

Introduction to CALL(2 credit hours)

Instructor: 周惠那Cindy Chou

Office: 9073rd Research Building

Phone: 26328001 ext. 12230, 12250



Course Bulletin Board: (PW: niceday)


  1. Course Objectives

This course offers the language teaching professional an introduction to the various roles that technology can play in the EFL curriculum. This course provides students with first-hand CALL experiencesand with opportunities to reflect on their CALL experiences and learning. The successful student will have an interest in how computers can facilitate language learning/teaching and willingness to explore/think creatively by using computers in the English class.

  1. Course Contents

Both the practical and theoretical aspects of using computers inEFL learning will be explored. Topics will include software evaluation, the role of word processing and other common applications, text reconstruction programs, resources for language learning on the Internet, classroom and self-access modes of CALL, roles of the computer in second language learning, creating CALL materials with authoring programs, use of audio, video, and graphics in CALL, role of hypermedia and hypertext in CALL, Web-based classroom activities, Web page creation, concordance programs, integration of CALL into the curriculum, and research in CALL. The Internet will be used extensively.

  1. Suggested Materials
  2. Butler-Pascoe, M. E. (2003). Technology and teaching English language learners. New York: Allyn & Bacon.
  3. Lewis, G. (2004). The Internet and young learners. New York: Oxford.
  4. Online resources and articles.
  1. Homework

As assigned in each course session; Visual aids are required for all oral presentations.

Students are required to work at home or on any Internet-connected computer. All students must have a working email account, which is checked at least weekly during the course.

  1. Grade Distribution

Class assignments: 40% (completion and quality)

2 Quizzes:30%

E-Portfolio:on Filamentality, Yahoo!Blog, Quia, etc.20%

Attendance is mandatory. Each unexcused absence will result in a 2-point penalty. Any student who misses more than three class sessions will receive a failing grade.

  1. Office Hours: by appointments
  1. Login to the course bulletinebaord - eBoard
  2. Find “Enter the password for read mode”, type niceday and click on “submit”
  3. Click on “CALL” for reading about this course

To start today's Quia demonstration,
you must do the following:

  1. To create a Quia account
    Type your name in Chinese!
  2. To enroll in the extcall2008:
    Add/Drop Classes --> class code: MAR679
  3. To take a quiz session name: extcall2008

Registration instructions:



Class Policies
  1. Prepare a notebook and a memory stick for this class.
  2. Come to every class and come on time. If you don't, your grade will be lowered. (I will take attendance during the first 15 minutes of the class - if you come after that, you will be marked "late").Tardiness (being late to class): Two times late = one absence.
  3. Cell phone use is not permitted. Turn your phone off and put itout of sight until the end of the class.
  4. If you are absent, make sure you find out what we did in class. It is your responsibility to be ready for the next class. Find information about our class and assignments by asking a classmate.
  5. If you plan to be absent or need to get in touch with me, send me email or leave a message at 12050.
  6. Work is due on the assigned date. Late work will incur a penalty of 10 points per day late.
  7. Each unexcused absences will result in a penalty of 2 points. Three absences will result in a failing grade for the class.



Introduction to extCALL2008

Tentative Course Schedule

Session / Content / Topic / Assignment
1 / *Introduction to the course
*Introduction to CALL and related Internet resources
*Guide to the Internet
2 / *Computers and Language Learning: A Overiew
*Topic: Quality Websites
3 / *Computers and Language Learning: A Overiew
*Topic: Online Discussion
4 / *Computers and Language Learning: A Overiew
*Topic: Integrating the Web for Learning
5 / *Quiz 1
*Midterm Project
*Technology and Second Language Teaching
*Topic: WebQuests
6 / *Technology and Second Language Teaching
*Topic: Quality ELT Resoruces
7 / *The Use of Chat in ESL/EFL
*Reading: Using Technology to Teaching Oral Communication Skills
8 / *Working the Web for Education
*Reading: Using Technology to Teaching Reading and Writing
9 / *Working the Web for Education
*Quiz 2
*Final Project