Croghan Volunteer Fire Department

PO Box 405

Croghan, NY 13327


Purpose: It will be the responsibility of the Croghan Volunteer Fire Department to provide a suitable respiratory protection program that insures all Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) qualified personnel meet all OSHA 1910.134 Standards.

Procedure: All new personnel that want to become SCBA certified in the Croghan Fire Department must complete the steps listed below prior to using an SCBA. All currently qualified must complete the steps below annually.

1)  Health Assessment- Required but not limited to vital signs evaluation, pulmonary function test and, physical examination by a Medical Doctor or Physicians Assistant.

2)  Fit Test- To determine proper mask size and to comply with 1910.134 standards all SCBA personnel must take a Qualitative Fit Test. No member will be allowed to take the test with facial hair which impedes mask fit.

3)  Training- All members that are SCBA certified must complete the required 8 hrs training annually as stated in the Training SOP for Interior Firefighting.

Procedures for Use:

1)  SCBA’s are to be worn for all fires where an interior attack is to be made or, when the smoke or fumes outside are at a dangerous level and, at all vehicle fires or, entering any area where a possibility exits of a limited low quality air supply or, anytime when the commanding officer requests wearing and using SCBA.

2)  The donning of SCBA’s at any incident or training shall be accompanied by the wearing of a full set of OSHA compliant turnout gear including, bunker pants, coat, helmet, nomex hood and gloves. No member will be allowed to wear an SCBA with facial hair which impedes mask fit. It shall be the responsibility of each member to ensure that the equipment is taken care of following any training or emergency use.

3)  All personnel who will be using SCBA’s will be properly trained in the wearing and use of this equipment to assure that it is used correctly and safely. Training will include how to properly put the SCBA on, how to safely operate the SCBA, the correct way to test seal of the facemask and the care and maintenance of the equipment.


Procedures for Maintenance:

1)  It will be the responsibility of one or more qualified persons appointed by the Chief to see that all SCBA’s are properly maintained. Every SCBA will be inspected monthly or after each use to check for proper working conditions. Records will be kept on all inspections and maintenance.

2)  After every use SCBA’s will be properly sanitized and stored in a clean environment.

3)  A certified inspector to assure that the air is safe for SCBA use will monitor air quality. Records for this inspection and maintenance will be kept on all air supplies.

Effective: 11/6/2008 By: Chief Joseph E. Aucter

Revised:1/2014 1/2018