Chapter 14 Theory Review Answer Key


Instructions: Answer each question using information from your readings and lessons as a guide.

1. A client requests a hairstyle that does not seem to be the right choice for her.

Explain why knowing the principles of hair design will help you work with the client to come up a style that would be more suitable.

(Answers will vary, but may include the idea that cosmetologists who are

able to speak knowledgeably about design principles will have more tools at

their disposal when advising clients. For example, telling a client a hairstyle

may not work for her or him gives the client no information. Instead, being

able to discuss how the client’s facial shape or profile would work in relation to

a hairstyle, and offering alternatives, would be more helpful.)

2. What should a good designer always visualize before beginning? (The end


3. List some sources of inspiration.(Movies, television, magazines, videos, a

person on the street, etc.)

4. What does it mean to think outside the box? (This means you are always

exploring new possibilities, finding inspiration everywhere, keeping an eye out

for what is new in the industry, and dedicating yourself to continuing education, that is, constantly growing by having your eyes and mind always open to learning.)

5. Describe a single line in hairstyling.(A one-length hairstyle that is best on clients who want the lowest maintenance when styling their hair)

6. Describe a parallel line in hairstyling.(A repeating line; it can be straight or

curved; repetition creates more interesting design; finger waves are an


7. Describe a contrasting line in hairstyling.(Horizontal and vertical lines that

meet at a 90-degree angle; creates a hard edge; good for clients who are able to carry off a strong look)

8. Describe a transitional line in hairstyling.(Usually curved lines that are used

to blend and soften horizontal and vertical lines)

9. Describe a directional line in hairstyling.(These are lines with a definite

forward or backward movement).

10. How can texture be created temporarily? (With the use of heat and/or wet set

styling techniques)

11. How long does a permanent texture change last? (It lasts until the new

growth is long enough to change the design.)

12. When is it appropriate to use many wave-pattern combinations together?

(When you want to create a look that is very busy; this is best for the client who wants to achieve a multitextured look)

13. Discuss why you think hair color is psychologically important to the client

in the overall look of a hair design.

(Answers will vary but may include the idea that certain hair colors may help

make people feel better [or worse] about themselves. For example, many

people consider blond hair sexy or more attractive. A person who used to have

red hair as a child may feel younger if he or she continues, with a little help, to

have red hair as an adult, and gray hair might make a person feel old or


14. How might you use color to create a dramatic accent? (By using a single line

of color or by using a series of repeated lines of color.)

15. What should be considered when choosing a color? (That the tone is

compatible with the skin tone of the client)

16. What is the general guide for classic facial proportion? (The hair should not be

wider than the center of the shoulders, regardless of body structure.)

17. Explain how to measure symmetry.(Divide the face into four equal parts;

where the lines cross is the central axis, which is the reference point for judging the balance of hair design)

18. Describe symmetrical balance.(When an imaginary line drawn through the

center of the face and the two resulting halves form a mirror image of one

another; both sides of the hairstyle are the same distance from the center,

the same length, and have the same volume when viewed from the front.)

19.Describe asymmetrical balance.(The two imaginary halves have equal visual

weight or appear equal but the form is positioned unevenly; opposite sides of

the hairstyle are different lengths or have different volume; asymmetrical balance can be horizontal

or diagonal.)

20. Define rhythm in a design. (Rhythm in a design is a recurrent pattern of

movement. It may range from fast to slow.)

21. What is meant by emphasis in a design?

(Emphasis, or focus, is what first draws attention to a design.)

22. Explain the importance of harmony in a hair design.

(Harmony is what holds all the elements of the design together)

23. What is the best way to determine a client’s facial shape?

(By pulling a client’s hair back and off his or her face using a towel or hair

band, and then observing its shape.)

24. Describe the facial contour of anoval face: (Anoval face is about one and a

half times longer than its width across the brow; the forehead is slightly wider

than the chin.)

25. What type of hairstyle works best on a client with an oval face? (Any hairstyle

will work on a client who has an oval face, unless there are other

considerations, such as glasses, nose shape or length, or profile.)

26. Describe the facial contour and the best aim and styling choice for around face,

Contour: (Round hairline and round chin line; wide face)

Aim: (To create the illusion of length to the face, making the face appear


Styling choice:(A hairstyle that has height or volume on top and closeness or

no volume at the sides)

27. Describe the facial contour and the best aim and styling choice for asquare


Contour: (Wide at the temples, narrowing at the middle third of the face, and

squared off at the jaw)

Aim: (To offset or round out the squared features)

Styling choice:(Soften the hair around the temples and jaw; create volume

around the areas between the temple and jaw)

28. Describe the facial contour and the best aim and styling choice for atriangular (pear-shaped) face.

Contour: (Narrow forehead, wide jaw and chin line)

Aim: (Create the illusion of width in the forehead)

Styling choice:(Volume at the temples and height at the top)

29. Describe the facial contour and the best aim and styling choice for anoblong


Contour: (Long, narrow face with hollow cheeks)

Aim: (To make the face appear shorter and wider)

Styling choice:(Keep hair fairly close to the top of the head; add volume on

sides to create illusion of width)

30. Describe the facial contour and the best aim and styling choice for adiamond-

shaped face.

Contour: (Narrow forehead, extreme width through the cheekbones and

narrow chin)

Aim: (To reduce the width across the cheekbone line)

Styling choice:(Increase fullness across the jawline and forehead while

keeping the hair close to the head at the cheekbone line)

31. Describe the facial contour and the best aim and styling choice for aninverted

triangle (heart-shaped) face:

Contour: (Wide forehead and narrow chin line)

Aim: (Decrease the width of the forehead and increase the width in the lower

part of the face)

Styling choice:(Style the hair close to the head with no volume; a bang or

fringe is recommended.)

32. How should you style the hair for a person with a wide forehead? (Direct hair forward over the sides of the forehead.)

33. How should you style the hair for a person with a narrow forehead? (Direct hair away from the face at the forehead)

34. How should you style the hair for a person with close-set eyes? (Direct hair back and away from the face at the temples; use side movement from a diagonal back part with some height.)

35. How should you style the hair for a person with wide-set eyes? (Use a higher half bang to create length in the face)

36. How should you style the hair for a person with a crooked nose? (With an asymmetrical style.)

37. How should you style the hair for a person with a wide, flat nose? (Draw hair away from the face and use a center part to elongate and narrow the nose.)

38. How should you style the hair for a person with a long, narrow nose? (Select a style where the hair moves away from the face, creating the illusion of wider facial features.)

39. Provide the correct styling tip for the following facial features:

a) Round jaw (Use straight lines at the jawline)

b) Square jaw (Use curved lines at the jawline)

c) Long jaw (Hair should be full and fall below the jaw to direct attention away

from it)

d) Receding forehead (Direct the bangs over the forehead with an outward


e) Large forehead (Use bangs with little or no volume to cover the forehead)

f) Small nose (Hair should be swept off the face creating a line from nose to


g) Prominent nose (Bring hair forward at the forehead with softness around

the face)

h) Receding chin (Hair should be directed forward in the chin area)

i) Small chin (Move the hair up and away from the face along the chin line)

j) Large chin (Hair should be longer or shorter than the chin line)

40. What is a major consideration when creating a hairstyle for someone who

wears glasses? (Keep in mind that when a client puts on her glasses, the

arms of the glasses can push the hair at the ear and cause it to stick out.)

41. Where is the bang or fringe area located? (It is the triangular section that

begins at the apex, or high point, of the head and ends at the front corners.)

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