Contract Services Committee 2012-2013 Report
Virginia Magnus, Chair
Virginia Magnus, Chair, Deborah McAllister, Robert Mebane, Michelle Rigler, Bruce Wampler, Kellie Wright, Cindee Pulliam
The purpose of the Contract Services committee is to advise contract service providers (such as the bookstore, food services, etc.) in the making of general policies and to assist in the communication of these policies to students and faculty.
No fewer than four (4) faculty members; four (4) student members; ex officio: a designee of each contracted service unit.
The UTC Contract Services Committee met on Tuesday, September 18, 2012, at 2:30 pm. in conference room 110, Pfeiffer Hall. Present were: Virginia Magnus, Chair, Deborah McAllister, Robert Mebane, Cindee Pulliam, Kellie Wright, bookstore manager and Bobby Hamous, Regional Manager, Barnes & Noble.
After introductions, committee members discussed bookstore procedures, the book ordering process, a new program for faculty (Faculty Enlight) that should be ready in the spring, and other general information. In addition, discussion included the number of complaints received from faculty members concerning book orders either not filled in time for the beginning of the semester, orders filled with the wrong books, and the timeline for book orders.
Kellie Wright and Bobby Hamous,Regional Manager Barnes & Noble Bookstore, communicated possible causes for problems cited by faculty members. They stated that they do their best to fill orders accurately;however,there are times when unexpected problems occur, for example, the publisher may not inform them of changes in editions to a textbook in a timely manner, at times it is human error; they process thousands of book orders. Additionally, they explained that dates set for faculty book orders coincide with student registration. The Higher Education Opportunity Act specifies that book information needs to be available to students prior to registration, therefore, in order to comply with this act;deadlines for book orders are earlier than they have been in the past. Both Kellie and Bobby stated they would be happy to attend a Faculty Senate meeting to address problems if desired. Bookstore personnel did meet with the Faculty Senate on October 4, 2012 to clarify the purchasing timeline and respond to faculty concerns. At the conclusion of this meeting, the committee members were satisfied that the problems either hadbeen or would be resolved.
On January 14, 2013, the Contract Services Committee met at 11:00 am in the conference room 110 Pfeiffer Hall. Committee members present were Virginia Magnus, Chair, Deborah McAllister, Robert Mebane, Cindee Pulliam, Michelle Rigler, Bruce Wampler, and Kellie Wright, bookstore manager. Also, present were Brian Stark, Barnes & Noble Vice President of Stores, and Bobby Hamous, Regional Manager.
After introductions, committee members and bookstore personnel discussed faculty complaints regarding issues with book orders again in the spring semester. Mr. Stark stated that he and Mr. Hamous had already met individually with each faculty member who had an issue with book orders and the chair of the Contract Services committee. From their perspective, the majority of issues had been satisfactorily resolved.Both Mr. Stark and Mr. Hamous reiterated their desire and Barnes & Nobles desire to make certain that all faculty issues had been resolved. They also emphasized their commitment to providing quality services vital to faculty and students. At the conclusion of this meeting, it was the understanding of the Contract Services Committee members that all issues had been resolved.
Additional Information
- Robert Mebane consented to serve on the RFP committee for the bookstore contract
- Faculty Enlight demonstration for Contract Services Committee April 9, 2013
- Faculty Enlight presented to Faculty Senate April 18, 2013
- Committee name will be changed to Auxiliary Services Committee
Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Magnus