April 2010
Volume 3, Issue4 3
Inside this Issue
1 / From the Pastor
2 / Fellowship
Women’s Ministry
3 / Christian Education
4 / Music & Worship
Church in Society
5 / Stewardship
6 / Preschool
7 / Kid’s Page
8 / Church Calendar
9 / Christian Symbols
10 / Lay Ministry
11 / Our Ministry of
Church Office Hours:
Tues – Fri. 9:00 am- 2:30 pm
email us at:

From the Pastor

Jim Latimer

But very early on the first day of the week they came to the tomb bringing the spices they had prepared. They found that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, but when they went inside, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they stood utterly at a loss, suddenly two men in dazzling garments were at their side. They were terrified, and stood with eyes cast down, but the men said, “Why search among the dead for one who is alive? Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be given into the power of sinful men and be crucified, and must rise again on the third day.” (Luke 24:1-7, Revised English Bible)

Although Christmas gets a lot more attention, it is Easter that lies at the heart of Christian faith. While Christmas celebrates God’s coming to humanity in the flesh, Easter celebrates God’s victory over death. Easter proclaims the profound depth of God’s love for his Creation.

And not only that, Easter celebrates God’s victory over death in any form. We experience emotional and spiritual death many times in life. Jesus’ resurrection at Easter proclaims that those deaths too are not the last word. They too will be overcome by God.

Recall Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

(Matthew 5:3-10)

So celebrate Easter with great joy. Sing and praise God. Hosanna to God in the highest heaven!

If you want to put a smile on God’s face, celebrate Easter with the passion that you celebrate Christmas. Death, in any form, is not the last word!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 118:1)

Praise be to God!

Rev. Jim

Your Church Staff

Rev. Jim Latimer


610-568-2480 (cell)

Regina Floyd

Church Secretary


Sam DeWald

Consistory President


Robin & Dustin Bennett



Dan Smith

Director of Music


Marti Smith

Bell Choir & Praise Band


Bridgette Rothermel

Children’s Choir


Christine Miller

Preschool Director


Warren Lubenow



Don Dickerson

Financial Secretary


Jack McGuire

Asst. Financial Secretary


Regina Floyd

Financial Recording Secretary



You are invited to the Retirees’ Breakfast on Thursday, April 15th, @ 8:30 a.m.

You need not be retired to join in the fellowship! If you can break away or start the day with us, please do so. We meet at The Breakfast Hut for a scrumptious meal and wonderful conversation. For more information contact Betty Houck (610.779.2962) or Ethel Adams (610.779.2164).

Book Group

The book group will meet Thursday, April 15 at 12:30 at the home of Marianne Lubenow. Our title for this month is The Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson. Everyone is welcome. Call Marianne at 610-779-3632 for further information.

The following books have been selected for the upcoming months.

May 20 - The Help by Stockett at Barb Taglang's home.

June 17 - The Apple in the Attic at Pat Nase's home (books available from Kathy May).

We are always hoping that new members can join us. It isn't necessary to come to each one. Everyone is always welcome.

Thank You!

Special thanks to all the folks who volunteered to mix, roll and pack over 300 lbs of candy this year. We got off to a late start but wow you came through like gang busters!

To all of our consumers, thank you for your support, we hope you enjoy your candy.

What Would the Perfect Women’s Ministry Look Like to You?

Would you want to know the results of the Women’s Ministry Survey? Pretty interesting stuff! Join us on Wednesday, April 28th at 7:00 p.m.

If you were not able to make the last meeting but would like to fill out a survey form, send us an email at , and we’ll make sure you get a copy. Please return your survey to church no later than April 16th.

Special Chicken BBQ Notice

HELP WANTED – as the BBQs continue, Jolene has decided to step down as co-chairman of the Chicken BBQ committee. Although no one can keep her away completely, I am in need of a

Co-chairman to assist me with the BBQ. If you are interested in learning more, please contact me at 610-779-4892. Thank you.

Steve Spencer

Christian Education

Barry & Sandy Fehnel - Directors

Summer Sunday School

The Christian Ed Committee is interested in hearing from you. Last year Summer Sunday School was presented and it was very successful. However in order to have it this year, we are looking for anyone who would be interested in coordinating, teaching, or helping with the session. Anyone interested or has any questions; please talk to any of the teachers or Barry Fehnel

Busy Bags for Children

Busy Bags filled with quiet activities are now available in the Narthex for use during worship or for quiet time in the Library during worship. Children may choose a Busy Bag from the basket in the Narthex or may request one from an usher. Please take the artwork you created with you when you leave and return all other items in the Busy Bag to the basket in the Narthex.

Recycling Fund Raiser Benefits Youth Program

Have you seen the fish bowls in the coat room and above the bookshelf at the downstairs entrance? Please place the following items in or near the fish bowl:

·  Cell phones

·  Ink jet printer cartridges

·  Apple iPods and these other MP3 Players (Microsoft Zune, Creative & SanDisk)

·  Digital cameras

The youth group receives money in exchange for these recycled items. Also, if you are willing to help collect these items from the fish bowls on Sunday mornings, please contact Marti Smith at (610) 779-9410 or

Music & Worship

The Penn State Berks

College Choir Concert

Join us on Sunday, May 2nd, at 2:00 PM. The Penn State Choir will present their concert at Community UCC; under the director of Ray Rhoads. The concert theme is “Life’s Passages”; the concert will include sacred and secular music. Admission is free. A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall.

Coming soon…Sunday Preschool Nursery

We have a need for a preschool nursery during the 10:15am worship service and thanks to Holly Vazquez this need will soon be met. Holly is in the process of recruiting and training volunteers to staff the nursery. If you are willing to help, please contact Holly at (610) 370-1402 or .

Once volunteers are trained, the nursery will serve toddlers through four years old. It will be held in the area of fellowship hall closest to the stage. Parents can exit the sanctuary using the two doors in front, and the nursery is at the bottom of the stairs. Watch the bulletin for an announcement about when the staffed nursery will open.

Church in Society

Animal Food Drive

April 11th, 18th and 25th

Church in Society Committee is once again holding our annual t Animal Food Drive to benefit the Animal Rescue League.Look for the large tan container in the Narthex, drop off your donation and add your favorite pets picture to our collection. Items needed: dog food, cat food, small creature food (rabbits, guinea pigs, etc.), treats, cat litter,gently used towels and cleaning supplies (bleach). Monetary donations are also accepted. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Any questions call Diane Schaeffer at 610-779-4490or Kim Crosier 610-779-6039.

Grow and Share

Yes, our gardening program has a name. We have made contact with the Berks Food Pantry and they are onboard. We have contacted a number of potential partner churches and there seems to be interest. We are also talking with Berks Extension and expect to get guidance and support from them. We sincerely ask members to join us for an hour on Sunday the 14th at 1:00PM to help develop this important ministry of outreach to the hungry and needy here in Berks County. And, again, you need not be a gardener to take part.

Something New is Cooking at Community UCC!

Members have come together to begin a new food ministry for our own members in need with the start of our new “Freezer Ministry”.

We will now have a way to reach out to those we care about. There are times when all of us might need help with a meal. For example:

- after the birth of a child

- a hospital stay

- recovery from a fall

- death of a family member.

We will be accepting ongoing donations of soup, bread, muffins and one dish meals to have on hand for such occasions. Watch for upcoming information on how you can help stock the freezer.







Christian Symbols

God’s seasons

“He brought light out of darkness, not out of a lesser light, and he can bring thee summer out of winter, though thou hast no spring, though in the ways of fortune or understanding or conscience thou have been benighted till now, wintered and frozen, clouded and eclipsed, damped and benumbed, smothered and stupefied till now. Now God comes to thee, not as the dawning of the day, not as the bud of the spring, but as the sun at noon. … All occasions invite his mercies, and all times are his seasons.”

—John Donne

When John was exiled to the island of Patmos, he wrote the book of Revelation. In the first chapter, verse 10, John says he was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day (Sunday) and had a vision of someone he called the Son of Man (meaning Christ). Christ was dressed in a long robe with something draped across his chest. What was it?

A. A golden sash

B. A towel

C. A ribbon with a cross sewn on it

D. A palm leaf

Answer: A (See Revelation 1:13.)

Lay Ministry Schedule for April

April 4 8:00 10:15

Announcements Janet Papilla Bruce May

Lay Leader Sam DeWald Marianne Lubenow

Acolyte Dylan Bohn

Bulletin Sponsor Louise Heilman

April 11 8:00 10:15

Announcement Sandra Fehnel Sam DeWald

Lay Leaders Jack McGuire Dan Martin

Acolyte Derrick Jackson

Flower Sponsor Sponsor Needed

Bulletin Sponsor Rev. Jim

April 18 No 8:00 Service 10:15

Announcements Sam DeWald

Lay Leader Marti Smith

Acolyte Madison Miller

Flower Sponsor Nancy Pruzinsky

Bulletin Sponsor Leila Escavacini

April 25 8:00 10:15

Announcements Pat Nase Linda Dawe

Lay Leader Mike Walulek Bill Snelling

Acolyte Logan Gettis

Flower Sponsor Dick & Dixie Warmkessel

Bulletin Sponsor Dick Houck & family

Our Ministry of Worship

Each Sunday, we gather for worship at 8:00 & 10:15 a.m. Child-care rooms are located on the parking lot level of the church. Remember that we have an elevator from the parking lot level to the sanctuary level