Community Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

Nov. 24, 2014

Present: Membership- Raphael McKitrick (Kettle), Nicki McGregor (Directions), Calum Scott (Directions), Bart Newman (ICY), Greg Bazian (KOB Resident), Ali Gailus (VPD), Eliza Li (BC Housing), Damian Murphy (Kettle), Sheryl Williamson (Community Member- WECAN), Genevieve Bucher (CoV)

Regrets: Charles Gauthier (DVBIA), Steve Wyatt (7-11 Manager), Joe Skoken (WE BIA)

  1. Introductions- round table introductions by everyone present
  1. Directions Update
  2. Received an e-mail from Burrard Medical Building (1160 Burrard) building Manager with a number of complaints about graffiti on their building, persons loitering in front and behind, homeless people sleeping on property. The e-mail blamed the youth centre for these issues.
  3. Directions’ response outlined Community Agreement with Directions Youth Centre users and consequence of breaking the agreement. Investigated the situation and found mostly adults, not youth, responsible for much of the issues.
  4. Advised to secure their fire exit doors and rear entry ways which are unlocked allowing people access to the building and all floors. Also advised to paint out graffiti to discourage tagging and recommended they connect with the Granville CPC to work with the VPD on securing their property.
  1. Kettle on Burrard Update
  2. Building to be fully occupied by month’s end.
  3. Incidents involving tenants have been declining as tenants settle into their new homes.
  4. First round of fixed term leases are being renewed.
  5. Security is being proactive with loiterers in front of building including taking photographs and documenting potential security risks.
  1. VPD Update
  2. Service calls to the building mirror decline in incidents reported by housing manager.
  3. Haven’t heard concerns raised at VPD briefings. No news is good news.
  1. Potential New Members for the CAC
  2. A number of possible new CAC members were suggested including;
  3. Jean Budden- Social Justice and Action Committee (St. Andrew’s)
  4. St. Paul’s Advocacy
  5. West End Coal Harbour CPC or Granville CPC
  6. West End Senior’s Network
  7. Medical Building residents
  8. Seastar residents (Building at NW corner of Davie and Burrard)
  9. Dani Pretto (Manager Burrard Hotel)
  10. No decision/vote held on these suggestions as Janet Smith (Chair) not present.
  11. Resolution to give Chair opportunity to review suggestions and if needed conduct vote via e-mail so new members can attend next meeting. If new members are not added before next meeting their input may not be heard until early summer.
  1. Tours/Open House
  2. CAC member asked if there is a possibility for tours or open houses for the public
  3. Directions is open 24/7 so difficult but small ad hoc tours may be possible
  4. Kettle on Burrard is a residence so tours are difficult. Open House being planned next year.
  1. Next Meeting
  2. Next meeting to be held Kettle on Burrard 3rd floor boardroom on Feb. 23, 2015 5-6 pm