Company NN / Routine for managing
the BASTA process / Prepared / Issued by / Document number / Version
Examined by / Date / Page
1 (3)

To ensure that the qualification, registration, follow up and responsibility for satisfy the BASTA-system requirements are clarified and explained.


The routine pertains to Company NN’s products that may be affected by the registration in the BASTA system.

Declaration of content

A complete declaration of content is drawn up for all products or parts of products, if possible. The written documentation should clearly state the products detailed chemical content and/or raw materials, CAS number or equivalent identification systems, and the weight proportions at the construction stage.

When the declaration of content is not available
For a product or part of a product (chemical products excepted) where complete knowledge of content cannot be obtained, a sub-supplier declaration should be obtained in accordance with the template on

An updated declaration should be submitted by the sub-suppliers if changes have occurred in the BASTA-system properties criteria.

BASTA may request written documentation verifying competence from the person / persons who delivers the sub-supplier declaration to the company. Make sure that the sub-supplier provides notification if the responsibility for the sub-supplier declaration regarding Company NN is transferred to someone else, and that new documentation verifying competence is provided to Company NN.

Chemical products - Amendment to Material Safety Data Sheet
When a Material Safety Data Sheet is used as the basis for qualification and there is no declaration of contents, which adds up to 100%, an "Amendment to Material Safety Data Sheet" is requested from relevant sub-suppliers. The template is available on

An updated Amendment to Material Safety Data Sheet should be submitted by the sub-suppliers if changes have occurred in the BASTA-system properties criteria.

BASTA may request written documentation verifying competence from the person / persons who delivers the “Amendment to Material Safety Data Sheet” to the company. Make sure that the sub-supplier provides notification if the responsibility for “the Amendment to Material Safety Data Sheet” regarding Company NN is transferred to someone else, and that new documentation verifying competence is provided to Company NN.

Qualification of products

New products are examined against current BASTA criteria and an assessment summary are developed using the designated template found on

Qualified products are reviewed regularly and a harmonization/coordination is done against the current criteria. When changes occur in the BASTA-system properties criteria all qualified products need to be re-evaluated.

Product registration

Product’s that have been examined and assessed and that meets the BASTA's and BETA's criteria regarding the chemical content is registered in BASTA system database.

Deregistration of products
Product’s that no longer meets the BASTA's and BETA's criteria are deregistered from the BASTA system database.

The competence of the people managing the data, which forms the basis for the qualification and registration of products are specified in the table below.

Type of Competence / Name/Company / Internal/External
Health- and environmental assessment of chemical substances
Product substance content
European regulatory system for chemicals control
The classification and labelling of chemical substances and chemical products

Storage of information and supporting documents

Any information relating BASTA registrations is stored on (referring to internal systems. Several can be specified). The documentation is stored for up to X years.

Division of responsibilities

Assignment / Responsibility
Control and verification of changes in the contractual terms and the criteria
Validation and qualification of products and of new and modified products.
Registration and deregistration of products in the database. Updating the existing products.
Updating the company information in the database
Request sub-supplier declaration (ULF) for products and part of the product that the company NN does not manufacture themselves, for which the knowledge of the complete chemical composition cannot be obtained from a sub-supplier and to ensure that NN will be provided with this information.
Request the safety data sheet and all the related supplements for the chemical products and ensure that NN will be provided with this information and that the documentation is gathered and accessible.
Follow up on the sub-suppliers to ensure that over time the registered products continuously meet the agreed properties criteria and ensure that company NN will be provided with this information.