Choose the Right Drink

With water making up over half of an adults’ body composition there is no question that liquid is essential in our day to day lives.But think for second how much water are you really drinking? The average adult needs to aim to drink at least 1.5 Litres a day.

Alternatives like Juice and Soft Drink affect not only your body but your teeth as well. Sure Sports drinks and other substitutes might ‘aid in rehydration’and claim to be ‘healthy‘ but they should not be reliedon as they can contain high levels of sugar and tend to be quite acidic. These drinks may even mask your quench,however they usually further dehydration and enable tooth decay.

Having all that sugar sitting on your teeth for even just a small period will allow the bacteria in your mouth to feed. This causes a reaction resulting in acid which starts to breakdown your enamel. Enamel is the outer layer of your teeth and what gives them their white colour, the inside of teeth is actually yellow in colour. the yellow part of your tooth known as Dentine it is softer than enamel so the bacteria quickly spread after the have reached this point, therefore it usually progresses into tooth decay. If not fixed here it can even go as far as deeper infections in the pulp resulting in the need for Root Canal and Other Treatments.

In an ideal world, everyone would drink nothing but water but sometimes it doesn’t work like that and your dentists understands that too! But there are many ways to help prevent decay and to still enjoy the occasional sweet drink.

To Help stop the Spread of Decay and Increase your Oral Health try to…

  • Keep up your water intake; strive for 2 litres a day.
  • Don’t drink these drinks because you are thirsty, they will only mask your quench and the sugar will feed the bacteria in your mouth.
  • If you are enjoying the occasionally sugary drink try to drink through a straw, it helps to stop the sugar sticking to the surface of your teeth.
  • Always try to drink water after you’ve drunk something sugary this helps to neutralise the acids in your mouth and stop bacteria from feeding.

Always Remember the Basics!

  • Brush Twice Daily! Especially the last thing before bed as you don’t produce enough saliva during the night to wash bacteria off and it gives bacteria a lot of time to manifest.
  • Use a soft toothbrush to go along to gum lines to be sure you reach all teeth your and gums.
  • Floss! Whether it is traditional floss or a product of our Friendly staff have thought to be more suited to you make sure you do it every day!
  • Floss reaches places not only your brush can’t reach but also the places you can’t see either so to ensure you get all the bugs make sure you floss!