Future AP Psychology Students:

The packet for your AP Psychology summer assignment is located on our websites and the Social Science Department webpage. Each assignment listed below should be completed before school begins and MUST BE HAND WRITTEN. Be sure to bring this packet with your completed assignments with you on the first day of class. All of these assignments will be graded in some way. If you should have any questions, see MissSmith (Room 203), Mr. McNutt (Room 205) or Ms. Lyon (Room 210)before school ends or e-mail one of us at , , .

Have a wonderful summer!

MissSmith & Mr. McNutt

(Assignments 1-3 are due the first day of class!)

Assignment 1-Read the Prologue of your textbook (reading on Miss Smith’s website) and complete the chart included on the various psychological perspectives and the main early psychologists.

Assignment 2- Tutorials: Materials needed: Internet access & printer
Part A: Go to
Scroll down to the list titled “Student Resources” and click on “PsychSim PDF Worksheets.”
Click on and print the following three worksheets:
1. Psychology’s Timeline
2. What’s Wrong with This Study

3. Descriptive Statistics
Part B: Go back to the “Student Resources” list and click on “PsychSim Tutorials.”
On the next page that opens, click the ORANGE box that says “PsychSim 5 Tutorials.”
1. From the popup menu, choose “Psychology’s Timeline,” and use the tutorial to complete the worksheet.

2. Go back to the menu and choose “What Wrong with this Study,” and use the tutorial to complete the worksheet.
3. Go back to the menu and choose “Descriptive Statistics,” and use the tutorial to complete the worksheet.
Assignment 3- Note-cards (3 x 5 size, only hand-written will be accepted!)

Go to
Scroll down to the list titled “Student Resources” and click on “Flashcards.”
You will create a flashcard for each of the terms from the Prologue and Chapter 1.

**Note-cards should include the term on one side and on the other side should be the book definition, your own definition, examples and a picture.

Assignment 4: The brain chapter is one of the hardest we will encounter all year. We will be assigning the Brave New Brain reading with accompanying questions during that chapter. (It will be a test grade.) To give you a head start, we have included the assignment here. Although it is optional at this time, weSTRONGLY SUGGEST that you do it now if you have the time. You will be busy with other homework when this is officially assigned during the school year. Trust us!