Public Schools of Robeson County 2nd Grade

2nd Grade Unit 2: Purpose of Governments Lesson Plan

Essential Standards / 2C&G 1 Understand the purpose of governments.
Essential Question: How can I explain government services? Are they necessary? How can I describe how the government works? How can I evaluate the value of governmental services? / Social Studies Goals:
2.C&G 1.1 Explain government services and their value to the community (libraries, schools, parks, etc.)
I Can Statements:
I can identify government services in the community.
I can recognize the importance of government services.
I can justify the value of government services.
I can explain how citizens can help government services.
Learning Targets:
·  identify government services in the community
·  recognize the importance of government services
·  justify the value of government services
·  explain how citizens can help government services
Time Allotted:
30 minutes
Conceptual Len(s): / Government, History
Prior Knowledge: / Citizens make up communities and they have different responsibilities within the community.
Vocabulary: / Government

Tasks For Lesson

Engage—What tasks will “hook” students and uncover what they know and think about the concept? / Ask students to make of list of services that they think are provided by the government. View DiscoveryEducation video: Where We Live, Work, and Play: Public Places.
Explore/Explain—What tasks will encourage students to observe, question, and investigate the concepts and explain concepts in their own words? / Students will discuss the importance of a government service on their list or in the video with a partner. Students should explain why the government needs to provide this service.
Elaborate—What experimental inquiry, investigative projects, problem solving, and decision-making tasks will help students apply their new labels, definitions, explanations, and skills? / Students will work in small groups to role play a government service. They will act out its services and its importance to the community.
Evaluate—What formative assessments will ensure that learning is occurring? / Students will illustrate or cut out pictures of four or five government services to paste or draw on paper. Under the picture they will justify the value of the government service.
Differentiation—What tasks will challenge students and support those who need additional help? / Support – Students will compare government services to roles and responsibilities within a family.
Challenge – Students will create a new government service that will benefit kids.