Network and Discipline Project Funding 2016:
Assessment For, Of, As Learning Enhancement Theme
Call for Proposals 2016.
1. Call for Proposals
1.1 The objectives and priorities of the Network and Discipline Project Funding for 2016 are to build a collaborative and coherent approach to activities across the Network of Networks (Networks and Discipline groups) that will build on the Forum’s enhancement theme of Assessment For, Of and As Learning. The funding is part of the Partnership and Collaboration strand of the Forum’s work plan and therefore supports a) collaboration across the Networks, b) a collaboration cross the Disciplines and/or c) collaboration across the Network and Discipline groups.
The objectives and priorities of this Fund reflect and support the enhancement and transformation agenda that is being pursued at both a national and a European level. The strength of the Irish higher education system will only be fully realised through collaboration across the sector. The aim will be to ensure that this Fund is used strategically to optimise the synergies and scope that can be enabled by strong sectoral collaboration for maximum national impact.
1.2 The aim of this Fund is to enhance teaching and learning by working in partnership with national teaching and learning networks and disciplines. In particular the focus of the Fund is to support the work of the National Forum through strongly aligning the project proposals to the Assessment For, Of and As Learning Theme (See Appendix 2).
1.3 Proposals are invited from existing teaching and learning and disciplinary groups to stimulate collaboration and innovation in teaching and learning. Proposals should outline a plan that incorporates actions that address some or all of the sub-themes of the National Forum’s Enhancement theme (See Appendix 2). The proposals should clearly state that how the outcomes and actions:
1) Add value nationally and are inclusive
2) Are strategically important
3) Are collaborative
4) Enhance the current work programme of the National Forum
5) Are evidence-based
6) Are transparent
7) Maintain a focus on ‘staff and not stuff’ development
In particular, this call welcomes proposals that a) build an evidence-base to support decisions around Assessment For, Of and As Learning and b) develop staff knowledge and understanding of assessment.
2. Value added to the Sector
2.1 Networks/Disciplines must evidence how initiatives will lead to transformation or enhancement of practice across the sector within the relevant funding time frame. For example, networks/disciplines might collaborated to: explore the evaluation of assessment approaches/procedures across the sector; demonstrate the impact of an assessment method on student learning/retention; work with a set number of senior administrators, educational developers, or heads of department to adopt an innovative assessment approach; identify staff development needs in assessment across the sector.
2.2 New proposals need to be cognisant of the projects and activities underway that have been funded through National Forum to ensure coherence and avoid duplication of effort, for example, the Seminar Series 2016. Additionality will be an important component in the evaluation of all proposals submitted in response to this call.
3. The Criteria for Funding.
The funding for Network and Discipline Groups will based on the following criteria
Nationally inclusive / • Open to all institutions/members in HE (inclusive of private colleges, Universities and IOTIs)• Networks/Disciplines must actively work to invite participants from other institutions/networks/disciplines nationally to foster cross sectoral collaboration
• Networks/Disciplines are able to demonstrate how their proposals add value to the sector in the enhancement of teaching and learning
• Eligible groups will have implemented governance structure and will have been active for more than 3 years
Strategically important / • Networks/Disciplines have a clear mission that they work towards
• The proposals align to the broader National Forum mission of informing teaching and learning to contribute to an outstanding learning experience in higher education.
• Proposals demonstrate added value by linking with the Enhancement theme of Assessment For, Of and As Learning (see Appendix 2)
Evidence-based / • Proposals are based on sound evidence or follow good practice examples of the enhancement of teaching and learning
Transparent / • Include a clear work plan of outcomes and spend.
Collaborative / • Networks/Disciplines are asked to collaborate with each other, where relevant, such as instances where collaboration eliminates parallel activities.
Impact / • Evidence of plans to measure impact (on students, staff policy, network/discipline and any additional impact on the Network of Networks as a group), using appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative approaches
• Particular focus on the impact on the development of staff knowledge, skills and understanding of assessment.
4. Key Dates
9th December, 2015: Call announcement, documentation and application form available.
22nd January, 2016: Applications to be submitted to the National Forum () using the Application form
5th February, 2016: All networks/disciplines will be notified of the outcomes of their application.
30th November, 2016: Submission of report on activities.
5. Network and Disciplines Funding
The maximum budget for collaborative Networks/Disciplines proposals is €15,000. The maximum budget for individual Networks/ Disciplines proposals is €5,000. Therefore both Networks and Disciplines are encouraged to collaborate, where appropriate, for these Funds with other Networks and/or other discipline groups.
Any network/disciplinary group can only lead one proposal, but can partner on up to two proposals.
6. Management of Process
All proposals will be completed using the National Forum a) application form attached and b) Financial Template for Networks, Disciplines projected spend Excel Spread-sheet, and submitted to by 22nd January, 2016.
The proposal will be judged by a National Forum panel, which will include external international expertise.
Appendix 1 sets out some additional guidance on the scope of funding, however if there are any specific questions on the scope of the funding, please contact geraldine.oneill@teachingandlearning
Appendix 1: Further Funding Guidance
The panel will have the right to recommend amendments to all proposals submitted for greater national impact and value for money.
The funding is to be used for the activities outlined in this project proposal. Some specific funding details are that:
· In line with the National Seminar Series funding events, such as seminars/workshops/conferences, will be funded at a maximum cost of €1000 (this overall cost can include speaker fees and expenses, catering, and any other direct costs associated with the event). As stated in the National Seminar Series funding call, costs for live-streaming or recording above the €1000 may be requested, but will require prior approval.
· Funding required in each proposal must be detailed in the attached application form. Only direct costs of the proposal can be funded, i.e. only web maintenance, administration or research assistance as it relates to the proposal can be funded.
· Members of Irish higher education institutions cannot be paid for facilitating events for networks. The Forum recommends that networks exchange facilitation duties in kind.
· Any funded activities/resources must acknowledge the National Forum’s financial support in all associated web presence, communication, promotion, and dissemination. Where applicable, the National Forum full text logo will be used.
· Forum will not fund the same types of activities from different networks/disciplines. (Note: it is useful to be aware of any other similar events that have been funded, i.e. the NF Seminar series for 2016, so as to not unnecessarily replicate activities)
Appendix 2: Assessment Enhancement Theme
In January 2016 the National Forum will focus on a new enhancement theme Assessment FOR, AS and OF Learning, consequently this will be the core theme for the Network and Disciplinary Groups Funding. (Note it is also the theme for the Seminar Series, 2016)
Assessment FOR learning - formative experiences designed as part of the teaching and learning processes that help students to assess, improve, develop and enhance their performance on a programme of study.
Assessment OF learning summative experiences providing effective, valid, reliable approaches to measure, evaluate, consider, record and report on a student's level of achievement of specific learning expectations and outcomes.
Assessment AS learning using both formative and summative assessment experiences to learn and develop as effectively as possible, with the support of reflective conversations with teachers and peers, further preparation and development after assessments have taken place with those assessment experiences guiding that development etc.
The overall focus of the Assessment Enhancement Theme will be to incorporate innovation, research, activity, evidence and impact that focuses on Ireland’s approach to effective assessment in Higher Education.
Sub themes will include but not be restricted to the following:
· Reviewing and building from Assessment basics
· Peer- and self- assessment as keys to learning and performance
· Diverse, innovative, impactful assessment approaches that are appropriate and effective within disciplines (including their capacity to address and develop the learning of threshold concepts)
· Assessment that reflect real world challenges in an environment that has changed radically
· Assessment that motivates, encourages, engages and stretches student learning
· Assessment that avails of existing technologies and prepares students for a world that is increasingly digital
· Assessment for disciplinary rigour, validity and reliability
· Assessment that customises the student experiences and supports personal learning appropriate to each learner’s preferences, challenges, stage of development and context
· Assessment to guide, develop and demonstrate the acquisition of graduate attributes
· Aligning formative, summative, reflective assessments
· Holistic and integrative approaches to assessment across programmes within and between departments
Appendix 3:
Application Form for Network and Discipline Funding 2016
Lead Network/Discipline name:
Applicant name:
Contact email for applicant:
Contact number for applicant:
Person who is responsible for the distribution and reporting of funding, if successful:
Please confirm that the details within this application have been approved by your networks’ /disciplines management board:
Yes/No (delete as required)
Amount of funding sought:
1. Work Plan
Describe your proposed project (approx. 300 words) and list the key outcomes
2. Proposed budget
Fill in Financial Template for Networks, Disciplines Projected Spend Excel Spread-sheet and submit with application form.
3. Outline how your proposal addresses the following criteria
(See criteria section 3, p2) (max 200 words each):
Nationally inclusive
Strategically directed
Network and Discipline Project Funding Call Issued 9th December, 2015
4. Impact
The Department of Education is keen to have descriptions on the impact your proposals have on higher education
Please outline what are the impacts of each proposed outcome and how you will measure this?
Outcome. /Impact
Please consider potential impact on, where appropriate: staff; students; your network; the discipline; Network of Networks; policy; the sector; other.Particular focus on the impact on the development of staff knowledge, skills and understanding of assessment. / How will you measure it:
Survey, focus group, data analytics (including numbers attending, level of engagement, ..) other specific qualitative and /or quantitative measures, outputs.
5. Provide a description of how your network/discipline will share the outcomes nationally and demonstrate added value to the sector.
Outcome / Proposed method of sharing outcomes8