First Fire Protection District of Antioch

P. O. BOX 2 ~ ANTIOCH, ILL. 60002


The First Fire Protection District of Antioch Township will hold their regular monthly public meeting onThursday March 9, 2017 at 5:00 Fire Station #1,835 Holbek Dr., Antioch,Illinois.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call

4.Public Comments: 5-minute limit per person

5Review and Approval of February 15, 2017 District Meeting Minutes

Review and Approval of March 2, 2017 Special District Meeting

6.Treasure’s Report

(a) Review and Approval of Treasurers Report

(b) Review and Approval of Accounts Payable

(c) Transfer of Funds

7.Committee Reports

(a) Attorneys Report- Discussion and possible action on the Chief’s Contract.

(b) Chief Cokefair- Discussion and possible action on dispatch service provider for the FFPD.

- Discussion and possible action transfer of the Metro Paramedic Service contract from the Village to the FFPD.

- Discussion and possible action on the letter of interest with the ETSB and Station Alerting.

- Discussion and possible action Elenbe Auto Contract.

- Discussion and possible action PNC Lease Resolution 2017-3

(c) Administrator Jozefiak

(d) Presidents Report

(e) Trustee Report

(f) Sub Committee Report

8.Old Business

9.New Business

10.Items not on Agenda

11.Public Comments: 5-minute limit per person

12.Closed Session for any lawful purpose but not limited to:

(a) Appointment, employment, discipline, performance review or dismissal of specific employees;

b) Consideration of salary schedules for one or more classes of employees;

(c) Purchase or lease of real property or setting of a price for sale or lease of district property;

(b) Litigation, pending or probable.

13.Possible action on any closed session item


Posted:by Carolyn Van Patten, Secretary/Treasurer

First Fire Protection District of Antioch Township

March 6, 2017 at 3:00 PM