Patient Group and Survey Report


Page 3Introduction

Page 4Background

Page 5 Structure of the Patient Reference Group

Page 7Meetings

Page 7Achievements in the last 12 Months

Page 8 The Patient Survey

Page 9Comments from responders

Page 10Practice Opening Times

Page 11Terms of Reference


Patient involvement has been a key initiative driven by the Department of Health over the last few years as they are keen to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about both the provision and quality of care they access. In support of this we have set up our own Surgery Patient Participation Group, who are a selection of patients with the practice who meet to discuss the range and quality of services provided. The group help in gaining the views of our registered patients and are representative from a cross section of the practice population.

A Patient Survey was conducted in November 2014 which proved successful and once analysed, any improvements needed and suggested by the group were implemented at that time, or are logged to be dealt with as and when the resources become available. The improvements included looking at better seating arrangements in the waiting area. The existing chairs in the waiting room were not wipe clean and have become soiled and unpleasant for patients to use. The Practice listened and have now purchased new wipe clean chairs for Ambrose Avenue site, with a view to putting the same style of chair at our Tollgate site when budgets allow. The practice have had many comments and complaints with regards to the telephone system that the patients felt to be unreliable, gave no options to be transferred to the correct department or advised patients of their call waiting time and gave problems to patients trying to contact the surgery. We have nowhad a new telephone system installed which has proved to be much more user friendly and efficient for both the patients and staff. Appointments can be cancelled by choosing the correct option once through on the telephone system, a call queuing system is in place and there are various options to press to go straight through to the Prescription Advisor or to find out their results. Overall the practice has received good feedback on the new telephone system.

Over the last year the patient group have undergone some changes with the Chair and Secretary roles changing. Roly Buss is now the Chair and Ray Hardisty the secretary. The group have worked well together, have organised a patient survey, in particular looking at communication between the practice and patients around Flu Day and Phlebotomy. All group members helped with the collation of the questions and survey results, all of which were discussed at meetings.

Another new addition is that the group arrange to have an information stand within either site (Ambrose or Tollgate) periodically. All group members take part and all willingly give up their time to ‘man’ the stand and speak to patients on anyrelevant matter or give out information leaflets on current issues and events. This has proved to be very successful and has resulted in an increase in our group member numbers.

Ray Hardisty has worked hard on behalf of the group in compiling a new joint newsletter for the surgery named Practice Points. The new newsletter is much more appealing to read, is in colour and gives advice, reports on current issues and any changes within the practice.


Ambrose Avenue Group Practice set up its Patient Group in February 2010 and is now well established and comprises 63 members who either attend our meetings or are contacted as part of our ‘virtual’ group.

The main aims of the group continue to be:

  • Organise and develop a Practice Survey with patient input
  • Promote co-operations between patients and practice
  • Look at any planned practice changes and agree best policies for patient care
  • CQC Related issues
  • Provide a group for patients who wish to have the opportunity to discuss practice issues and help to support the practice in giving the best care to all patients.
  • Understand and address issues affecting patients
  • Develop an action plan to help with improvements with patient issues
  • Regular information stands at either practice site to help with patient contact, patient education, information and advice.

The Patient Group and the practice have worked hard over the past year in establishing themselves as a voice for the people of the practice. At the request of the existing members the group joined NAPP (National Association for Patient Participation) and keep up to date with regular Newsletters ensuring they are able to resource guidance on sustaining a structured and valued group.

The group continue to help with designing posters and newsletters which are placed in the waiting room and on the practice website. The new ‘Practice Points’ newsletter is issued quarterly and put out in both waiting areas and can be found on our website. ‘New recruit’ forms continue to be given out or can be found on the website for completion by potential new members. The current members range between age 35 to 75, but with the new recruit forms and discussion with staff we are continually trying to recruit a more varied representation of age groups. We also have some members who prefer to be part of the ‘virtual’ group and we ensure that they are kept in touch by email.

The group have agreed to meet every Month, generally on a Monday evening at the Ambrose Avenue site to discuss practice matters and update on any Commissioning Forums that some of the members are involved with such as Diabetes and Cancer. When the Practice Manager is unable to join the group either a representative staff member attends the meeting or the secretary meets personally with the Practice Manager to discuss the minutes of the meeting and deal with any issues that either party may need to address.

Structure of the Patient Group

The current group range between the ages 35 – 75. We actively try and recruit as many new members as possible by the following methods:

  1. Practice Newsletter
  2. Hand outs to patients who present at Reception
  3. Verbal recommendation by clinicians at the end of a consultation if appropriate
  4. Posters in the waiting areas
  5. A dedicated section on the practice website
  6. Text messages to those who have given consent to receive them

The current guidelines from the Department of Health and NHS Englandare that the group is representative of the practices’ registered patients including age, gender and ethnicity. Our current practice population is 15012. 49.87% of the practice population are age range 0-45, 39.50% are age range 46-75 and 10.63% are 76+

The male/female ratio in the practice is 49/51%. The group is open to all patients who wish to join and no limit is put on membership of the group. We have two sites both of which have enough space to house a large group if necessary. Meetings tend to average attendance of 12 members plus the Practice Manager and/or a member of the administration team or clinical staff group when available. Guest Speakers join the meetings on occasions as do one of the GP Partners.

Below is a detailed breakdown of the age ranges and how/if they are represented at the PPG as a percentage: The table shows age range, number of members in that age group, number of patients in the age group on our practice list, the percentage represented at the PPG, number of members who engage in face to face meetings and the number of members who engage remotely (generally via email)

AGE / No of Members / Patients on Practice List / % in the PPG / No. who attend meetings / No. who engage remotely
16-24 / 3 / 1543 / 0.2 / 0 / 2
25-34 / 5 / 1563 / 0.32 / 0 / 6
35-44 / 8 / 1825 / 0.44 / 0 / 12
45-54 / 14 / 2280 / 0.62 / 2 / 10
55-64 / 14 / 1870 / 0.75 / 6 / 14
65 + / 19 / 3374 / 0.23 / 4 / 7
Gender / No of Members / Patients on Practice List / % in the PPG / No. who attend meetings / No. who engage remotely
Females / 39 / 7749 / 0.51
Males / 24 / 7263 / 0.33

As stated we are always actively trying to recruit new members especially in the lower age range as they represent the largest percentage of the practice population. This is a difficult area to catch as we have a high percentage of families in the area that may not have the spare time to give to the group, although we do advertise that patients of this age group could partake as a virtual member.


Monthly meetings are held usually at the Ambrose Avenue site on a Monday evening from 6pm. We advertise the dates of the meeting on the practice website and on posters in the waiting area. The group hold an Annual General Meeting each year to review progress over the year and to review the Terms of Reference to ensure they meet the needs of the group at that time.

Achievements in the last 12 months

  • Issue of New Style informative Newsletter - in Surgery and on Website
  • New Telephone system
  • More structured meetings
  • More involvement with CCG Commissioning with some members regularly attending Forum meetings and public consultations and feeding back to the group.
  • Text Messaging Service
  • Use of ‘Request an appointment’ system through the practice website. Understanding and making patients aware
  • Able to cancel appointments through the new telephone system
  • Understanding QOF and what this means to the practice
  • Group membership to NAPP
  • Discussion on CQC and how the group can help the practice with any CQC issues.

The Patient Survey

It was agreed that the survey would be a survey for the patients constructed by the patient group and not the practice and all members gave their views and ideas during the draft of the survey.

All members agreed that the following would be the key areas to focus on:

  • Patient experience – Telephone System
  • Annual Flu Clinics
  • Phlebotomy Clinics
  • Friends and Family Test

The Survey was distributed as follows:

  • Reception Staff handed out to patients presenting at the Surgery (both sites Ambrose and Tollgate)
  • The survey was placed on the surgery website encouraging patients to download and complete.
  • Text Messages were sent to patients informing them of the group and that a survey was available for completion by all patients.
  • Details in the Surgery newsletter.
  • Surveys handed out to patients when the information stands were in situ.

The Survey was open for a period of 8 weeks from November 2014.

On the 31stDecember 2014 the survey closed and a count was made to see how many had been collected and completed. The total count was 231 completed surveys.

The survey results were discussed at the meeting held in March 2015 and all present agreed that the survey had been very successful, feedback was good, indicating that patients did value the service provided and felt the service offered was good. The feedback on the reception team was shown to be very good. The results were communicated to the practice staff. Good comments from patients on our Reception team are always welcome. The reception role has changed considerably over the years and can be a demanding and stressful position so positive feedback is always welcome and a good moral booster.

Of the responders we received more completed forms from the age group 55-75 years of age.

Unfortunately some responders did not complete all of the questions and this did distort the figures a little.

Answers around the Flu Day suggested that those who attended the flu day were aware of the date and times from Posters within both surgeries. Surprisingly although text message reminders were sent only a small minority of those who attended flu day say they received a text message.

70% of those who gave feedback on the Phlebotomy sessions said the walk in session service was okay, good or excellent, with the main reasons for attending as being close to home, on a bus route or good parking and close to shopping centre.

The surgery has had a very good response to the Friends and Family Test with 65% of those who completed the form saying they were extremely likely to recommend our service, 27% likely to recommend our service and only 8% neither likely nor unlikely to recommend our service.

Comments from responders

As well as ticking boxes the following comments were added:

  • Efficient, friendly and considerate staff
  • Very or extremely happy with service
  • Main problem is trying to get an appointment
  • Good doctors but not always easy to get an appointment
  • Excellent Service
  • Had the same GP since 1974 cannot fault the service
  • Not happy to wait an hour in blood clinic
  • Earlier blood clinic appointments would be good
  • Happy to wait, parking good
  • Prefer Tollgate site because of parking.
  • Flu Day always a good experience
  • GP or Nurse gave me the vaccine so no need to attend Flu Day

The surgery take on board all comments and aim to address them all and make improvements if required.

Practice Opening Hours

Ambrose Avenue

8.00 am – 6.30 pm Monday – Friday


8.00 am – 6.30 pm Monday – Friday

Pre-bookable appointments will be available as follows to help the working population:

Monday6.30 pm – 8.00 pm

Saturday8.00 am – 11.00 am

This report will be placed in our waiting rooms and will be on our website.

We actively try to attract new members and anyone wishing to join the group can do so by completing a form from Reception or by logging onto our website, the form can be found under the ‘Get Involved’ section.




Title of the Group.


Aims of the Group.

The aims of the PPG is to promote co-operation between the Practice and the patients to the benefit of both, and to express the views and opinions of the patients to the Practice


Membership is open to all patients of Ambrose Avenue and Tollgate surgeries.

The Committee


Vice Chair


Practice Manager


Members include VIRTUAL MEMBERS who are unable to attend meetings, but contribute their views via the internet.

Doctors, Nurses, other Practice staff, and other health provision organisations will be invited to attend meetings as necessary.


  • All opinions will be respected.
  • Discrimination will not be tolerated.
  • All matters will be treated as confidential.
  • Individual patients' details will not be discussed.
  • All meetings will take place on a regular basis and will be purposeful.


  • The Group will be affiliated to the National Association for Patient Participation.
  • The specific purposes of the group will be set out in the Terms of Reference.
  • The nominated officers will serve for a term of two years, and may be re-elected for a further term.
  • The PPG will facilitate discussion and offer alternative perspectives, input and feedback on decisions made by the Practice staff.
  • The PPG will help develop provision of resources and services.
  • The PPG will strive to improve communication and patient support.


The PPG will:

1. Facilitate good relations between the Practice and patients by communicating patient’s experiences, interests and concerns.

2. Identify local needs for service development.

3. Maintain links with other Patient Participation Groups, with the CCG, and other organisations associated with health provision.

4. Identify, or obtain feedback, relating to gaps in current Practice procedures and service provision from members, involvement in surveys, QOF findings, or QCA Reports.

5. Provide feedback on proposed service developments as identified by the Practice.

6. Seek wider patient views on the above points via open forums or surveys.

7. Promote new service developments to wider patient population via a variety of media channels.

8. Produce PPG information on a regular basis, by publishing newsletters and the minutes of the meetings, organising health awareness days, providing information for the Practice website, and keeping notice boards and information up to date on a regular basis.

9. Promote good relationships and communication with the local community and other public bodies.

10. Be a forum for health promotion and self- care.

11. Evaluate and review the effectiveness of the PPG and review the terms of reference on an annual basis.

12. Hold an Annual General Meeting every March, which will be open to all patients of the Practice.

13. Commit to respect Practice and patient confidentiality at all times.

Meetings of the Patient Participation Group.

  • Meetings will take place once a month with other informal meetings as necessary.
  • The Practice Manager will normally be in attendance at all formal meetings.
  • Notice of meetings to be held will be advertised on surgery noticeboards and on the Practice website.
  • Agendas will be circulated prior to the meeting to all members. All members will be given the opportunity to propose items to be included on the Agenda.

All formal meetings will be held in a purposeful, professionaland timely manner.