Global Studies Prep

2013 – 2014

Room A106

Mrs. K. Velardi


Class Wiki:

Overview & Objectives

This course is designed to help you prepare for the Global History & Geography Regents Exam. We will review the material you learned in Global 9 and Global 10. We will use variousactivities to accomplish this goal such multiple choice questions, essays and other review materials. As you know, passing this exam is required for graduation.

New this Year

We will be using many online learning platforms this year. The first is Edmodo, which is a site you will use to communicate with me and your classmates. Assignments and quizzes will be taken and recorded here. This site also includes apps which will be used for not only assignments and quizzes but projects as well.

Other sites we will use are:

  • – a classroom wiki which includes materials to help you review content

Please update your browsers at home to include Google Chrome so that all communication will run smoothly. I will help you set up accounts for these at a later date. At the end of this syllabus you will find Digital Citizenship documents including:

  • A code of conduct which must be signed by you,
  • A letter to your parents explaining Edmodo and
  • A permission letter to your parents which must be signed and returned

At Little about Me

I have taught at Proctor High School for 12 years. Both my M.A. in Inclusive Education and my B.A. in Social Studies were received from Utica College. I have lived in the Utica area my entire life.

Class Procedures:

The following procedures are designed to help the class run smoothly and efficiently, so that we can make the most of our time together. Other procedures will be added as the need arises. Thank you for cooperating.

Begin class:

Come in the room quietly.

Pick up your review folder.

Sit in your assigned seat and begin work immediately.

If you are absent:

On the day you return, check the folder marked, “While you were away…” located in the front of the room.

Take out anything with your name on it.

If you have any questions (such as due dates, missed notes, etc), see me.


Please raise your hand to add to discussion or ask a question.

I will call on you or approach your desk.

Class Rules

Observe all school rules.

This classroom is part of the larger building. All rules put in place by the school must be followed in this classroom. This includes the policies regarding hats and cell phones.

Be prepared.

You are to have all the materials necessary to complete required work each class. This includes your notebook, paper, and a pen/pencil.

Be on time.

Please have a pass when you come in to class late. Remember that being late disrupts class but occasionally cannot be helped. Routine tardiness, however, shows a lack of respect for the entire class.

Demonstrate respect for yourself and others.

This includes no talking while I or someone else is speaking. Also, all cell phones and other electronics are to be turned off and put away during class. Text messaging, listening to headphones, etc will not be tolerated.

Class Policies


You are expected to attend all classes. You will benefit from the discussions and explanations that take place in the classroom.

Required Materials

Loose leaf paper

Pen and/or pencil

To Students and Parents/Guardians:

Please read the information in the attached handout. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this notice or the student’s progress, please contact me at the school. My Email address or the telephone number is 368-6400. Please leave a message with the office that includes your name, the student’s name, your phone number and a time when it is best to reach you. I will return your call as soon as possible. In addition to the already mentioned forms of contact, I will also be using Remind 101. This is a safe way for me to send reminders for tests, homework, events, etc. Instructions for signing up are attached. Once the students are signed up with Edmodo you will be able to send me direct messages using the parent code as well. After you have read the class syllabus, please sign and date it below. Have the student return it to me by our next class.

I cannot express this enough, the student’s attendance is criticalto their success on the Global History & Geography Regents Exam.

Thank you,

Mrs. Velardi

I have read and understand the class syllabus for Mrs. Velardi’s global studies class.

  • I have signed up for Remind 101
  • I do not wish to sign up for Remind 101

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian (please print) ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ___

Student Name (please print) ______

Edmodo Code of Conduct

  1. I will use one of the avatars included with Edmodofor my profile picture or use one that I have appropriate legal permission to use (i.e. in the public domain).
  2. I will use posts to discuss school-related content only.
  3. I will use a respectful tone of voice when posting. All school rules and consequences related to harassment apply.
  4. I will use appropriate grammar instead of texting language.
  5. I will not use my posts to promote personal websites or chat rooms.
  6. I will limit my use of sarcasm to avoid misinterpretations.
  7. I will not reveal any personal information on Edmodo. This includes telephone numbers, addresses, emails, etc.
  8. I will not post photos or videos showing myself or classmates without permission.

Student signature: ______

Dear Parents,

This year we will be using Edmodo in Global Studies 9R. Edmodo is a free and secure learning network for teachers, students, and schools. It provides a safe way for us to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions and receive class information.

Edmodo is accessible online and through any mobile device with Internet capabilities – including free apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android devices. Students can access their account from any mobile device or computer, and set up notifications within Edmodo to receive alerts/reminders via text or e-mail.

Edmodo will not be used as a social network like Facebook or MySpace. This tool will be used strictly for educational purposes using the following guidelines:

Students will be required to use appropriate grammar instead of texting language

Edmodo does not allow private student-to-student messaging- the site will be used to discuss school-related content only

No put-downs or sarcasm toward another’s ideas. All school rules and consequences related to harassment apply

Students who violate the guidelines above may face disciplinary action and/or face losing the privilege of using Edmodo.

I look forward to a great year as we incorporate the use of technology into our classroom curriculum. If you have any questions, please contact me at

Thank you,

Mrs. Velardi

Dear Parents:

This school year, our class will be using Edmodo, a free and secure online learning platform where teachers and students can collaborate, share content, and use educational apps to augment in-classroom learning. Within this private learning environment that is managed by the teacher, students can only interact with others in the class.Edmodo provides a safe and easy way to connect and support learning beyond the classroom.

Edmodo will enhance the learning experience and help students develop important online skills. On Edmodo, students will be able to:

  • Participate in class or group discussions that are monitored by the teacher (students cannot send private messages to other students)
  • Communicate directly with the teacher to ask questions and get help with work
  • Keep track of important due dates, events, and tasks
  • Receive and turn in assignments and quizzes
  • View missed work when absent from class
  • Access Edmodo from any computer or mobile device with Internet capabilities and receive notification reminders via email or text (optional)

You may also sign up for a parent account on Edmodo, which connects to your child’s account. This is a great way to keep informed of due dates, assignments, grades, school events, and any direct communication between your child and me. You will need a parent code to create your account, which can be found in your child’s account (on the right side, below the Notifications section). Parent accounts are not required, but I recommend signing up for one to stay engaged with your child’s learning experience.
In order for your child to use Edmodo, he or she must have your permission, and you must read and agree to the Edmodo Terms of Service ( on your child’s behalf. You must also read and agree to the Edmodo Privacy Policy ( Edmodo takes privacy seriously and has received the TRUSTe Children’s Privacy Seal to verify this. The only information required from students to set up an Edmodo account is the teacher’s class code, their name, and a username and password. Please review the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy with your child and note that these policies may change over time, so you should review them again when you or your child receives a notification that they have been updated.

To enhance learning activities, I may choose to use certain educational applications from the Edmodo Store. This digital content is offered by vetted third-party publishers who have their own privacy policies but are required to abide by Edmodo’s privacy policy standards.

I hope that your child will enjoy using Edmodo and gain beneficial skills this year. You can learn more about Edmodo by visiting

I give consent for my child, listed below, to use Edmodo for class activities.
Student Name: ______
Parent Printed Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Course Calendar

First Quarter Topics

Agricultural Revolution

River Valley Civilizations

Classical Civilizations

Belief Systems


Middle Ages


African & Mesoamerican Civilizations

Absolutism & Exploration

Second Quarter Topics

French Revolution

Industrial Revolution




Cold War


Collapse of Imperialism

The World Today

January NYS Regents Exam