University System of Maryland
Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. Your responses will assist the staff of the USM Office of Articulation improve its’ processes and services.
1. Are you a?
o Two-year institution student
o Four-year institution student
o Two year institution faculty member
o Four-year institution faculty member
o Two-year institution staff member
o Four-year institution staff member
2. How often do you use ARTSYS?
o First-time user
o On a daily basis
o On a weekly basis
o On a monthly basis
o On a semester basis
o Rarely or Never used
3. Have you been provided with any training in the use of ARTSYS?
o Yes, at a USM training session
o No, I have never had any training
o Yes, by someone at my institution. Please indicate by whom:______
o Other, Please describe:______
4. Please check all features of ARTSYS that you have used and rate for ease of use on the following scale:
1=Very Difficult
5=Very easy
Course Equivalencies 1 2 3 4 5
Keyword search (By course
title, general education area,
equivalency) 1 2 3 4 5
Search For Majors 1 2 3 4 5
Recommended Transfer Programs 1 2 3 4 5
Transcript Evaluations: Course for
course 1 2 3 4 5
Transcript Evaluations: by
Recommended Transfer Program 1 2 3 4 5
Summaries: same program across
multiple institutions 1 2 3 4 5
For Faculty and staff only:
On-line Reports 1 2 3 4 5
For Two-year institution staff only:
On-Line Requests for Course Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
For Four-year institution faculty and staff only:
On-line Course Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
5. What ARTSYS function do you like most: ____________
6. What ARTSYS function do you like the least? (please suggest ways to improve this function) ______
7. What functions would you like to see added to ARTSYS? ______
8. Do you feel that ARTSYS information is accurate and up-to-date?
o Yes
o No
Comments: ______
9. If you are a student, does ARTSYS assist in providing complete and accurate information for course planning?
o Yes
o No
10. If you are a faculty or staff member, does ARTSYS assist in proving complete and accurate information for course planning and advising for your students?
o Yes
o No
11. Where do you access ARTSYS? (Check all that apply)
o Work
o Public Library
o School Library
o Home
o Campus
o Other (Please describe)______
12. How is ARTSYS used at your institution? (Check all that apply)
o By counselors during appointments with students
o For registration advising and/or course planning
o During orientation/new student programs
o For open house/Visitation programs
o For class presentations
o By faculty/staff for planning new courses/curricula
o By faculty/staff for special projects
o Other (Please describe)______
13. How has ARTSYS been used in any special programs or events at your institution?
14. Do you have any suggestions for improving the USM Office of Articulation procedures/products/services? ______
Thank you! You may return the survey, by Wednesday, April 30, 2008 in one of the following formats:
Email to: Tracey Jamison,
Fax: ATTN: Tracey Jamison, 301-445-1914
Snail Mail: Tracey Jamison, USM, Office of Academic Affairs
3300 Metzerott Road, Adelphi, MD 20783