camp in 1976, and went to Valley Forge Bible College, thinking he would pastor a church in NNE. There, he met Rosemarie, who was a Missions major. After graduating and marrying Rosemarie, David and Rosemarie first went to Paraguay in 1983 for a two-year period to help plant churches. Rose did translation work every night in the services at the new churches. During the day, she worked in the office that coordinated the simultaneous planting of 15 churches. David is a very multi-talented person, so he did all kinds of things, from fixing cars and equipment, to videotaping the services, etc. In 1985 their two-year term ended, and they returned to the States to itinerate.

The Lord confirmed to David that they should return to Paraguay, where David continued with church planting and served the Paraguayan Assemblies of God as a presbyter until 1994. With God’s help, they succeeded in planting not just 15, but around 100 churches. Right before a missionary meeting the Lord again spoke to David to get ready to take over the running of the Latin America Child Care program (now called ChildHopeonline) in Paraguay. David is the General School Superintendent over five Paraguayan schools and Rosemarie is the Academic Director, and she facilitates the Sponsorship program between the students and their supporters in the United States.

Until returning to the United States to itinerate this past June 2017 they were also pastoring Asuncion International Christian Church, which is a church for English speaking expatriates and for Paraguayans who want to learn more English.

They will be in the United States visiting churches and raising much-needed support until June 2018.



F SUPERVISION -- Commanders are ultimately responsible for the supervision and safety of boys from their Outpost. This responsibility is not assumed by the Staff at Maine Yukon Day. Commanders are expected to intervene when unsafe or unchristian behavior is observed from Rangers in other Outposts as well. Please take advantage of those “teachable moments.”

F FORMS -- Each Outpost must have a completed, signed Supervisory Activity Certification Form (enclosed). Each boy and adult leader must have an Emergency Medical Form completed as well (enclosed).

F MEDICATION – Outpost Coordinators are responsible to ensure medications are brought and administered timely. Please inform the First Aid Officer upon arrival of all medications being administered.

F CLOTHING – The Senior Commander is responsible to ensure each boy brings adequate winter clothing. Boys must have head covering, gloves or mittens, and winter boots, which are to be worn at all times when the boys are outdoors. Outposts may lose points toward “Top Outpost” for each boy in their Outpost who arrives without any of the above, and no boy will be allowed to compete in the Yukon Day activities without them.

F RANGER STORE – The Ranger Store will be available Friday PM through Saturday PM. This is for Rangers and Ranger Leaders only. Outposts wishing to sell items are encouraged to do so. Outposts may be assigned a specific area to sell their items, or they may put the items in the Ranger Store on a consignment basis and have them sold for them.

F UNIFORM - Boys and leaders should bring their Utility Uniforms to wear at evening assemblies and Sunday Morning service. During activity times boys will want to wear their patrol outfits. FCF members are encouraged to wear their outfits throughout the event. Leaders may choose Utility or Ranger Casual.

F INFORMATION SHEET -- The enclosed “Information Sheet” is provided for your use, should you choose to send it home to parents. Feel free to make adjustments or personalize for your Outpost.

F SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS -- Sleeping arrangements are on a first come first served basis. Sleeping areas will be assigned as Outposts Register. Sleeping quarters will be either upstairs in the lodge, or in the gym. Foam mattresses will be available in the gym, but some may find it more comfortable to bring a cot or air mattress. All campers must bring their own sleeping bag. Please read the Polar Bear Club section if you plan to participate in any of the outdoor overnight activities.

SUPERCABIN — The super cabin is available on request for any outpost that wishes to reserve it. Please indicate on your registration form if you wish to reserve space in the cabin. (Limit- 30)

Camper cabins also may be used, but you will need to provide a heat source, such as a wood stove or propane heater, or be prepared for cold weather camping. Bathroom facilities are in the main lodge.

If you have questions, or want to reserve a cabin, please contact the Camp Commander, Pastor Tim Haynes, by February 1, at (207) 696-3316, (207) 399-3612 (cell) or email .

NOTE: Sleeping arrangements are generally crowded on Friday evening. This eases up on Saturday night, as many Rangers and Leaders sleep outside for the Polar Bear Patch or one of the Yukon Jack Treks.

F KNIVES – Knives are not allowed for any boy at District events, with the exception of FCF members in outfit, and GMA recipients. There will be no other exceptions to this rule. Any knife required for the Yukon Day events must be in the possession of an adult leader when not in use. A valid Cut and Chop (Toolcraft Merit) Card is still required to use a sharp tool.

F SMOKING -- Smoking is NOT PERMITTED at Camp Fair Haven or at Rangers events.

F ALCOHOL or DRUGS– Alcohol and non-prescription drugs are strictly forbidden. Anyone found with either one in his or her possession will be asked to leave the premises immediately, and banned from future District Royal Ranger events until further notice. This applies to boys and adults.

F OFFICIAL TIME – The official time at Maine Yukon Day will be the clock at Registration. Commanders and boys are advised to synchronize their watches with this clock.

F GENDER POLICY – The Royal Ranger ministry is not a co-ed ministry, as it is designed to mentor boys and young men. We respect and appreciate our female leaders, and they are welcome to attend, with the following provisions:

A designated area is reserved for female food service staff and leaders. Wives and daughters attending Maine Yukon Day as support staff are restricted to the Main Lodge and grounds during events. Visiting females are free to walk about the grounds to observe boys competing in events. No females are allowed in the sleeping areas assigned to the boys and men at any time. Likewise, no boys or men are allowed in the women’s designated areas. Female support staff planning to attend, other than the food service staff and registration, must contact the Camp Commander by the pre-registration date to guarantee available sleeping space.

F MOTEL – The nearest motel is the Comfort Inn Ocean’s Edge on Route 1 in Belfast. It is approximately eight miles from Camp Fair Haven. Anyone wishing to stay at the Comfort Inn may make reservations by calling 1-800-303-5098 or 207-338-2090. They have a free continental breakfast, indoor pool and sauna. PLEASE NOTE- All Outpost Leaders who are responsible for the oversight of boys must stay at Fairhaven Camps.

If you have any questions or suggestions about Winter Pow Wow, please call Pastor Tim Haynes, Camp Coordinator at (207) 399-3612, (207) 696-3316), or direct emails to .





3:00 PM Registration and Check-in starts – Main Lodge

3:00 PM Polar Bear Club shelter set-up – Designated Sites

6:00 PM Soup, snacks, fruit, drinks & sandwiches available – Dining Hall

7:30 PM Opening Assembly – Main Lodge – All required to attend

9:00 PM Commander’s and Leader’s Meeting – Dining Hall

10:00 PM Off to Sleep Quarters

10:30 PM Lights Out – Sleep tight Rangers!


6:00 AM Reveille - up & at ‘em Rangers!

7:00 AM Breakfast – Dining Hall

8:00 AM Morning Assembly – Worship & Devotion

8:30AM-12:30PM Yukon Race for Outstanding Patrols

8:30AM-12:30PM Ranger Kids Activities start – Main Lodge

12:30 – 1:30 PM Lunch – Dining Hall

2:00 - 3:00 PM Dog Sled Race

2:30 PM Yukon Jack Snowmobile Trek departure time

2:30 PM Yukon Jack 5 Mile Trek departure time

2:00 – 4:00 PM Ranger Kids Activities resume – Main Lodge

1:30 – 3:30 PM Polar Bear Club shelter set up – Designated Sites

4:00 – 5:00 PM Nap Time for Ranger Kids

5:00 PM Evening Meal – Dining Hall

6:30 PM Ranger Kids Awards Ceremony – Main Lodge

7:00 PM Evening Assembly (Patrol Yells/Skits/Song)

8:30 PM Worship & Devotion – Main Lodge

9:30 PM Commander’s Meeting – Dining Hall

10:30 PM Devotion & Lights Out


6:30 AM Reveille – Wake up and thaw out!

7:30 AM Breakfast – Note: Sleeping areas must be inspected prior to eating

9:00 AM Sunday Morning Church Service & Awards Assembly

11:00- 12:00 PM Dismissal and Cleanup *

*Note: Outposts are asked to help in the Lodge and Gym clean-up prior to the “mass exodus” from the Camp on Sunday. Please sign up for cleanup duties at the Saturday night Commanders Meeting. We will all be tired and ready to head for home, so your help is much appreciated. Please check the LOST AND FOUND table in the Lodge before leaving. If you find unclaimed items during cleanup, please bring them to the Lodge to be returned to their owner. If you discover after you have left that a boy has left something behind, please notify the Camp Commander ASAP to reclaim your lost items.


“Royal Rangers start on time and end on time, so be on time.”

MYD Penguin Patrol

The Polar Bear Club & Beyond

Any registered boy or leader may try to earn the MYD Polar Bear Club Patches by sleeping outdoors on Saturday night. These are available, earned in order, on a one per year offering ( for example, you cannot earn the Polar bear Friday night and Polar Bear Survival Saturday night). For safety reasons, no one will be permitted to sleep outdoors if their equipment does not pass inspection. All sleeping bags must be a minimum rating (tagged as such), and have a suitable closed cell mat or equivalent, and ground cloth or tarp. Be aware that the overnight temperatures could drop below zero in February, and be “READY”.

Night Patrol will check on the participants through the night. Anyone found shivering or in danger of hypothermia, will be required to go inside for the remainder of the night. Any Ranger who goes inside before daybreak for any reason other than a necessary restroom visit will be automatically disqualified for the Polar Bear Club patch. Try again next year!

All patches are awarded at the Sunday morning assembly.

Polar Bear Club Levels

·  Polar Bear Club- You must sleep outside overnight using a tent or a survival shelter of your choice. You may group up to use a single shelter.

·  Polar Bear Survival Club patch, you must (1.) build a shelter such as an igloo or snow cave, sleep in it overnight, and in the morning, (2.) prepare coffee, hot chocolate, or food over a campfire or camp stove before going into the lodge. Shelters will also be inspected for safety. Anyone having a shelter that is not safe or deemed inadequate for safety reasons will be disqualified for this year. Read up and try again next year.

·  YUKON JACK 5-MILE TREK & SNOWMOBILE TREK – Both of these are available for boys who have earned the “Polar Bear and Polar Bear Survival” patch.

·  Yukon Jack 5 mile hike- Participants will hike 2.5 miles out, set up their choice of a shelter, and cook dinner. They break camp and hike back in the morning for breakfast. Participants must provide their own food and equipment. Firewood will be provided.

·  Snowmobile Trek- Participants will drive a snowmobile 5 miles into the woods, make camp, cook an evening meal and sleep out in a shelter of their choosing. Participants must provide their own food, shelter, and snowmobile. Some snowmobiles may exist but are on a limited basis. This event is dependent upon adequate snow. In the event that snow is not sufficient, another option may be substituted by the Camp Coordinator.

·  HUNTER’S TREK –The Hunter’s Trek will be held in 2018, if qualified boys sign up. This is an FCF sponsored activity. Individuals must pre-register by 2/2/2018. Forms are available on the District Website for this activity. They must be returned to:

FCF President Bruce Paquette, 37 Morrill Road, Hooksett, NH 03106

·  You must complete the Polar Bear, Polar Bear Survival Club, Hikers Five Mile Trek and Snowmobile Treks, be at least 15 but not more than 18, and be a member of the FCF to apply for the Hunter’s Trek. A bronze mountain man trophy is awarded on completion.



Commanders should have patrol members review these instructions and determine, on their own, what supplies they need in order to successfully complete each station. (Do not deprive your Ranger boys of the many “Teachable Moments” awaiting them.)