2014 Scholarship Application

University of Washington PKU Action Group

Scholarship Information

The PKU Action Group has established a scholarship for WashingtonState high school students with PKU. Scholarship awards range from $250 to $500, depending on the number of qualified applicants.

All seniors with PKU graduating from a Washington State high school in 2014 with good academic standing who have received acceptance to an accredited institution are encouraged to apply. Accredited institutions include: four-year colleges, two-year colleges, community colleges, and vocational or technical colleges. High school seniors who meet these criteria and who send a completed application to the PKU Action Group will be considered. The scholarship money may only be applied to educational expenses, such as tuition, textbooks, room and board, or course related fees.

Applications must be received by July 31, 2014. Scholarship recipients will receive their award by mailas soon as proof of enrollment has been received by the PKU Action Group. Proof of enrollment can include a copy of a dorm assignment, class schedule, tuition payment receipt, or other documentation as available. If proof of enrollment is not available at the time of application, please mail it as soon as possible.

The application consists of the following:

1)A completed application form.

2)An application letter.

3)Copy of letter of acceptance.

4)Proof of enrollment.

5) A recent photograph of applicant to be used by the PKU Action Group and/orthe UW PKU Clinic on their websites and/or in publicity for the scholarship.

An application can be obtained bytelephone at 206-598-1800, by email at .

2014 Scholarship Application

University of Washington PKU Action Group

Scholarship Application Form

Applicant name:______

Mailing address:______

Your email address: ______
Phone number:(______)______

I will be attending:______

University/college/vocational/technical institution

School address:______



You must include proof of acceptance with this application.

Proof of enrollment must be provided prior to receiving an award and may be included

with this application if it is currently available.

I acknowledge that the above information is correct, and that I will use the scholarship money I receive in the manner indicated by the scholarship guidelines. I also give permission for my photograph to be used for up to five years by the PKU Action Group and UW PKU Clinic for publicity.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Mail completed application to: PKU Action Group

Box 357920Seattle, WA 98195

Application materials must be received by the PKU Action Group by July 31, 2014.

University of Washington PKU Action Group

Scholarship Application Letter

In your letter of application for the PKU Action Group Scholarship, please include information on the topics listed below. Your letter is not to exceed two double-spaced, typewritten pages.

Future plans: Please tell us about your future plans. List the reasons why you chose the college or technical program that you plan to attend, as well aswhat course of study you will be pursuing.

Academic record: Briefly summarize your high school classes. What led you to your choice of college or technical program? What was your final GPA? GPA is not used to determine scholarship award.

Activities: Please tell us about the activities you participated in during high school. What jobs have you had during high school? Have you received any special awards?

Personal Qualities and Talents: Please tell us about yourself. What qualities or talents make you a unique person?

Thank you for applying for a PKU Action Group Scholarship.