Adult Actions to Implement: / Teachers will align tasks and exit slips to the rigor of the standard
Adult Evidence to Collect: / Observing PLC work.
Targeted Students: / Free/Reduced Price Lunch
Student Evidence of Success: / Improved literacy skills

Adult Actions to Implement:

Teachers will develop lesson plans that allow for differentiation of tasks and activities based on student needs.

Adult Evidence to Collect:

During visits we will see different activities and tasks among different groups.

Targeted Students:

African American

Student Evidence of Success:

A deeper understanding of the concepts and show growth

Adult Actions to Implement:

Teachers will appropriately use focus or funneling questions to move students' math thinking forward.

Adult Evidence to Collect:

Scripting of questioning during formal and informal learning walks.

Targeted Students:

African American

Student Evidence of Success:

Students will be able to explain the way they think about math vs process

Attendance, , 85% of African American students have attendance of 95% or better. 60% of American Indian students attended 90 % or more. All demographics had lower attendance in February. 96% of our Hispanic students attended 90% or more. / 2016-08-09 09:35:57 / pafet001
2 / Data notes / 2 / Behavior, , 88 % of our suspensions are to black students who represent 56% of our total student population. Black students and American Indian students are disproportionately suspended. Hispanic students make up 32% of our population and account for 4% of suspensions. We had 510 referrals during the 15/16 school year. / 2016-08-09 10:28:42 / pafet001
2 / Data notes / 3 / MCA, , "We showed a 21% growth in math over the last 2 years. Both 3rd and 4th grades had an increase in proficiency of 5% from 2015 to 2016. 5th grade maintained at 32% proficiency. African Americanstudents underperformed in math compared to the rest of our population, 29% proficient compared to 52% of our Hispanic students." / 2016-08-09 10:45:46 / pafet001
2 / Data notes / 4 / MCA, , "Overall we had a 4% increase in reading from 14/15 to 15/16. 3rd grade went from 18-24%, 4th grade went from 15-19% and 5th grade went from 32-24%. Our African American students went from 16 to 22% overall in reading. Our Hispanic students remained stable at 22%. Our Asian students went from 33 % to 50%." / 2016-08-09 10:58:38 / pafet001
3 / Literacy needs assessment / 1 / "Overall we had a 4% increase in reading from 14/15 to 15/16, at 23%. 3rd grade went from 18-24%, 4th grade went from 15-19%. Our African American students went from 16 to 22% overall in reading proficiency.", Our overall reading proficiency remains low at 23%., Aligning student tasks and strategies to the rigor of the standard. Fidelity in explicitly teaching foundational reading skills to all students in need. / 2016-08-09 11:09:21 / pafet001
4 / Literacy students / 1 / Free/Reduced Price Lunch / 2016-08-09 11:39:12 / pafet001
5 / Literacy goal / 1 / Teachers will align tasks to the rigor of the standard / 2016-08-09 12:48:21 / pafet001
19 / Mathematics needs assessment / 1 / We showed a 21% growth in math over the last 2 years. Both 3rd and 4th grades had an increase in proficiency of 5% from 2015 to 2016. , " African American students under-performed in math compared to the rest of our population, 29% proficient compared to 52% of our Hispanic students. Proficient students did not show growth in math.", Questioning and tasks assigned to students are not consistently differentiated based on student groupings. / 2016-08-09 11:35:10 / pafet001
20 / Mathematics students / 1 / African American / 2016-08-09 11:14:17 / pafet001
21 / Mathematics goal / 1 / Teachers will differentiate their questioning and tasks based on student data 80% of the time based on formal and informal observation. / 2016-08-09 12:04:29 / pafet001
35 / Engagement needs assessment / 1 / 96% of our Hispanic students attended 90% or more.Hispanic students make up 32% of our population and account for 4% of suspensions. We are above the district average in the school climate survey in 7 out of 9 areas., 85% of African American students have attendance of 95% or better. 88 % of our suspensions are to black students who represent 56% of our total student population. Black students and American Indian students are disproportionately suspended. We had 500 behavior referrals during the 15/16 school year., Adults lack strategies to deal with the intensity of our students and the behavioral challenges some of them bring. Another root cause is not viewing all behaviors through a racial equity lenx. / 2016-08-09 10:40:13 / pafet001
36 / Engagement students / 1 / African American / 2016-08-09 12:36:14 / pafet001
37 / Engagement goal / 1 / Increase engagement for African American students.