Agenda Item
Opening and welcome by the Chair / Time: 7:04pm
Chair: Amanda Roughan
Present / Amanda Roughan, Sue Seymour, Tania Coleman, Jon Case, Jodie Cannell, Ross Jardine, Craig Bacchi, Rachel Hughes, Cassie Buchanan, Jodie Dull
Apologies / Lisa (Chappy), Regina Graham
Business arising from the minutes of the previous general meeting /
- Amanda to follow up with Aaron McDonnell about cost of metal sheet lettering
- Cricket net quote still to be sent through
- Ross said not to worry about payment to the High School for vivos for high school students
Correspondence received since the previous general meeting Inward (as listed)
Outward (as listed) / Correspondence: (as tabled)
Motion: That the inward and outward correspondence tabled be recorded as read.
Moved: Sue SeymourSeconded: Jodie Cannell
Business arising from the correspondence / Jodie Cannell to check with Nikki that she responded to Mina Walker’s uniform order reminder email (received on 116.8.17)
Confirmation of executive committee’s decisions (if any) / N/A
Treasurer’s report and financial statement, and any business arising from these. / Treasurer’s report: Presented by Rachel Hughes
Motion: That the treasurer’s report tabled be recorded as a true and accurate record of income and expenditure and the outstanding invoices be ratified.
Moved:Rachel Hughes Seconded:Amanda Roughan
Rachel to update budget vs actual to present each month.
Subcommittees’ reports and financial statements and any business arising from these. / N/A
Other reports
This will include the Principal’s Report / Principal’s report (as tabled)
-Also discussed School Opinion Survey
-District sports changes: Ross updated P&C (see attachment)
Jon to email Sue the Principal’s report.
Fundraising report N/A
Uniform shop report N/A
Chaplaincy report N/A
Sue to attach reports to the minutes for uploading onto the website.
General Business / 1. Gambling grant update – Amanda Roughan
- Amanda in the process of getting quotes on playground upgrade.
Paint work on undercover area, playzones along a pathway, outdoor reading/learning area, natural materials.
- Sarah Stevenson has offered to write a grant application to Bendigo Bank for Signage. Amanda to talk to Sarah about submitting this grant application.
2. Tuckshop update – Amanda Roughan
- Issues: no convenor, not enough volunteers, running fortnightly,
Suggestions: advertise for a convenor in newspapers, radio etc., contact ‘Our House’
Sub-committee meeting held straight after P&C meeting to further discuss options for continuing Tuckshop.
3. Bus for Year 5 camp – no bus driver at this stage and driver has not been budgeted for due to change in staffing.
Motion: That P&C will fund the cost of a bus driver if required to transport students to and from the camp at Barambah.
Moved: Sue Seymour Seconded: Amanda Roughan
Vote: Unanimous Yes
4. Feedback from report card trial
- felt personal
- comparative reporting data (split feelings) - perhaps as an attachment
- liked the envelope
- interviews being offered over two weeks was appreciated
5. School signage – look at a staged approach but need it to be consistent throughout school.
6. We are not going to the Bunnings BBQ. Ross going to ask informally if we would be able to get a date for the Fernvale markets BBQ.
Applications for membership and recording of new members / Craig Bacchi
Jodie Dull (Sue to give Jodie membership form)
Date of next meeting / 11th September
Close / 8:44pm
President’s signature
Principal’s signature