The roots to grow, the wings to fly
5th January 2018
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to the new Spring term – I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and new year! This letter outlines the dates and events we have planned for your information. The staff have spent a lot of time planning and preparing some very exciting lessons and events which I hope the children will enjoy.
This term, Year 4 will begin the musicianship programme and will start learning the guitar. Please ensure that the children always bring their instrument into school on a Friday. There will be some other music events lined up for the older children organised by the Sherborne Music Cluster later in the term – more information to follow.
If you have signed up with Alistair Chester for guitar lessons for your child please ensure that you have organised payment directly with him – he will start lessons next week. Any questions, please contact him directly.
I will be taking the choir to take part in the Youth Makes Music Concert at the Gryphon Conference Hall on March 8th. The concert starts at 5.30pm so we will aim to congregate earlier. More details nearer the time. Please note the change of time and venue!
PARENT/TEACHER MEETINGS – A letter regarding parent/teacher meetings will come home nearer the time for parents to select an appointment. Dates are Monday 5th March 5-7pm and Wednesday 7th March 3.40-6pm. Of course, if you have a concern or problem, please do not wait until March– the classteachers are always happy to discuss any concerns you may have. Mr Harpham will organise his parent/teacher meetings directly with parents before the Spring term break.
DISCO – The PTA Easter disco has been booked for March 16th 6-7.30pm. This year, it will be in aid of Sports Relief so all funds raised will be donated towards this great cause.
STORIES BY FAIRY LIGHTS – We will be running this very popular event again on Friday 2nd March from 6pm-7pm to celebrate world book day. Children are invited to come back to school dressed in their pyjamas and dressing gowns, to listen to stories read by adults from the school community. This is a lovely event which will have a minimal cost to cover hot chocolate and biscuits.
STAFFING - As some of you will be aware, Mr Harpham has decided to leave teaching to return to a branch of his former career. The school has agreed to allow Mr Harpham to leave at Spring half term to enable him to take his new post. We will be collecting for a present for him nearer Spring half term (if you would like to donate, please let the office know).
Mr Harpham will be missed and we thank him for his significant contribution to the school over the years. We wish him all the best in the next stage of his career. Due to the short time frame, it has not been possible to advertise the vacancy in the usual way and so for the best possible transition procedures for the children in mind, we have engaged two teachers well known to the school to job share over the next term and a half. Mrs Helen Newton will teach on a Monday-Wednesday and Mrs Tess O’Rourke will teach on a Thursday and Friday. The full time post will be then advertised later in the Spring term for September 2018.
Mrs Hemsley will also be leaving at Easter and we are delighted that Mrs Britton will be taking her role on full time in the office. We will also be collecting for Mrs Hemsley and again, if you would like to contribute, please approach Mrs Britton to discuss.
Congratulations to Miss Redman who got engaged over the Christmas period. We look forward to an impending wedding!
MILL ON THE BRUE – After much consideration and planning, the Cluster Schools decided to change the Year 5 residential this year and are going to Mill on the Brue which offers an exciting range of outdoor activities for our children. The trip will be taking place on Monday 26th-Wednesday 28th March inclusive. The Year 4 children in Miss Redman’s class will be taught in class 3 by Mrs Newton on those days. Miss Redman and Mrs Kewley will be the supervising adults on the trip.
EASTER SERVICE – We are planning to hold our Easter service on the 29th March at 2pm in the church – all welcome. School will finish after the service. TBC
SAFETY AROUND THE SCHOOL – This grass gets very muddy at this time of year and can be very slippery. We ask that everyone coming into school uses the pathsplease, for this reason and also so that the mud doesn’t get transferred onto the paths and into school.
Thank you for continuing to use the upper playground gate during the school run – this is working really well. The lower access gate by the office is not for use during the school run – we don’t want to encourage the children to get used to seeing this as a point of entry and exit, for their own safety.
In the morning, the classrooms are open at 8.45am for the children to come into school and children should not be left on the playground unsupervised before that time. Younger children must always be supervised into the KS1 playground by an adult.
CLUBS – Some outdoor clubs such as football and rugby will recommence after half term when the fields are drier and the evenings are lighter. Netball clubs will take place this half term during school time at lunchtimes. Staff will notify you individually of other clubs as and when they start. The Premier Sport Monday club is no longer running due to lack of numbers. The Thursday club is for KS1 pupils – please remember that this is run by an external group and there is no expectation that any staff will be available during and after the club.
HALF TERM - 12th February – 16th February inclusive.
I will of course, send home further details on all of these events nearer the time. Please continue to check your child’s book bag daily for letters. Our Facebook page is very successful and is a very good way of sharing information quickly so please like us. Newsletters will come home around the 20th of each month and will be posted on our website as well as being displayed in the foyer by the office. Some of the letters home will also be posted on our website under ‘information’. Finally, if you have had any changes to your contact details, please let the office know.
I very much look forward to working with you and all the children again this term!
Kindest regards,
Miss E Grunnill
Spring dates 2018
Year 4 guitar lessons start 5th Jan-23rd March Fridays at 2.30pm
29th Jan – NSPCC presentations
7th Sherborne area basketball Gryphon 1-3pm
9th – Break up for half term
2nd March - Stories by Fairylights 6-7pm
Monday 5th 3.30-6pm and Wednesday 7th 5-7pm Parents’ evenings
6th March – Sherborne area Cross country 4.15pm at the Gryphon
7th March – Leweston Netball tournament 1-4.30pm
8th March – Youth Makes Music concert 5.30pm at the Gryphon – choir
12th - Spirituality day
14th – Year ¾ area netball and Year 5/6 area football at Abbey 4-5.30pm
16th – PTA Easter disco 6-7.30pm in aid of Sport Relief
20th – Sherborne area netball Leweston Y5/6 1.30pm
23rd – Governing board meeting 1-3.30pm
23rd - Tag rugby tournament Year 5 at Sherborne Primary 1-3pm
26-28th - Mill on the Brue Y5 residential
29th March Easter service 2pm in the church - TBC and last day
Headteacher: Miss Emma Grunnill Admin officer: Mrs Hemsley Mill Lane, Bradford Abbas, Sherborne, Dorset DT96RH
E: T: 01935 476515
Sherborne Area Schools' Trust is a company limited by guarantee Registered office: Bristol Road, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4EQ Registered in England with Company Number 08130468