March 2014 Tumbling Newsletter
Happy St. Patrick’s Day & Happy Spring
Parent-watch in all classes this coming week: March 4, 5 & 6, 2014. This is another important watch as we will be discussing Picture Week & Ticket Day. Important Dates for 2014!
April 10, 2014: Tumbling combined rehearsal for Conner and Korbut. Conner kids will stay 15 minutes late and Korbut kids will arrive 15 minutes early. Please make sure your children attend this very important class to prepare for our recital.
Conner class: 6 – 7:15pm
Korbut Class 6:45 - 8:15pm
Tumblers- As always your progress is amazing. We are truly having so much fun teaching you! Costumes will be passed out this week on March 6, 2014. As we are fast approaching our recitals in May class attendance is becoming more important especially for Conner and Korbut students. Please make every effort to have your children attend as we are finding ourselves spending a great deal of time reviewing what children have missed while absent since we do not use pen drives for tumbling. We certainly understand that life happens and sometimes a student will have to miss class. If your child is not going to be attending class please send me a quick message-
Miss Danielle
March 11, 12 & 13, 2014: Studio Pictures done by Kim Griffeth. Please refer to the schedule below for costume selections and times for each group.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014:
7:30pm: Designated Mom Group Shot: TMDA t-shirts and jeans
Thursday, March 13, 2014
4pm: Retton Group Picture
4:15pm: Retton single shots
5pm: Comaneci Group Picture
5:15pm: Comaneci single shots
6:00pm: All 4 gymnastics Classes Group Shot
6:15pm: Conner Group Picture
6:20pm: Korbut Group Picture
6:30pm: Connor and Korbut single shots
No Dance/Tumbling week of March 23, 2014: Happy Spring Break!
April 12, 2014: Ticket Day!
All costumes and tuitions will need to be paid for by April 2, 2014 in order for you to pick your recital tickets up on April 12, 2014. I am letting you know far enough in advance so that there is no confusion on ticket day. The sale of recital tickets to our TMDA families will be on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at the studio. All students my purchase up to 12 tickets each on ticket day You must adhere to this schedule so please make sure you only come purchase your tickets during your child’s set time. If you are purchasing tickets from another child’s set amount, you must have a letter from that child stating you purchasing her/his extra tickets. You still must purchase those extra tickets during your child’s set time. Remember, all of your costumes and your tuition must be paid in full in order for you to purchase your tickets on ticket day. On this website page, you will also find the form for ticket day. Please look at this form so that you will know exactly what you will need to pay for on ticket day. Items that you need to be prepared to pay for are as follows:
1- DVD of recital $25.00
2-Photo CD $10.00
3-Dance Camp Deposit $30
4-Tumbling Camp Deposit $30
5-Remaining Tuition/Costume Balance
6-Recital Tickets
(We will not allow personal photography or videotaping at the recital) Tickets are $10.00 each and they will be $12.00 at the door. We will not refund tickets under any circumstances so please do not ask the secretaries to do this for you. If you lose your tickets, you will have to purchase more as we no longer keep track of tickets as it is just too time consuming. Please understand that all tickets are numbered for a reason…we can only sell so many tickets per day. Thanks for your cooperation in advance
PS: We will do our best to keep on schedule during this very hectic day….we will need your patience. You will be given your recital t-shirt on this day as well. After you have purchased your tickets, you will take the Ticket Form to Vicki to cash you out. Ticket day is a “cash only” day as we have had too many problems with bounced checks in the past. I know this is a pain but please understand that we need to get each class in an out in just 30 minutes so we need to all be prepared. I will also have a clearance table of goods and clothing on that day to make room for the fall new apparel line. Can’t believe it is already here!
VERY IMPORTANT: If we have to bring any supplies to C-PAC because you do not have the required tights/shoes etc…,there will be a $10.00 surcharge on each item. If I, or any of my secretaries have to meet you at the studio for supplies other than the dance studio times, there will be a $20 surcharge on each item. Please make sure you have all the supplies you need by Ticket Day. If your child runs tights easily, make sure you have a back-up. I cannot have my secretaries selling supplies at C-Pac any more …things get lost or taken and I am really sorry, but my secretaries have too much to do to be worrying about supplies for everyone. Please …please make sure you have your supplies.
Results of Ticket Day are posted on the TMDA News Page. Please double click this tab to know exactly when you will be need to be at ticket day to purchase your tickets. Children that are enrolled in Tumbling only (and not dance and tumbling combined) are allowed to come during the Tumbling slots of time. If you are a dancer then you must come during your dance class time.
April 10, 2014: Tumbling combined rehearsal for Conner and Korbut.
Conner class: 6 – 7:15pm
Korbut Class 6:45 - 8:15pm
No Dance/Tumbling week of April 20, 2014
May 5, 2014, 4-6pm: Finale Rehearsal at C-Pac.
May 7, 2014, 4-8pm; Dress Rehearsal at C-Pac
May 8, 2014, 6-7:30pm: Graduate Re-Union at TMDA Studio.
May 9, 2014 @7pm: 20th Anniversary Recital #1
May 10, 2014 @ 7pm: 20th Anniversary Recital #2
May 11, 2014 @ 2pm: 20th Anniversary Recital #3, So long to our SeniorsL
June 18-July 16, 2014 : Tumbling Camp: Ages 3-18 years old.
July, 2014: Dance camp TBA: Ages 3-18 years old.
July 24-27, 2014: NYC TRIP!!! J
August 20, 2014 from 4-7pm: Audition and Registration Day
Sept 16, 17 & 18, 2014: Dance and Tumbling resumes. #21!
As always, we are asking you to make a recital decoration with your child’s picture on it to decorate C-Pac. This year we are decorating Shrek’s face with our beautiful dancers faces. We want you to download this template from our TMDA News Page under the tab “20 Year Template” and then decorate is as you wish too. Please do not make them to heavy (use poster board only) as they do not stick to the walls of C-Pac. These decorations will be due on April 29, 30 and May 1st, 2014 (which is the last week of full classes before recital week) and you will hand them in to your DM’s of each class. What should be included on Shrek’s Template are the following: child’s name, child’s picture and class name. Be as creative, be daring and be as colorful as you want but you must keep the size exactly like the size we have made for you.
Ghost of Paul Revere:
The Ghost of Paul Revere will be playing at C-PAC this Saturday, March 8th at 7pm. Tickets are $10.00 each. This band was just voted Maine’s number 1 band so let’s support the arts in our area by coming out to C-PAC on Saturday to enjoy this amazing folk band…you won’t be disappointed
I think that is it for March news! Phew!!! We are heading towards recital very rapidly….just 8 more weeks before we have “Heck Week”. Thanks again for being part of TMDA. This will be an amazing show!!
All our love and continued respect,
Colleen, Danielle & Krista