St Anne’sC of E Primary School
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information Report
At St Anne’s Church of England Primary School we work within the Wandsworth guidance on Provision for children with SEN in mainstream schools. This explains the ways pupils with different additional needs are provided for within the school. We also follow our ‘Equality and Disability’ policy and we also have an ‘Accessibility’ plan.At St Anne’s, all pupils, regardless of their particular needs, are offered inclusive teaching which enables them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. St Anne’s may offer the following range of provision to support children with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, mental health problems or sensory or physical needs.
Our Inclusion Manager is Sian Kelly and you can contact her via the school office on 02088741863.
What should I do if I am concerned about my child’s progress or special educational needs?
- You should speak to your child’s class teacher. You can arrange a suitable time to meet either by talking to your child’s teacher directly at the end of the day or by calling the school office on 02088741863.
- If concerns about your child’s progress remain, the next step may be for the class teacher to discuss the issue with the SENCo, Sian Kelly.
How does the school decide whether a child has special educational needs and what extra help they need?
- Ongoing daily monitoring by the class teacher, and termly Pupil Progress Review Meetings between theclassteacher and the Senior Leadership Team, take placetoallow staff to identifypupilswhoarenotmaking progressorwho havespecial educationalneedswhich areaffecting theirabilitytoengagein learningactivities.
- Afterdiscussionswith key staff,additionalsupport willbeputintoplacetoprovideenhancedresources andtargetedsmall group and/orindividualsupportto helpovercomeanydifficulties.
- Regular reviews of this additional support.
- Where a child continues not to make expected progress, the classteacher and the SENCo will arrange to meet with parents to set shorttermtargets and plan further provision.Theviewsofthepupil oryoung personabouttheirsupportwillbegivenconsideration atthispoint. At this point an ‘Early Help Assessment’ form may be completed to enable referrals toexternalagencies as required. Theiradviceandrecommendationsareincluded in thesesupportprogrammes. Actionsagreedtakeinto accounteach pupil’sstrengths aswellastheir difficulties. Pupils are involved in reviewing their own learning and target setting.
- Reviewmeetings, known as ‘Team Around the Child’ meetings (TACs)areheldregularly. Parents, and whenappropriate,relevantexternalagencies and/or pupils areinvitedtothisreviewand theircontributionis valued.Theimpactofsupportofferedisconsideredalongwith the progresstowards targetsset.The outcomes of these meetings will be recorded. Supportarrangementswill beupdatedandrevisedaccordingly.
- If yourchild is continuing tohavesignificantdifficulties,furtherexternalexpertisemayberequested.Additionalfunding is availableforchildren who meetthecriteria. In order to access this further external expertise, the school, parents, the Local Authority and external agencies must be in agreement and an ‘Educational Health and Care Plan’ will be put together.Furtherdetailsaboutthisprocesswillbeexplained in theLALocalOffer which is outlined on the Family Information Service website:
- Statutory Assessments or an Education Health and Care Plans are annually reviewed.
- If a child transfers mid year and has already been identified with SEND, St Anne’s will liaise with your children’s previous school/setting to ensure a smooth transition and appropriate provision continues.
How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
- In Terms One and Two, Parents Evenings are held with your child’s class teacher.
- For children with SEND, an additional review meeting will be held in the summer term.
- Progress towards targets and future provision plans are shared.
- If necessary, more regular review meetings are held.
- Copies of any targets set and provision are outlined on an Individual Education Plan and explained and shared with parents.
- Parents can make an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss strategies and advice to support their child at home.
How will my child be involved and consulted?
- Children with SEND will be helped to create their own ‘Passport’ where they are encouraged to identify their areas of strength and areas for development and strategies that help them to overcome any difficulties. These are reviewed regularly and also support transition through year groups.
- Children are included in the setting and reviewing of their own targets.
How do you assess and review my child’s progress?
- Teacher assessment on a daily basis
- Half termly assessments
- Pupil Progress Review Meetings with the teacher and senior leadership team
- Assess, plan, do, review cycles for children with special educational needs
- Annual reviews for children with statements/EHCPs
How is teaching and the curriculum adapted to my child’s needs?
Teachersarewellskilledatadapting teaching to meetthe diverserangeof needsineachclass.Dailyplanning takes intoaccountindividualpupil’sneedsand requirements.Differentiation isapproachedin arange ofwaystosupportaccessand ensurethat all pupils can experience success andchallenge intheirlearning. A wide range of resources are accessed as appropriate to meet individual needs.
Grouping arrangementsareorganisedflexiblytomaximiselearningopportunitiesforall.
Additionaladults areusedflexiblytohelp groups andindividualpupils witha longtermgoalofdeveloping independent learning skills. Monitoring takesplacetoavoidpupilsbecoming overreliantanddependenton thisadultsupport.
What training and specialist skills do the staff supporting children with SEND have or are having?
What Interventions may be offered at St Anne’s?
All teaching staff receive on-going support and training within school or out of school throughout the year in order to provide consistent high quality teaching which is inclusive of all children.
English and MathsInterventions may include:
- Direct Phonics
- Rapid Read
- Accele Read Accele Write
- Write Away
- OT fine motor support groups
- OT gross motor support groups
- Clicker 5
- Early morning precision teaching
- Numicon
- RM Maths
- Narrative group
- Teach-Talk
- Social skills group.
Strategies and advice for teaching staff is accessed regularly and as required. This includes:
-Visual timetables and visual aids
-Now and Next Boards
-Social stories
-Transition planning moving to new year groups
-Developing independence (TEACHH system)
-Precision teaching
Emotional Well-Being Interventions may include:
-Social skills
-Self-esteem building
-Draw and Talk therapy sessions
-Friendship skills/Circle of Friends
-Drop in sessions
-Anger management
-Playground Buddies
We have a trained Emotional Literacy Support Teaching Assistant (ELSA) who is able to provide small group or 1:1 support for children with a wide range of emotional or behavioural difficulties. We may also offer music therapy sessions with our specialist music teacher.
How do you do to make the school environment and curriculum accessible for all children?
Please refer to our Physical Accessibility statement for detailed information.The school is regularly reviewed to ensure that the curriculum and site are accessible to all children. We may provide the following resources to support children in the classroom:
- ICT equipment and software
- Move ‘n’ sit cushions
- Exam access arrangements
How will the school prepare my child to join the school or transfer to a new school?
If your child is joining our school or moving to another school we liaise with their previous school and any external agencies already involved. We endeavour to provide a smooth transition.If your child is in Year 6 the SENCo will liaise directly with the Secondary School SENCo.
What specialist servicesfrom outside does the school use to help meet children’s needs and how do you work together?
- Speech and Language Therapy Services
- Hearing Impaired Service
- Behaviour and Learning Support Service
- Garratt Park Advisory Service (ASD)
- Occupational Therapy Services
- Sensory and PD outreach services
- Educational Psychology Services
- Developmental Paediatrics
- ACCESS child and youth mental health team
All services will work collaboratively, developing a ‘Team Around the Child’. The team will setappropriate targets, plan for provision and review progress regularly.
What will you do if my child has medical needs?
We work closely with parents and health care professionals and the school nurse to ensure your child is able to access the curriculum. Training is provided for staff where required.
What should I do if I am unhappy with my child’s support or progress?
- We will always endeavour to ensure every child meets their potential at St Anne’s.
- If you are unhappy in any way with your child’s progress or support, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance, then the SENCo or Head Teacher, as soon as your concerns arise.
- If necessary please refer to the school complaints policy
Where can I go for further advice and support?
- The Wandsworth Parent Partnership Service(Information Advice Support Service for parents/carers of children with SEN/disability) provides an impartial and confidential service to all parents of children with SEND. Visit their website at or telephone 020 8871 8061
- The Wandsworth Parents’ Forum “Positive Parent Action” works with the Council to improve all provision for children and young people with SEN and Disabilities aged 0 to 25. If you want to get involved in influencing services visit their website at or telephone 020 8947 5260.
- More information about the Local Offer of services and support for children and young people with special needs and disabilities in Wandsworth can be found on the Family Information website at Their helpline is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday on 020 8871 7899
The information in this report is accurate now, but we regularly review and make changes to what we offer and keep this information as up to date as possible.
Feedback This offer is intended to give you clear, accurate and accessible information. If you would like to comment on the content of the offer or make suggestions to improve the information, please email name of