Application to join a Dementia Friendly Community

This application is for small businesses or organisations that are supporting the Derbyshire Dementia Action Alliance to create Dementia Friendly Derbyshire.

Name of Your Organisation:

What’s in it for you?

Once your application has been approved, your organisation will be listed on under Derbyshire Dementia Action Alliance webpage as a ‘Supporter’.

You will be presented with a certificate and ‘Working to become Dementia Friendly’ logo and stickers to promote your status….a good marketing opportunity.

People will recognise you as a Dementia Friendly organisation which could increase footfall or sales.

You will be part of the wider Dementia Friendly Community across Derbyshire giving you access to networks, support and information.

You will be part of a Social Movement to bring about change.

By committing to work towards becoming Dementia Friendly you have

ü  Attended a Dementia Friends Information Session and become a Dementia Friend

ü  Encouraged your staff to become a Dementia Friend

ü  Committed to doing (at least) 1 action to support people affected by dementia to live well in their community

During 2015/16 we commit to carrying out at least one thing to become more dementia friendly:


By committing to continue to becoming Dementia Friendly you

ü  Will provide an annual update to the Derbyshire Dementia Action Alliance and renew your commitment to work to becoming dementia friendly by updating your annual action

ü  Understand someone from the Derbyshire DAA may do a spot check to see how you are progressing and offer support if necessary

Your Contact Details

Name of organisation:
Contact name:
Work address:

Are you willing for us to share your contact details with fellow Dementia Action Alliance members: Yes [ ] No [ ]

Once successful in being recognised as working towards becoming Dementia Friendly, Derbyshire DAA requests that you provide a brief annual update to the DAA and to renew your commitment to continue your support for Derbyshire to work towards becoming a Dementia Friendly Community. We will contact you for this update. In return you will receive a certificate of your Dementia Friendly Status and a logo to use in correspondence and on promotional material. Members of the DAA may do a spot check on your organisation to see if you need any support in delivering your activity.

Please send any questions and/or return your completed form to:


Examples of changes you can make to your business or organisation

·  Raise awareness amongst staff i.e. attend a Dementia Friends Session

·  Become a Dementia Champion and deliver Dementia Friends Sessions in your organisation or local community

·  Look at action plans on the DAA website for ideas

·  Improve Customer Service and Dementia Friendly ways of working by getting a copy of Alzheimer’s Society Customer Facing Staff Guide

·  Offer understanding and reassurance: Someone with dementia who is finding it difficult to process information or is feeling disorientated may not be able to answer simple questions or take in what you are saying. They may not remember what they were doing or intending to do.

·  There may be a wide variety of noises in your workplace such as alarms, electronic equipment, music and other voices – be aware of how this might affect someone.

·  Remove dark coloured mats at the front door of your shop; this can look like a hole in the ground to someone with dementia

·  Improve Access & Signage e.g. place an image photo of a toilet on cloakroom doors, get a coin recognition chart, provide appointment reminders, recognise that patterns or shiny surfaces can be confusing

·  Keep Connected – Regularly visit

·  Let other organisations know about the Derbyshire DAA and how they can work towards being dementia friendly

Derbyshire Dementia Action Alliance - Dementia Friendly Community Recognition Process 2015/16