Agreement to participate in the JerseyCat Interlibrary Loan System
(Library Name)
agrees to participate in the JerseyCat Interlibrary Loan System.
TheJerseyCatInterlibrary Loan System is a voluntary network to provide for a system of resource sharing for the benefit of NJ Library Network member libraries and residents of New Jersey. The NJ State Library assumes responsibility for maintaining data contained in JerseyCat, and will enter into agreements with vendors and other parties on behalf of participants.
- As a participant, the library agrees to perform the following:
- Abide by the policies and procedures established by the NJ State Library and the NJ Interlibrary Loan Code.
- Provide a minimum of one interlibrary loan workstation with Internet access.
- Participate in the Interlibrary Loan System through:
- Provision and maintenance of appropriate Internet access.
- Lending to New Jersey Library Network member libraries in accordance with local policies.
- Monitoring the interlibrary loan system each weekday the library is open and timely response to requests within two working days.
- Providing access to the catalogthrough Z39.50 OR providing bibliographic data in a vendor-approved format for inclusion in the union database.
- If the library is part of the statewide union catalog, the library agrees to:
- Providebibliographic data in a vendor-approved format for inclusion in the union database.
- Provide bibliographic data in a vendor-approved format for all new acquisitions for inclusion in the database.
- Maintain the currency of all records in the database through the provision of information in a vendor-approved formatregarding deletions and changes.
- Provide reports and participate in testing and evaluation of the system as required by the NJ State Library.
- Pay any charges imposed by vendor if bibliographic or other input is not in a vendor-approved format upon delivery to vendor.
- The NJ State Library agrees to perform the following at no cost to the library:
- Administer the system on behalf of participants.
- Make available to each participant access to JerseyCat via a unique web address via the Internet.
- Provide training for interlibrary loan staff.
- Should the library wish to withdraw from JerseyCat:
- The library agrees to inform the NJ State Library in writing of its intent to withdraw two (2) months in advance.
- The library agrees that it will continue to respond to interlibrary loan requests on the system until a mutually agreed date within two months of notice of withdrawal.
Rev. June 2012
I, hereby, authorize the following library to participate in the JerseyCatInterlibrary Loan System.
Officer Title:______
Local Library Information
Library Name______
Library Code (NJSL staff use)______
Interlibrary Loan Contact______Title______
Interlibrary E-mail Address______
Street Address______
Town, State, Zip______
Ship to Address______
Town, State, Zip______
Library Phone Number______ILL Phone______
ILL Fax Number______
Are you a member of a shared catalog? Yes___ No___ Which one?______
Do you have different pick up location for your patrons to pick up their interlibrary loan materials? If yes, what are they?
CD&L Number______
Who is the contact person on your library staff?
Name______Telephone Number______
Web Addresses
Library Home Page (URL)______
ILL Policy Link (URL)______
Directions (URL)______
Library OPAC (URL)______
Library Name______
General Library Information
Is your library open to the public? Yes_____ No_____
Can the public borrow material from your library in person? Yes_____ No_____
Can the public borrow material from your library through ILL? Yes_____ No_____
Circle the days of the week your library is open.
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
Hours your Library is open:______
Hours ILL Department is open:______
Holiday list for your library (please attach) - What holidays is your library closed?
Exceptions to library hours open______
Directions to your library (if not on your web site).