Michael R. Benz 1


Michael R. Benz

Professor, Special Education Program

Director, Center on Disability and Development

College of Education and Human Development

4225 Texas A&M UniversityCollege Station, TX 77843-4225

Phone: 979-845-1372, Fax: 979-862-1256, Email:


Education Institution (Major Field)

Ph.D.University of Oregon(Special Education and Rehabilitation)

M.A.ChapmanCollege(Education: Curriculum & Instruction)



Oregon Basic Secondary Teaching Credential (Social Studies) with Standard Mildly Handicapped Learner Endorsement

Management of Rehabilitation Programs, University of San Francisco

CaliforniaState Standard Designated Teaching Credential in Mental Retardation

CaliforniaState Standard Designated Teaching Credential in Adult Education


2005-presentDirector, Center on Disability and Development

College of Education and Human Development

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

2008-2011Chair, Special Education Program

Department of Educational Psychology

College of Education and Human Development

TexasA&MUniversity, College Station, TX

2004-presentProfessor, Special Education

Department of Educational Psychology

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

2004-2008Head, Department of Educational Psychology

College of Education and Human Development

TexasA&MUniversity, College Station, TX

2000-2004Head, Special Education, School Psychology, & Early Intervention

College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

1996-2004Director, Secondary Special Education & Transition Research Unit

College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

1994-2004Professor (2001-2004) and Associate Professor (1994-2001)

College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

1988-1994Associate Professor/Senior Research Associate (non-tenure line)

College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

1983-1988Research Associate

College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

1980-1983Graduate Teaching Fellow,

College of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

1976-1980Social Studies Teacher, AntelopeValley Night School

AntelopeValleyUnionHighSchool District, Lancaster, CA

1975-1980Special Education Teacher

AntelopeValleyUnionHighSchool District, Lancaster, CA

1975-1980Director, Desert Industries Rehabilitation Facility

AntelopeValley Association for Retarded Citizens and AntelopeValleyUnionHighSchool District, Lancaster, CA

1976-1978In-service Trainer, Department of Rehabilitation Administration

University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

1974-1975Branch Coordinator, AntelopeValley and Santa Clarita Valley Branches, American Cancer Society, Reseda, CA


Secondary Education and Transition Services

Adolescents At-risk of School and Community Failure


Refereed Journal Articles

Bowman-Perrott, L., Benz, M.R., Hsu, H.Y., Kwok, O., Eisterhold, L.A., & Zhang, D. (in press). Patterns and predictors of disciplinary exclusion over time: An analysis of the SEELS national data set. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.

Duran, J.B., Zhou, Q., Frew, L.A., Kwok, O., & Benz, M.R. (in press). Disciplinary exclusion and students with disabilities: The mediating role of social skills. Journal of Disability Policy Studies.

Frew, L.A., Zhou, Q., Duran, J.B., Kwok, O., & Benz, M.R. (in press). Effect of school-initiated parent outreach activities on parent involvement in school events. . Journal of Disability Policy Studies.

Flannery, K.B., Benz, M.R., Yovanoff, P., Kato, M.M., & Lindstrom, L.E. (2011). Predicting employment outcomes for consumers in community college short term training programs. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 54, 106-117.

Zhang, D., Hsu, H. Y., Kwok, O., Benz, M. R., & Bowman-Perrott, L. (2011). The impact of basic-level parent engagements on student achievement: Patterns associated with race/ethnicity and SES. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 22, 28-39.

Zhang, D., Landmark, L.J., Reber, A., Hsien, Y.H., Kwok, O., & Benz, M.R. (2010). University faculty knowledge, beliefs, and practices in providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 31, 261-275.

Cifuentes, L., Sharp, A., Bulu, S., Benz, M., & Stough, L.M. (2010). Developing a Web 2.0-based system with user-authored content for community use and teacher education. Educational Technology Research and Development, 58(4),377-398.

Resch, J.A., Mireles, G., Benz, M.R., Grenwelge, C., Peterson, R., & Zhang, D. (2010). Giving parents a voice: A qualitative study of the challenges experienced by parents of children with disabilities.Rehabilitation Psychology, 55, 139-150.

Lindstrom, L., Flannery, K.B., Benz, M.R., Olszewski, B., & Slovic, R. (2009). Building employment training partnerships between vocational rehabilitation and community colleges. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 52, 189-201.

Flannery, K.B., Yovanoff, P., Benz, M.R., & McGrath Kato, M. (2008). Improving employment outcomes of individuals with disabilities through short-term postsecondary training. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31, 26-36.

Williams-Diehm, K., & Benz, M.R. (2008). Where are they now? Lessons from a single school district follow-up study. Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education, 30(2), 4-15.

Flannery, K.B., Slovic, R., Benz, M.R., & Levine, E. (2007). Priorities and changing practices: Vocational rehabilitation and community colleges improving workforce development programs for people with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 27, 141-151.

Zhang, D., & Benz, M.R. (2006). Enhancing self-determination of culturally-diverse students with disabilities: Current status and future directions. Focus on Exceptional Children, 38(9), 1-12. (Invited, peer reviewed article)

Benz, M.R., Lindstrom, L., Unruh, D., & Waintrup, M. (2004). Sustaining secondary transition programs in local schools. Remedial and Special Education, 25, 39-50.(Invited, peer reviewed article)

Lindstrom, L.E., Benz, M.R., & Doren, B. (2004). Expanding career options for young women with learning disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 27, 43-63.

Lindstrom, L.E., & Benz, M.R. (2002). Phases of career development: Case studies of young women with learning disabilities. Exceptional Children, 69, 67-83.

Bullis, M., Moran, T., Benz, M.R., Todis, B., & Johnson, M. (2002). Description and evaluation of the ARIES project: Achieving rehabilitation, individualized education, and employment success for adolescents with emotional disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 25, 41-58.

Benz, M.R., Lindstrom, L., & Yovanoff, P. (2000). Improving graduation and employment outcomes of students with disabilities: Predictive factors and student perspectives. Exceptional Children, 66, 509-529.

Benz, M.R., & Blalock, G. (1999). Enhancing student involvement in transition through community transition teams. The Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education, 21(3), 4-12. (Invited, peer reviewed article)

Benz, M.R., Lindstrom, L., & Latta, T. (1999). Improving collaboration between schools and vocational rehabilitation: The Youth Transition Program. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 13(1), 55-63.

Bullis, M., & Benz, M.R. (1998). Three service delivery components of community-based transition programs. Reaching Today’s Youth, 2(4), 64-68. (Invited, peer reviewed article)

Doren, B., & Benz, M.R. (1998). Employment inequality revisited: Predictors of better employment outcomes for young women in transition. The Journal of Special Education, 31, 425-442.

Benz, M.R., Doren, B., & Yovanoff, P. (1998). Crossing the great divide: Predicting productive engagement for young women with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 21, 3-16.

Lindstrom, L.E., Benz, M.R., & Johnson, M.D. (1997). From coffee grounds to school grounds: An introduction to school-based enterprises. Teaching Exceptional Children, 29(4), 20-24.

Benz, M.R., Yovanoff, P., & Doren, B. (1997). School-to-work components that predict postschool success for students with and without disabilities.Exceptional Children, 63, 151-165.

Benz, M.R., & Kochhar, C.A. (1996). School-to-work opportunities for all students: A position statement of the Division on Career Development and Transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 19, 31-48. (Invited, peer reviewed article)

Lindstrom, L.E., Benz, M.R., & Johnson, M.D. (1996). Developing job clubs for students in transition. Teaching Exceptional Children, 29(2), 18-21.

Doren, B., Bullis, M., & Benz, M.R. (1996). Predictors of victimization experiences of adolescents with disabilities in transition. Exceptional Children, 63, 7-18.

Doren, B., Bullis, M., & Benz, M.R. (1996). Predicting arrest status of adolescents with disabilities in transition.Journal of Special Education, 29, 363-380.

Benz, M.R., Lindstrom, L.E., & Halpern, A.S. (1995). Mobilizing local communities to improve transition services. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 18, 21-32.

Benz, M.R., Johnson, D.K., Mikkelsen, K.S., & Lindstrom, L.E. (1995). Improving collaboration between schools and vocational rehabilitation: Stakeholder identified barriers and strategies. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 18, 133-144.

Halpern, A.S., Yovanoff, P., Doren, B., & Benz, M.R. (1995). Predicting participation of school-leavers with disabilities in post-secondary education. Exceptional Children, 62, 151-164.

Benz, M.R., & Halpern, A.S. (1993). Vocational and transition services needed and received by students with disabilities during their last year of high school. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 16, 197-211.

Halpern, A.S., Doren, B.E., & Benz, M.R. (1993). Job experiences of students with disabilities during their last two years of high school. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 16, 63-73.

Halpern, A.S., Benz, M.R., & Lindstrom, L. (1992). A systems change approach to improving secondary special education and transition programs at the local community level. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 15, 109-120.

Benz, M.R., & McAllister, M. (1990). Occupational and leisure preferences of older adults with mental retardation. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 16, 233-244.

Benz, M.R., & Todd, A.W. (1990). Group versus individual instruction for teaching daily living skills to students with severe handicaps. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 16, 81-95.

Benz, M. R., & Kennann, K. E. (1988). Educational experiences, needs, and interests of adults with mental retardation. Educational Gerontologist, 14, 509-523.

Bader, J.E., Hackman, R.M., Schwarz, I.E., Benz, M.R., Helphand, M., & Camp, D.J. (1988). Environmental influences and noncompliance: Multiple explanations of behavior. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 3, 52-61.

Benz, M. R., & Halpern, A. S. (1987). Transition services for secondary students with mild disabilities: A statewide perspective. Exceptional Children, 53, 507-514. (Invited, peer reviewed article)

Halpern, A. S., & Benz, M. R. (1987). A statewide examination of secondary special education for students with mild disabilities: Implications for the high school curriculum. Exceptional Children, 54, 122-129.

Benz, M., Close, D., & Halpern, A. (1986). Access to day programs and leisure activities by nursing home residents with mental retardation. Mental Retardation, 24, 147-152.

Benz, M. R., & Halpern, A. S. (1986). Vocational preparation for high school students with mild disabilities: A statewide study of administrator, teacher, and parent perceptions. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 9, 3-15.

Books and Published Curricula

Johnson, M., Bullis, M., Benz, M. & Hollenbeck, K. (2004). W.A.G.E.S. Working at Gaining Employment Skills: A job-related social skills curriculum for adolescents. Longmont, CO: Sopris West Educational Services.

Blalock, G., & Benz, M.R. (1999). Using community transition teams to improve transition services.Austin, TX: PRO-ED.

Benz, M.R., & Lindstrom, L.E. (1997). Building school-to-work programs: Strategies for youth with special needs. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.

Bullis, M., & Benz, M.R. (1997). Effective secondary/transition programs for adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders. Arden Hills, MN: Institute on Adolescents with Behavioral Disorders.

Slentz, K., Close, D., Benz, M., & Taylor, V. (1983). Community living assessment and teaching system: Self-care curriculum. Omro, WI: The Conover Company.

Slentz, K., Taylor, V., Benz, M., Close, D., & Wilson, D. (1983). Community living assessment and teaching system: Teacher’s manual.Omro, WI: The Conover Company.

Taylor, V., Close, D., Benz, M., & Slentz, K. (1983). Community living assessment and teaching system: Domestic curriculum. Omro, WI: The Conover Company.

Book Chapters

Lindstrom, L., Doren, B., Flannery, K.B., & Benz, M.R. (in press). Structured work experiences. In M.L. Wehmeyer & K.W. Webb (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent transition education for youth with disabilities. New York: Routledge.

Benz, M.R., & Blalock, G. (2009). Community transition teams as the foundation for transition services for youth with learning disabilities. In G. Blalock, J.R. Patton, P. Kohler & D. Bassett (Eds.), Transition and students with learning disabilities: Facilitating the movement from school to adult life (2nd ed., pp. 327-353). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.

Hasazi, S., Johnson, D., Thurlow, M., Cobb, B., Trach, J., Stodden, B., Leuchovius, D., Hart, D., Benz, M., DeStefano, L., & Grossi, T. (2005). Transitions from home and school to the roles and supports of adulthood. In K.C. Lakin & A. Turnbull. (Eds.), National goals and research for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Mental Retardation.

Benz, M.R. (2002). Building school and community partnerships. In M. Bullis, & H.D. Fredericks (Eds.), Vocational and transition services for adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders: Strategies and best practices. Champaign-Urbana, IL: Research Press.

Doren, B., & Benz, M.R. (2001). Gender equity issues in the vocational and transition services and employment outcomes experienced by young women with disabilities. In H. Rousso & M.L. Wehmeyer (Eds.), Double jeopardy: Addressing gender equity issues in special education services.New York: SUNY Press.

Halpern, A.S., & Benz, M.R. (2001). The rise and fall of the Community Transition Team Model. In L. Cuban & J. Woodward (Eds.), Technology, curriculum, and professional development: Adapting schools to meet the needs of students with disabilities.Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.

Other Educational Curricula and Training Guides

Hollenbeck, K., Benz, M., Bullis, M., & Lange, C. (2002). High School High Skill Project: Applied Technical Mathematics Curriculum in the Construction Trades.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Hollenbeck, K., Benz, M., Bullis, M., & Connolly, J. (2001). High School High Skill Project: Applied Technical Mathematics Curriculum in the Metals Manufacturing Industry. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Lindstrom, L., Benz, M., & Mikkelson, K. (1996). Strategies for Developing Transition Portfolios: Teacher’s Guide. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Mikkelson, K., Lindstrom, L., & Benz, M. (1996). Project REFER: Resource Guide for Transition Portfolios. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M., Lindstrom, L., & Mikkelson, K. (1995). Strategies for Improving the Coordination of School and Vocational Rehabilitation Assessment Practices: Teacher’s Guide. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Lindstrom, L., Benz, M., & Mikkelson, K. (1995). Strategies for Improving the Coordination of School and Vocational Rehabilitation Planning Procedures: Teacher’s Guide. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Lindstrom, L., Mikkelson, K., & Benz, M. (1995).Project REFER: Resource Guide for Coordinated Assessment and Planning.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M., Lindstrom, L., & Johnson, M. (1993). Youth Transition Program: Procedures Manual. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Johnson, D., Lindstrom, L., Lawson, J., & Benz, M. (1994). Youth Transition Program: Management Information System Manual. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M.R., Lindstrom, L.E., Halpern, A.S., & Rothstrom, R.S. (1991). Community Transition Team Model: Facilitator’s Manual. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Halpern, A.S., Lindstrom, L.E., Benz, M.R., & Nelson, D.J. (1991). Community Transition Team Model: Team Leader’s Manual. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Halpern, A.S., Lindstrom, L.E., Benz, M.R., & Rothstrom, R.S. (1991). Community Transition Team Model: Needs Assessment Instrument.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Lindstrom, L.E., Ard, W.R., Benz, M.R., & Halpern, A.S. (1991). Community Transition Team Model: Management Information System Manual.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Todd, A., Benz, M., & Ferguson, D. (1988). Integrated group instruction: Grouping and teaching strategies for students with severe disabilities.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Specialized Training Program.

Close, D., & Benz, M. (1983). Community living assessment and teaching system: Teacher training film.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Rehabilitation Research and TrainingCenter in Mental Retardation.

Selected Research Reports

I have written more than 55 research reports, unpublished papers, and final project reports that have been disseminated nationwide upon request. Many of these products have provided the basis for other publications (e.g., refereed articles). Examples of these products are provided below.

Benz, M.R. (2010). University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (Final Report). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, Center on Disability and Development.

Sharp, A.N., Garrison-Tate, J., & Benz, M.R. (2010). American Habilitation Services: Closure of Westside Development Center under the Money Follows the Person Initiative (Final Evaluation Report). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, Center on Disability and Development.

Benz, M.R. (2004). Project SUSTAIN: Strategies for Understanding and Improving the Sustainability of Educational Innovations (Final Report).Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M.R., and Bullis, M. (2004). The High School High Skill Project (Final Report). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Bullis, M., and Benz, M.R. (2004). Secondary and Transition Services for Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance (Final Report). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M.R., & Lindstrom, L. (2000). Oregon’s Youth Transition Program: Decade Report. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M.R., Lindstrom, L, Unruh, D., & Waintrup, M. (1999). Sustaining educational innovations in secondary and transition: Case studies of six communities.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M.R., Johnson, D., & Lindstrom, L.E. (1997). Youth Transition Program Annual Report: Student and Program Outcomes in 1997. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M.R., Johnson, D., & Lindstrom, L.E. (1996). Youth Transition Program Annual Report: Student and Program Outcomes in 1996. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M.R., Johnson, D., & Lindstrom, L.E. (1995). Youth Transition Program Annual Report: Student and Program Outcomes in 1995.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M.R., Lindstrom, L.E., & Johnson, D. (1994). Overview of the Youth Transition Program. (Evaluation report for the National Institute for Work and Learning Site Visit).Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M. & Johnson, D. (1993). Youth Transition Program: Employment Outcomes. (Report No. 1, Youth Transition Program). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M. (1993). Employment Outcomes of School-leavers With and Without Disabilities. (Report No. 15, Oregon Follow-Along Project Dissemination Series). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M. (1992). Vocational Instruction and Student Performance (Report No. 6, University of Oregon Follow-Along Project Dissemination Series). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M. (1992). Personal-Social Instruction and Student Performance (Report No. 8, University of Oregon Follow-Along Project Dissemination Series). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Secondary Special Education and Transition Programs.

Benz, M. (1988). Factors affecting the well-being of adults with mental retardation: Final report.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Rehabilitation Research and TrainingCenter in Mental Retardation.

Halpern, A. S., & Benz, M. R. (1984). Toward excellence in secondary special education: A statewide study of Oregon's high school programs for students with mild disabilities. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Rehabilitation Research and TrainingCenter in Mental Retardation.

Benz, M., & Agosta, J. (1982). An examination of research on cost-effectiveness. In J. Agosta, M. Benz, M. Bullis, J. Carter, A. Neulicht, & E. Thorin (Eds.), Deinstitutionalization of persons with mental retardation: An analysis of the research literature (1965-1981). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Rehabilitation Research and TrainingCenter in Mental Retardation.

Agosta, J., Benz, M., Bullis, M., Carter, J., Neulicht, A., & Thorin, E. (1982). Deinstitutionalization of persons with mental retardation: An analysis of the research literature (1965-1981).Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Rehabilitation Research and TrainingCenter in Mental Retardation.

Benz, M., & Bullis, M. (1982). Evaluation of the Vocational and IndependentLivingSkillsCenter, Eugene 4-J school district:Final report. Eugene, OR: Division of Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Oregon.

External Funding for Research and Scholarship Activities

Since 1978, I have served as Project Director/Principal Investigator on 30 research and training projects (dates, agencies, and total funding amounts listed below). These grant-funded projects have been obtained through various federal, state, and local agencies, and to date have totaled $16.5 million dollars ($16,588,437).

Several of my projects have been collaborative efforts with state and local agencies, garnering additional direct funding of my training, research, and demonstration activities. One such project -- the Oregon Youth Transition Program (YTP) -- received $44 million in direct funding during the years I served as Director (1990-2004). The YTP is a nationally recognized school-to-work transition model that has operated since 1990 in 85% of all high schools in Oregon.