Macro Handout Addendum

Hi, folks -- here are some additions to the macro handout, and one error correction.

ALERT!!! -- Ken (a.k.a. Jewish Mother) Kronenberg tells me that I have to make clear once more that you DO NOT HAVE TO TYPE OR INVENT CODE SUCH AS THE TEXT BELOW if you want to use macros. Word's macro recorder will generate the code for you from your own keystrokes. If you download a macro in text form such as this one or the many others on the Net, you can copy and paste them directly into Word; I've provided directions for this in the main handout.


I left a line out of the TripleBracketsFindAndSelect macro. Here's the corrected text. Please note that the line .MatchWildcards=True must be added after the format specification.

' TripleBracketsFindAndSelect Macro

' Macro recorded 04/04/01 by Eve Golden


' This highlights triple brackets and whatever lies between them, so they can be deleted.

' It does not replace.




With Selection.Find

.Text = "\[\[\[*\]\]\]"

.Replacement.Text = ""

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = False

.MatchWildcards = True

End With


End Sub


Listings of macros:

Experts Exchange:; question-and-answer format.

Electric Editors:, which specializes in macros for editors and writers, and has a lot of them; I don't find them very useful but you may.

Stressfree Macros:, has a macro for saving to two folders at once; not tested. This looks like a potentially good idea to me.

Word Add-Ins: Word macros that you buy!

Editorium has a plug-in of macros for editors.

WordStar replicator: -- but you can do this yourself, as I did the very instant I found myself condemned to using Word instead of my darling WordStar.

Woody on WOPR:

Search Google for Word Add-ins if you'd like to see others.

A PC Mag article:,4149,21201,00.asp.

More Newsletters:

ElementK MS Word tips:

Editorium Update:


Woody's Underground Guide to Word for Windows for Word 95 -- Woody Leonhard, Addison-Wesley. Woody's usual schtick -- this time aimed at Word 95. A must-read if that's your version.

Special Edition Using Word 2000 -- Bill Camarda, Que. This is an all-purpose Word text. I've seen at least two dozen of these in my time, going all the way back to Word 6, and I think this is by far the best of the lot. With minor exceptions it's applicable to Word 97 and I'm sure the versions that follow it as well. There is a series of very good chapters on recording macros and the very basics of VBA, and a lot of information on other aspects of customizing Word.

Writing Word Macros -- Steven Roman, O'Reilly. This book was originally published as Learning Word Programming, for Word 97. It's been revised and updated for Word 2000. O'Reilly is considered a very good publisher of this kind of thing, and the book got good notice, but it does not speak to me. You may be different.

Word 97 for Law Firms -- Payne Consulting Group, Prima. There's also a Word 2000 version of this guide, which as it says specializes in legal applications. Some CAEN members do legal word processing, and they should be aware of this. But the book contains material that is more generally applicable, too. Payne Consulting Group ( has a website listing its specialized commercial Word macros and add-ins, and they also offer some freebies (which are at

Legal Guide: Legal types can also download from Microsoft their Word Legal Users' Guide. That's at

Macro viruses:

There's a good article in PC magazine. It can be found at,4149,4616,00.asp.