Maplebrook Elementary Science Fair 2015 Entry Form

It’s time to put on your thinking caps! The annual Maplebrook Science Fair will be held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015. The science fair is an opportunity for students to explore the world around them through research and experiments. The experiments should be safe, fun, and educational. We expect the bulk of the work to be done by the students themselves with support from parents.

Students from Kindergarten through fifth grade may participate. Projects may be entered individually or as a group. A group consists of two studentsonly. Only Maplebrook students will receive participation awards. Projects may be entered competitively to be judged or non-competitively for display only. Please know that only those projects entered to be judged will be considered for going on to the district level. They will be judged on project objectives, project design, execution of the experiment, presentation, and conclusions.

All entrants will receive a participation ribbon. In addition, first, second and third prize ribbons will be awarded in each grade level. Those top three projects in each grade level will then qualify to compete in the district-wide Science-engineering Fair.

All projects are due Tuesday, February 24, 2015 no later than 4:00 PM. NO LATE PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR JUDGING. Parents may come to the school from 3:00-4:00 PM on Tuesday afternoon to help set up exhibits. The projects will be judged during the school day on February 26th. Parents are not allowed to attend during the judging process. Awards will be available for public viewing during open house on Thursday, February 26, 2015. All projects should be taken home on Open House night.

The first step for a science fair project is to decide on a problem or a question. For example, How much water is required for a seed to grow to be a plant? Students should focus on an area of interest to them. Please remember that the most important ingredient in any project is the amount of work that the student accomplished, how much knowledge he/she acquires, and how much initiative is displayed. Many important abilities are developed, such as researching, organizing, measuring, calculating, reporting, and presenting. The Humble ISD website is a great resource for information on how to develop a successful project.

The website is:

Any student wishing to participate in the Maplebrook Science Fair must send in the entry form below. They will then be emailed a handout including official guidelines, procedures, and judging criteria. (A copy of the handout can be found on my web page.)

***Entry forms are due no later than Tuesday, January 27th. NO LATE ENTRY FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR JUDGING***


(Cut on dotted line and save the top portion for your information.)

Student’s First and Last Name ______Grade Level ______

Homeroom Teacher ______Subject of Project ______

Email Address ______Phone Number ______

Your child will be sent the official guidelines packet through email. Check here if you request a printed copy of the guidelines ______


Circle one: Individual Project Family/Student Group Project (2 total students)

If group, name of other student (and homeroom teacher) in your group ______

***Each Group member must turn in a separate entry form***

Circle one: I would like my project judged. I would NOT like my project judged.

For questions, please contact: Cathleen Blayney 281-641-2900, , or visit my web page for addition information.