Honors Biology Ms. Z’s Fall 2012 Final Study Guide

1. Characteristics of Living Things

Honors Biology Ms. Z’s Fall 2012 Final Study Guide

Honors Biology Ms. Z’s Fall 2012 Final Study Guide

·  Homeostasis

·  Evolve: respond to change over time

·  Heredity: Ability to pass genes on

·  Reproduction

·  Interdependence with other organisms

·  Cells. Pros vs. Euks!

·  Metabolism: sum of all reactions in the organism

Honors Biology Ms. Z’s Fall 2012 Final Study Guide

Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman

2. The Scientific Method, designing an experiment, and measurements:

Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman

·  Control and Experimental Groups

·  Independent vs. dependent variables.

·  Surface Area (square units) vs. Volume (cubed units)

·  Why are cells small? What does this have to do with surface area and volume?

·  Density. Measured in mass/volume. Density of H2O. What does it mean to sink or float in H2O?

Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman

3. Ecology

Biology 250 Ms. Z’s Fall Final Study Guide

·  Population vs. Community

·  Factors determining population size

·  Closed vs. open populations

·  Ecosystems: Abiotic vs. biotic factors

·  Niche vs. Habitat

·  Intra- & Inter-specific competition

·  Types of relationships between species

·  Density-independent factors

·  Natural disasters, weather

·  Density-dependent factors

·  Food, water, living space

·  Population density

·  # organisms in a given area

·  How to determine?

·  Population growth curves. Phases. Dynamic equilibrium. Carrying capacity.

·  Types of populations.

·  R-selected vs. K-selected

·  Population Age Distributions. How to read. What do they tell us.

·  Biomes & Adaptations: define? Examples?

·  What adaptations have organisms evolved to survive & maybe reproduce in certain biomes? Know specific examples.

·  How does energy flow through ecosystems? Producers. Consumers. Decomposers.

·  Biogeochemical cycles? Types? Examples?

Biology 250 Ms. Z’s Fall 2009 Final Study Guide

Biology 250 Ms. Z’s Fall Final Study Guide

4. Chemistry Basics

Biology 250 Ms. Z’s Fall 2009 Final Study Guide

Biology 250 Ms. Z’s Fall Final Study Guide

·  Important Elements?! CHONPS!!!

·  Order of items from atoms to organisms? Non-living vs. living?

·  Inorganic vs. organic?

o  Differences?

·  Organic molecules

o  Specific examples?

·  Important reactions? Reactants & products?

·  Water!?! Why important? Properties?

o  Bonds between & within H2O molecules?

Biology 250 Ms. Z’s Fall 2009 Final Study Guide

Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman

Biology 250 Study Guide Winter: Exam 1 Kerry Zimmerman

5. Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis

Biology 250 Study Guide Winter: Exam 1 Kerry Zimmerman

Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman

·  Where do these processes occur? Specific organelles?

·  What are the reactants? Products? Which are organic and which are inorganic?

·  Where is the ENERGY in ATP?

Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman

Honors Biology Fall Final Study Guide Kerry Zimmerman

6. Parts of a cell and organelles. What do they do---their function? Found in which cells? Prokaryotes? Eukaryotes? Plants? Animals?

Fall 2012

Honors Biology Fall Final Study Guide Kerry Zimmerman

·  Mitochondria

·  Golgi apparatus

·  Nucleus

·  Ribosomes

·  ER: smooth & rough

·  Lysosomes

·  Cytosol & cytoplasm & cytoskeleton

·  Chloroplasts

·  Cell walls & membranes

·  Vacuoles

Fall 2012

Honors Biology Fall Final Study Guide Kerry Zimmerman

7. Cell Membranes!

Fall 2012

Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman

·  Structure? Be able to draw!

·  Transport, in/out. What is moving?

·  Active vs. passive. ATP.

·  Diffusion vs. Osmosis

·  Protein Receptors/Channels

·  Membranes: selectively permeable

·  Homeostasis & metabolism

Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman

Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman

·  Different solutions. What happens to cells exposed to the different solutions?

·  What is a solution?

·  Osmosis & Diffusion Lab

Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman

Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman

·  What molecules moved? Where?

·  Monosaccharides vs. polysaccharides

Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman

Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman

Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman