2013 ASCLS House of Delegates
Royal Sonesta Hotel, Houston, TX
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Minutes - ASCLS House of Delegates, August 3, 2013
The 81st Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science convened at the Royal Sonesta Hotel, Houston, TX, on August 3, 2013. The session was called to order by ASCLS President Linda Smith at 8:16 a.m. CDT.
Karen Griffin (OK) was appointed as parliamentarian.
Members serving as chairs of committees or task forces or as representatives of ASCLS who were not delegates, and members of the ASCLS Executive Office staff were granted the privilege of the floor for the purpose of giving information relative to reports as needed. Dr. David Mangelsdorff was granted permission to be seated in the gallery.
President Linda Smith introduced the ASCLS Board of Directors and Executive Office staff.
President Smith delivered the President’s message to the House of Delegates.
President Smith introduced Scott Aikey as the Speaker of the 2013 House of Delegates.
Motion #1: Gilma Roncancio-Weemer moved to adopt the standing rules for the House of Delegates as found in the House agenda packet for this meeting.
Seconded by McLane (DE). Motion carried.
Speaker Aikey read the standing rules most pertinent to the meeting (3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 18).
The minutes from the 2012 House of Delegates were approved as printed.
Minutes - ASCLS House of Delegates, August 3, 2013 2
Speaker Aikey recognized and thanked all of the members of the House Affairs Committees.
The Chair of the Credentials Committee, Charlie Francen (CO), reported that of the 321 possible delegates, 228 were credentialed and 207 were seated on the floor of the House.
Tom Massman (MN), Chair of the Elections Committee, announced the election results.
President-Elect: Susanne Zanto (MT)
Secretary/Treasurer Cindy Johnson (MN)
Judicial Committee Holly Weinberg (ID)
Director, Region I: Maddie Josephs (RI)
Director, Region VII: Karen Chandler (TX)
Director, Region VIII: Joni Gilstrap (MT)
Nominations Committee, 3 year term: Sally Pestana (HI)
Nominations Committee, 1 year term: Bill Hunt (PA)
Crystal Mino (GA) was elected Student Forum Chair by the Student Forum. Rosemarie Nguyen (TX) was elected Student Forum Vice-Chair and Courtney Lower (IL), Secretary.
The Chair of the Minutes Committee was Shirlyn McKenzie (TX).
The Master Sergeant-at-Arms was Catherine Shaffner (OH).
The ASCLS Secretary introduced the following motions to the 2013 House of Delegates for action:
Motion #2: The ASCLS Board of Directors moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates adopt the revised Health Care Forum position paper. Motion carried.
Motion #3: The ASCLS Board of Directors moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates adopt the revised position paper, “Medical Laboratory Professionals Response to an Expanding Geriatric Population”. Motion carried.
Motion #4: The ASCLS Board of Directors moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates adopt the revised position paper, “Advanced Practice: Doctorate in Clinical Laboratory Science”. Motion carried.
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Elissa Passiment, Executive Vice President, read a congratulatory letter from the office of Senator John Cornyn recognizing President Linda Smith’s contributions on behalf of ASCLS and the profession of clinical laboratory science.
Speaker Scott Aikey thanked the Board of Directors, ASCLS Staff, Credentials and Minutes committees, the Sergeants-at-Arms and the Parliamentarian for their assistance with the House of Delegates meeting as well as President Linda Smith.
President Smith presented the ASCLS Board of Directors’ awards to:
Charlie Francen (CO), Nominations Committee Chair
Jan Frerichs (IA), Membership Committee Chair
Renee Setina (MO), PAC Chair
Paula Garrott (IL), NAACLS Representative
Shauna Anderson (UT), Body of Knowledge
Jan Hudzicki (KS), 2013 CLEC Chair
Scott Aikey (PA), 2013 AMSC Chair
Sherry Miner, ASCLS Membership Services/P.A.C.E.® Coordinator
President Smith installed the following newly elected officers:
Nominations Committee, 3 year term: Sally Pestana (HI)
Nominations Committee, 1 year term: Bill Hunt (PA)
Chair, Student Forum: Crystal Mino (GA)
Judicial Committee: Holly Weinberg (ID)
Regional Directors:
Region I: Maddie Josephs (CNE)
Region VII: Karen Chandler (TX)
Region VIII: Joni Gilstrap (MT)
Secretary-Treasurer: Cindy Johnson (MN)
President-Elect: Susanne Zanto (MT)
President: J.R. Constance (CO)
President Smith presented J.R. Constance with the President’s pin and introduced him to the House of Delegates and gallery as the 2013-2014 President of ASCLS.
The Maryland delegation escorted outgoing Past President Cathy Otto off the platform and welcomed her back to their state delegation.
Minutes - ASCLS House of Delegates, August 3, 2013 2
Dan Southern, Chair of the ASCLS Education and Research Fund, Inc., presented the Robin H. Mendelson awards to:
Bunny Rodak, CLS Editor-in-Chief
Linda Smith, ASCLS Past President
George Fritsma, incoming ASCLS Education and Research Fund Chair, presented a Mendelson Award to Dan Southern, ASCLS Education and Research Fund, Inc. Chair.
President Constance delivered his acceptance speech.
President Constance thanked the Texas society for their hard work in hosting the 2013 Annual Meeting.
Yolanda Sanchez, representing the Illinois society, gave a presentation and invited everyone to attend the 2014 ASCLS Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
Renee Setina (PAC Chair) thanked all ASCLS members for their generous support in PAC Donations. The 2013 meeting raised $5,169 with Region VI once again winning the Region competition. Just a reminder, if you were unable to visit the PAC desk this week you can always donate online year around.
Weaver (MS), on behalf of Region III, invited everyone to the beautiful MS Gulf Coast for the Region III Triennial Conference in Biloxi, MS, November 6-8. See the MS ASCLS website for details and registration information.
Mihane (CO), on behalf of Region VIII, invited all ASCLS members to attend the 50th Anniversary Celebration at IMSS (Intermountain States Seminar). September 11-14, 2013. Come “kick up your heels” in the beautiful Tetons with friends and colleagues. Go to imss.asclsregionviii.org.
Pulido (CA), on behalf of Region X, invited all ASCLS member to the annual “Spring Training” conference, March 12-14, 2014 in Mesa, AZ.
Edwards (NC) invited members to the Carolinas Clinical Connection 2014 April 10-12, Harrahs Cherokee, North Carolina. Please join them for a week of CE and a good time.
Brown (ASCLS Past President) announced that “As a member of the recently reactivated Pushy Past Presidents Council (PPC), I would like to invite all Past Presidents present in the room (living or dead) to stand with me (if you are able to get out of your chair) in solidarity as we welcome Cathy Otto to our ranks after her 3 years of Presidential service to ASCLS. We would also like to announce her recent election/appointment (not necessarily of her choosing) to the position of Chair of the PPPC. As a formally recognized and duly constituted force within ASCLS, the PPPC would like to make the
following demands as we formulate our manifesto to the ASCLS House of Delegates (actually we are simply making these statements as truths that we hope will be immediately honored). 1. The appointment of UP to 2 Past Presidents on every ASCLS committee or task force, starting with the oldest living past presidents first. 2. The scheduling of a lunch meeting during the Scientific Assembly lunches with an open bar for the PPPC to assemble. 3. Our own table at the ASCLS House of Delegates fully stocked with snacks. 4. To be able to speak more than twice and for longer than 2 minutes at the ASCLS House of Delegates at our discretion. 5. Having our own Staff and Board Liaisons, of our choosing. Further requests will be delineated in future reports which we will submit to the President for future meetings. Thank you”.
Motion #5: Smith (OR) and Robinson (MD) resolved on behalf of Oregon and Region II that Whereas: Dr. Otto seems to have difficulty deciding which coast she belongs to, and Whereas: Dr. Otto has tried both coasts, several times each, and Whereas: Oregon has reluctantly let Dr. Otto try playing in the Region II pond, and Whereas: Dr. Otto seems to prosper in and enjoy the Region II pond, Therefore: Oregon says goodbye and Region II welcomes Cathy back with open arms. Motion carried.
Motion #6: Wessler (OH and Silent Auction Chair) moved that the 2013 ASCLS House of Delegates commend all the donors, bidders and buyers at the E & R Fund Silent Auction. 142 items brought $7475. Special “thanks” to Dan and Kay Southern, Mary Ann McLane, Lisa Hochstein, Bunny Rodak, Sally Pestana, Carol Shearer, Joe Passiment, Vicki Johnson and Pam M. Motion carried.
Motion #7: Griffith (CNE) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend the clinical laboratory professionals of the greater Boston area for the heroism that was never mentioned after the Boston Marathon bombings. Many hundreds of units of blood were processed and laboratory tests performed with speed and accuracy as we always do but in dire circumstances on this occasion. Motion carried.
Motion #8: Sutton (CA), on behalf of the CA society and Region X, moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Ms. Marcia Armstrong on her being awarded this year’s ASCLS Member of the Year. You have done us all proud. Many thanks and congratulations! Motion carried.
Motion #9: Russell (GA) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Lacey Campbell for her enthusiastic and visionary leadership as Student Forum Chair and pledged their support for her continuing efforts as First Year Professional Director. Motion carried.
Motion #10: Bates (GA) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Susan Burke for completion of the Leadership Academy and look forward to her leadership at the state, region and national level. Motion carried.
Motion #11: Moore (MI) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend the following individuals: Dr. Roslyn McQueen for her leadership as Region IV Director, Dr. Kathy Doig, the 2013 recipient of ASCLS-Michigan’s Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr.
Linda Goossen, who was inducted into Alpha Mu Tau, Ninive Costa and Stephanie Rink for their acceptance into the 2013-2014 Leadership Academy, and Dr. Lynne Williams, general chair of the 2013 ASCLS-MI Annual Spring Meeting. Motion carried.
Motion #12: Triplett (TN), on behalf of the TN society, moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Wes Williamson for his recognition as TN Member of the Year. They have benefited from his year as Past President and are counting on his continued contributions to TN. Motion carried.
Motion #13: Kolopajlo (OH), on behalf of Region IV with extreme admiration and appreciation, moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Joe Passiment for his tireless amount of energy, wealth of information, and ability to keep our Executive Vice President grounded for all of these years. Kudos and thank you. Motion carried.
Motion #14: Renaud (MN), on behalf of ASCLS-MN, moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend and congratulate Cindy Johnson upon her election as ASCLS Secretary/Treasurer. They also recognized her outstanding service this past year as Chair of the GAC. Cindy’s dedication and hard work for ASCLS continues, and they offered their love and support. Motion carried.
Motion #15: Holley (TN), on behalf of the TN society, moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Lynn Ingram for her work leading the ASCLS Leadership Academy and congratulations on kicking off the 7th class at this meeting. Motion carried.
Motion #16: Josephs (CNE), on behalf of the great states of Region I, moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Susan Leclair for her service and dedication to the Region and Society as a whole. Motion carried.
Motion #17: Rohde (TX) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Pat Tille and April Harkins for their outstanding service as SA coordinators. Thanks Pat and April. Motion carried.
Motion #18: Williamson (TN), on behalf of the TN delegation, moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Tim Wallace for his 12 years of service to the Region III Council as treasurer. They also congratulate Krystal Triplett on being selected to fill that role on the Region III Council.
Motion #19: Mihane (CO) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Barbara Brown as outgoing ASCLS-CO president, Tiffany Mylius as incoming president and Stephen Tidd as president-elect. She wished Barbara good wishes as she returns to retirement and Tiffany and Stephen good luck and learning as their year begins. Lastly, she commended Ian Wallace, their Student Forum representative, for his enthusiasm and tireless commitment to ASCLS-CO. Motion carried.
Motion #20: Wentz (TX) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Debbie Faubion of Galveston, TX, past state president and Region VII director and continued passionate leader of our profession. The Texas delegation wishes her a Happy Birthday wish. Motion carried.
Motion #21: Cofer (TN), on behalf of the TN society, moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend both Angela Phillips and Judy Davis for their tireless service to the ASCLS Government Affairs Committee and their guidance and leadership in our state legislative efforts. Motion carried.
Motion #22: Hanenberg (NJ) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend all who dedicated their time and service away from home to be in their institutions during the devastation of Hurricane Sandy in the Northeast working extra shifts, sleeping in hospitals, leaving their homes and families to provide aid to those in need of medical attention. Motion carried.
Motion #23: Ingram (TN) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend and recognize TN members Perry Scanlan, Rebecca Rogers, Wes Williamson, John Bandura, Jennifer Holley, and Bethany Kent for their leadership of and contributions to the legislative battles that began in TN earlier this spring. They were integral in spreading the voice of our profession across the state to protect our licensure laws in TN. Motion carried.
Motion #24: Sanchez (IL) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Sheila Gibbons on her graduation from the Leadership Academy and Courtney Lower on her election as secretary of the Student Forum and finally commend Gilma Roncancio-Weemer as she completes six years of service as ASCLS Secretary/Treasurer. Illinois has both a rich history and a bright future of leaders in ASCLS and the profession. Motion carried.